
Chapter 198-199-200

Chapter 198 – The Media's Reaction

After the Men's Health interview, news about Gustavo's new private security company begins to spread. The media and social networks are buzzing with the news.

Journalist: "It seems that Gustavo Almeida is ready to conquer another industry. His new private security company promises to be a success, given the impact he has had with his career in the special forces and on the catwalk."

Editor: "He is certainly attracting a lot of attention. We will prepare in-depth coverage for the next supplement. The combination of his military experience with the fashion world is a compelling story."

International magazines and news sites highlight Gustavo's new venture. Comments praise Gustavo's decision to use his experience to create a company that offers specialized training and VIP security.

Expert: "Gustavo Almeida is not only a fashion icon and actor, but also a special forces veteran with a proven track record. His new company is positioned to offer a unique and highly skilled approach to security and training."

Social media is abuzz with posts and discussions about Gustavo's new company. Influencers and celebrities are commenting on the news, many expressing enthusiasm and support.

Influencer: "It's amazing to see Gustavo Almeida venturing into a new field with such confidence. I can't wait to see what he brings with his security company. He's proving once again that he's a true visionary!"

Gustavo participates in additional interviews, discussing more about his vision for the company and the challenges he expects to face. He talks about the importance of combining his military background with private security and specialized training.

Reporter: "Gustavo, what is the main mission of your new company?"

Gustavo Almeida: "Our goal is to provide high-quality training for the military and police, as well as tactical consulting and VIP security. We want to apply the best practices I've learned over the years to ensure our clients are always prepared."

In Brazil, the pride in Gustavo's new achievement is evident. The national media praises the initiative as an example of success and innovation. Complimentary comments about its contribution to the country and the security sector are widely shared.

Presenter: "Gustavo Almeida is once again raising the profile of Brazil. His new company is a shining example of how experience can be transformed into new opportunities. We are all very proud!"

Chapter 199 – Assembling the Security Team

Gustavo is in his office, with several photos and resumes spread out on his desk. He is in a moment of introspection, thinking carefully about who could join his new security team.

Gustavo (thinking): "Now that I am expanding my company, I need to assemble an elite team. I need people with proven experience and exceptional skills. I need to ensure that everyone is not only competent, but also aligned with the company's vision."

He makes a mental list of candidates he considers ideal for the team, including former DEVGRU, Delta Force, MOSSAD, and GIGN operatives. He decides to contact each of them to discuss the possibility of joining his company.

Gustavo begins calling and emailing his former colleagues. The conversation is professional and direct.

Exchange with a Former DEVGRU Member:

Gustavo: "Hello, Jake. It's me, Gustavo. I hope you are well. I am setting up a new private security company and would like to know if you would be interested in joining me. I will need someone with your experience to help build our team."

Jake: "Gustavo! What a surprise. I am interested. When and where can we talk about this?"

Gustavo: "We can schedule a meeting for this week. I will provide more details then, but I can tell you right away that there will be rigorous training to ensure everyone is aligned with our standards."

Gustavo makes similar calls to former Delta Force, MOSSAD, and GIGN operators. Each one expresses enthusiasm for the proposal and confirms interest.

Exchange with a Former GIGN Member:

Gustavo: "Hello, Scott. It's good to hear from you. I am building a team for my new company and would like to have your expertise. We are planning an intensive training and would like to know if you would be available to join us."

Scott: "Gustavo, that is excellent! I have always admired your work. Sure, I am in. Looking forward to more details about the training."

Gustavo remembers a former colleague from the British SAS, Michael, who has always been an exceptional performer. He decides to go to London in person to discuss the proposal.

Conversation during the visit with Michael:

Gustavo: "Michael, it's great to see you again. I'm setting up a private security company and I immediately thought of you. Your experience in the SAS would be a great asset to us. Would you like to join our team?"

Michael: "Gustavo! It's great to see you. The proposal is interesting. I'm always open to new challenges. Let's discuss the details?"

Gustavo: "Sure. Let's find a quiet place to talk and see how we can integrate your skills into our team."

After receiving confirmations from all candidates, Gustavo begins to plan the training. He makes detailed notes about the areas of training and consulting that will be covered.

Gustavo: "Linda, I've already selected the members of my security team. I'm excited about the combination of skills they will bring to the company. I'll need to organize rigorous training to ensure that everyone is ready for the challenges ahead."

Kendall: "That's amazing, love. I'm so happy to see you expanding your horizons and using your skills in such innovative ways. I'm sure it's going to be a huge success."

Chapter 200 – Company Launch and First Success

Gustavo, now with his team in place, begins training his new employees. The location is a modern, well-equipped facility with specific areas for CQB, infiltration techniques, and situation simulators.

Gustavo: "Guys, our training will begin with a review of the fundamentals. The idea is to make sure everyone is on the same page and, if necessary, correct any flaws."

During the training sessions, Gustavo observes closely and corrects any mistakes. He provides direct, hands-on feedback, demonstrating techniques and adjusting strategies.

Gustavo notices that one of the team members, who previously served in MOSSAD, is having difficulty coordinating in high-stress situations. He intervenes personally.

Gustavo: "David, I noticed that you are having trouble synchronizing in dynamic environments. Let's work on this more closely. We need everyone to be perfectly aligned, especially for high-priority missions."

David: "Understood, Gustavo. I'll focus on that."

Gustavo tailors the training, offering a personalized approach to ensure everyone meets the required standards.

With the training completed and the team in place, Gustavo makes an official media announcement about the launch of his private security company. The event is well covered by the press, and Gustavo talks about the services offered and the company's vision.

Gustavo: "We are excited to launch our private security company. We offer tactical consulting services, specialized training, and VIP security. With a team comprised of the best ex-special forces and elite agency operators, we are ready to meet the most demanding needs."

The company quickly begins to attract attention and lands several contracts, including consulting for police forces and security services for authorities and celebrities. Gustavo receives a call from a major client.

Client: "Gustavo, we are impressed with what you and your team have to offer. We would like to discuss a partnership to secure our facilities and events. When can we start?"

Gustavo: "Excellent! Let's schedule a meeting to discuss the details and customize the services to your needs."

The market response is positive. The media, as well as the security community, praises the company's creation and Gustavo's professionalism. He is recognized as an innovative leader in the security industry.

Kendall: "You're doing an amazing job, babe. It's great to see your new company taking off and receiving so much recognition."

Gustavo: "Thanks, babe. This is a new beginning, and I'm excited about the possibilities. Let's keep working hard and reaching new heights."