
From the Ashes I Rise!

You all my know the canonical storyline of the cinnamon roll known as Izuku "Deku" Midoriya. This is not that story. In this story Izuku takes a "leap of faith" hoping against all hope that Bakugo was right. AN: Hello, this is my first time writing and posting a story, I thank those of you that are patient with me. Next on the things I think that you should know now, is I get board of stuff really fast so if this goes on hiatus please don't freak out. Good? Ok, good.

WeebyPizzaGamerII · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Dealing with the Past, and Blazing Toward the Future!!

When I looked up I froze. Mom had tears at the corner of her eyes threatening to fall. With a look of grief, sadness, and rage. "IM SO SORRY IZUKU!!!!" she pulled me into a tight embrace. Mom started to speak while crying. "I knew something was going on, but I waited for you to come talk about it with me. I'm sorry I didn't try to help you with it! Please forgive your neglectful mother." I started to cry with her when I started to tell her that I forgave her awhile ago, because I naively thought that thing would be better soon. after we calmed down I started speaking again.

"Mom it's not your fault I put myself into that position, mainly so that I didn't have to burden you with my quirklessness. I forgave you for this awhile ago. Mom, you are the only light left that keeps me on the ground. I'm just glad we can go home and be a family again!" I smile at her. After a couple of tests done and completed, We left the hospital to go home. Once there mom made Katsudon for lunch. Mom afterwards decided to go have a talk with Aldera's Principal!

While mom was on a war path, I decided that I would go and see if I can do more with my powers than being "reborn" after death. I text mom telling her we're I'm going and that I wish her luck. Once I got to my destination, witch was an abandoned road tunnel that should be perfect to contain any flame I produce.

I go as deep in that tunnel as I can. I don't come unprepared, with flashlight in hand I go deeper and deeper. After several minutes I have reached the caved in exit of the tunnel. I find a place to sit and meditate to see if I have any signs of that Flame of Life Phenix's have. After several hours I have to turn off my flashlight for it to not die on me. Now in pitch black darkness around me, with the soft occasional whistles of wind entering the tunnel. I get into a trance, slowly I go deeper and deeper into my mind thinking at speeds that were not common for those that don't have Intelligence quirks with how they described it when they're in deep thought. I slowly felt that familiar burning sensation, but this time there was no pain. Only a gradually increasing heat that put me at ease. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years, years to decades, decades to centuries, centuries to millennials. In a blink of an eye I felt like I've seen the dawn of the universe and everything that has happened from that one catalyst. Before I knew it I opened my eyes and all around me were bright emerald green flames that mesmerized me.

Soon the flames receded into my body, and there I could feel it my Flames of Life in my heart burning all of the impurities in my blood. With a thought and deep concentration I pulled a small flame from my heart to my out stretched hand, palm to the sky. A few minutes later I felt the small fraction of my power move to my hand through my chest, to my arm and down to my wrist. Once I had it to my palm I slowly tried to push it out of my body. It was a few minutes later that I finally accomplished what I wanted. With that tiny emerald flame on my hand the immediate surroundings illuminated with a beautiful green glow. I would've continued if my stomach didn't so kindly reminded me that I'm still human. I look down to pick up the flashlight I brought when I finally realized I wasn't naked again. "Kinda, forgot that could have been and issue. Heheh." I nervously chuckled while scratching the back of my head. With that settled I hook my flashlight to my belt, and take out my phone.

Three missed calls and tens of messages from mom. I then notice that I was here for Fifteen hours! I quickly call mom and explain what happened with my training. After telling her that I'll get something to eat before I return home.

After I got back home I greeted mom and we had lunch an watched a movie, that I found in a antique shop since it was from the prequirk era. Then mom told me her end of the fifteen hours that happened. Apparently after storming into the principal and ranting about what his school did not prevent illegal quirk usage, quirk assault, suicide bait etc. Firstly was my abuse from my peers and the neglect of my teachers, with the only exception being the gym teacher not tolerating Bakugo and the rest of the offenders behavior in her class. Second mom told the principal that I wouldn't be coming back and demanded for the offenders be suspended, teachers included. mom also said she was going to sue the school with those charges no matter what he did.

"HAHA! You should've seen his face! It went from calm and placating to pale and horrified in seconds!" Mom laughed out in-between all her laughter. I was just happy to see mom so happy an energetic than she was before the accident. "Hey mom I just had an idea! Why not invite Auntie Mitsuki and Katsuki to celebrate my Quirk awakening! Then tell Auntie in front of Katsuki how I unlock it!" I say with a villainess smile. I didn't expect what happened next. *BONK* I was hit atop my head. "How about we do better and get Mitsuki in on it so she doesn't kill Katsuki on the spot. It will scare the hell out of Katsuki!".

Which is exactly what she does, going out on a girl's night with Auntie and a couple of their respective work friends to tell what happened. Granted it's a dumbed down and more compact version than what I told her, but it's enough to convey what happened except things here and there. I on the other hand started my quirk training with vigor.

End of Chapter

Those of you that read this I thought "Why should I wait" so I'll be posting chapters so enjoy!

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