
Chapter 165-166-167

Chapter 165 – New Beginnings

It's January 1st, 2023, and Gustavo and Kendall are back in Los Angeles after a magical vacation in the Maldives. As the winter sun illuminates the city, Gustavo sits on the porch of his house, looking at the horizon and reflecting on the year that has just begun. He remembers a conversation he had with Kendall some time ago, in which she mentioned that he should consider a career in modeling. Despite being a stuntman and actor, something in the back of his mind makes him think that this might be the right time to explore new opportunities.

Gustavo (thinking): "Maybe it's time to try something different. Dive into this world that seems so far away, but at the same time so present."

He picks up the phone and decides to call his agent, Karen Lewis. The woman who helped him land important movie roles could also help him on this new journey.

Karen (answering the call): "Gustavo! How was your vacation? Are you ready for the new year?"

Gustavo (laughing):

"That was amazing, Karen. But you know, I've been thinking about that conversation we had about me trying my hand at modeling. I think it's time."

Karen (surprised but excited):

"Really? That's great news! I always thought you'd be great in that field. Let me see what I can do for you."

Gustavo (confidently):

"Thanks, Karen. I trust you."

Karen promises to make some contacts and find a suitable casting for him. Gustavo feels excited and anxious, knowing that this could be an important new phase in his life.

A few hours later, while Gustavo is sitting on the couch in the living room with Kendall, Karen calls back.

Karen (on the phone):

"Gustavo, good news! I got you a spot in a casting at one of the top modeling agencies in Los Angeles. But let me be honest... there's going to be a lot of competition. There are a lot of experienced models who will be there, so don't feel pressured if you don't get it this time."

Gustavo (confident): "I get it. Don't worry, Karen. I'll do my best."

Karen: "That's the attitude! The interview is tomorrow afternoon. I'll email you the address and all the information."

After hanging up the phone, Gustavo leans back on the couch, thinking about what's to come. Kendall, who's next to him, notices the thoughtful expression on his face.

Kendall (curious): "Who was that?"

Gustavo (looking at her): "It was Karen. She got an interview at a modeling agency. Looks like I'll be doing my first casting tomorrow."

Kendall (excited): "That's amazing, honey! It's going to be a new experience for you."

Gustavo (smiling): "Yeah, I'm a little nervous, but I think it's the right time."

Kendall holds his hand and gives him an encouraging smile. Kendall: "You're going to rock. You have the charisma and the presence. Not to mention that you already have an advantage over others – you have that military experience that gives you confidence in any situation."

Gustavo (joking): "I hope I don't have to jump out of a helicopter for the casting."

The next day, Gustavo wakes up early and prepares himself carefully, choosing a casual yet elegant outfit. He knows that the casting is an important opportunity, but he tries not to put too much pressure on himself. When he arrives at the agency, he realizes how different the world is from what he is used to. Tall, slender models walk around the place, chatting among themselves and waiting for their interviews.

Gustavo takes a deep breath and approaches the reception desk.

Receptionist: "Hello, are you here for the casting?"

Gustavo (smiling): "Yes, Gustavo Almeida."

The receptionist checks the list and signals for him to go ahead. As he walks down the hallway, Gustavo remembers the times he was in high-pressure situations in the special forces, and this helps him to keep calm.

Gustavo (thinking):

"If I could pass military tests, I can pass this too."

He enters the waiting room, where other models are waiting. Some are talking in low voices, others are checking their cell phones, but the tension in the air is palpable. Despite everything, Gustavo maintains a firm and confident posture. After all, he has faced much greater challenges. Finally, he is called to enter the room where the casting directors are. He introduces himself confidently, and the directors watch closely as he follows the instructions for the photos and asks a few questions.

Casting Director (assessing):

"You have a very strong presence. Have you worked in front of the camera before?"


"Yes, I am a stuntman and an actor. I have experience in some action films."

Another Director (interested):

"That's great. I think your experience can bring something different to the fashion world."

After a brief interview, Gustavo thanks them for the opportunity and says goodbye. Although he doesn't know if he will get the job, he feels he gave it his all. Back at Kendall's house, Gustavo shares his experience with her.

Gustavo: "It was interesting, different from anything I've ever done. But I liked it. Even if I don't succeed this time, I know I'm on the right track."

Kendall (smiling proudly): "I knew you could do it."

Gustavo (holding her hand): "Thank you for believing in me."

The two hug, knowing that no matter what happens, this is just another step in Gustavo's journey. He is ready for whatever comes, and with Kendall by his side, anything seems possible.

Chapter 166 – First Impressions

Gustavo arrives at the modeling agency, feeling a slight excitement mixed with nervousness. The building is modern and sophisticated, and he soon realizes that he is in a different environment than he is used to. Upon entering, he is greeted by a group of models, many of whom already recognize Gustavo from his work as a stuntman and actor. Some of them approach, asking to take pictures, and Gustavo, always friendly and approachable, agrees with a smile on his face.

Gustavo (thinking): "It seems that being an actor has given me an advantage here, at least in terms of recognition."

He feels the energy of the place – promising young people, eager to be seen and make their mark in the fashion world. Even so, Gustavo maintains his calm demeanor, accustomed to dealing with pressure situations.

Gustavo finds a place to sit while he waits for his turn for the interview. Next to him sits a tall, elegant man, who immediately starts a friendly conversation.

Fernando: "Hi, you're Gustavo, right? I recognized you from some movies. Nice to meet you, I'm Fernando Lachowski."

Gustavo is impressed when he hears the name, because Fernando is one of the greatest male models Brazil has ever produced. Although he doesn't know much about the fashion world, he knows that the name Lachowski is synonymous with success in this field.

Gustavo (surprised): "It's my pleasure, Fernando. I've heard a lot about you."

The conversation between the two flows naturally. Fernando, always polite and humble, shares some of his experiences in the fashion world, including a job he did with Gigi Hadid, one of the biggest stars in the industry.

Gustavo (curious): "Wow, that's impressive. I didn't know the fashion world was so... competitive and, at the same time, full of opportunities."

Fernando (laughing): "Yes, it is, man. But you also have your own story. I know you were in the Special Forces. What was it like making that transition to cinema?"

The conversation continues for some time, and Gustavo realizes that, despite their different backgrounds, he and Fernando share the same respect for the hard work and dedication needed to excel in their respective fields.

In the middle of the conversation, a man from the agency, clearly the one in charge of casting, calls Gustavo.

Casting Director: "Gustavo Almeida?"

Gustavo stands up, exchanging a supportive look with Fernando, who wishes him good luck. The director takes him to a separate room, where they begin to talk.

Casting Director: "You have a striking presence, Gustavo. But tell me, have you ever modeled before?"

Gustavo (sincerely): "Not really. This is my first time."

The director watches him for a moment, thoughtful.

Casting Director: "No problem. I'll teach you some basic poses and see how you do. Just follow my instructions."

Gustavo, always ready to learn something new, listens attentively to the director's instructions. He stands in front of the camera, adjusts his posture and tries to imitate the poses the director suggests. The director, initially skeptical, soon realizes that Gustavo has a natural aptitude for modeling.

Every pose that Gustavo strikes is executed with precision, but at the same time with a spontaneity that surprises the director. He seems to have an innate ability to know how to position his body and create a narrative through the photos.

Casting Director (surprised): "Wait a minute... are you sure this is your first time? Because you're really good at this!"

Gustavo (laughing): "I swear it's the first time. Maybe the film cameras helped me a little."

The director is impressed. Although this is Gustavo's first casting, he already demonstrates a talent that could easily be developed in the fashion world.

After the session, Gustavo returns to the waiting room, where Fernando welcomes him with a smile.

Fernando: "So, how was it?"

Gustavo (modest): "It was interesting. The director said I did well, but it was only my first try."

Fernando (laughing): "If he said that, you can bet you did great. Not everyone is that lucky."

The two exchange a few more words, and Fernando, realizing Gustavo's natural talent, encourages him to continue exploring this new career path. Gustavo feels a new confidence building, knowing that although this world is new to him, he has the support and encouragement of experienced people like Fernando.

As he says goodbye to Fernando and leaves the agency, Gustavo walks through the streets of Los Angeles, reflecting on what happened that day. He entered without knowing what to expect, but now he feels like he might actually have a chance in this new field.

Gustavo (thinking): "Maybe this is just the beginning of a new phase in my life. The fashion world can be challenging, but it also seems to be full of opportunities. I'm going to keep going."

When he gets home, Gustavo feels a sense of accomplishment. He has taken another important step in his journey of self-discovery, and with the support of Kendall, Karen, and new friends like Fernando, he is ready.

Chapter 167 – The Big Opportunity

After his intense experience at the agency, Gustavo is at home relaxing, reflecting on his journey and how he is adapting to the new world of fashion. His cell phone rings, interrupting his thoughts, and he quickly answers it. On the other end of the line, it is the person in charge of the modeling agency with some big news.

Agency Agent: "Gustavo, we have great news! We just received an offer that you won't believe. Calvin Klein has heard that you, a renowned actor and former Special Forces captain, have joined our agency, and they are extremely interested in you."

Gustavo straightens up, attentive.

Gustavo: "That's amazing! And what would the job be?"

Agency Agent: "They want you to do an underwear photo campaign with Kendall, your fiancée, since she is also sponsored by Calvin Klein. The idea is to capitalize on the fact that you are a high-profile couple and create a campaign that will be a hit on social media."

Gustavo smiles, surprised and excited about the possibility.

Gustavo: "Working with Kendall? That's perfect. And do they already have something in mind for the campaign theme?"

Agency Agent: "Yes, they're thinking of something that highlights both her military career and her transition into the world of entertainment and fashion. Something like 'From the Battlefield to the Catwalk' or 'Strength and Passion', to reinforce the idea of ​​strength and sensuality. But they want your opinion and, of course, Kendall will also be involved in the creative decisions."

Gustavo doesn't need to think twice.

Gustavo (excitedly): "I accept! This is an incredible opportunity, both for my career and for working alongside my fiancée. And Calvin Klein is huge, this will be huge."

Agency Agent: "Great! I'll organize everything and we'll get in touch with the next steps. They're already eager to start planning."

As he hangs up the phone, Gustavo feels a wave of satisfaction. He had been through so many life changes recently—from soldier to actor to model—and once again, it seemed like he was about to explore something new and exciting.

Shortly afterward, Gustavo calls Kendall, eager to share the news. Kendall answers the phone, and Gustavo can barely contain his excitement.

Gustavo: "You're not going to believe what just happened. Calvin Klein hired me for a campaign, and... we're going to shoot the photos together!"

Kendall, on the other end of the line, bursts with joy.

Kendall: "What? Seriously? That's amazing, babe! I knew something like this was going to happen. And us working together? It's going to be epic!"

Gustavo (laughing): "Yeah, I'm really excited. They want to use this 'power couple' idea and tie it into my Special Forces experience. What do you think?"

Kendall: "I think it's perfect! It's going to be a campaign that will move people. And honestly, I've always wanted to do a big job with you. Now we have the chance."

The excitement between them is palpable, and they spend the next few minutes discussing ideas for the campaign, from choosing the concept to the photos themselves. Kendall, an experienced fashion designer, offers some suggestions on poses and themes that might work well.

Later, as Gustavo prepares for bed, he reflects on how much his life has changed since leaving the Special Forces. He had built a career in film, earned respect as a stuntman and actor, and now, with this new opportunity in the fashion world, he was once again challenging himself.

Gustavo (thinking): "Every step I take seems to lead me to something unexpected. I never imagined that one day I would be modeling, much less alongside the woman I love. But this just shows me that, with courage and openness to new things, the impossible can happen."

He lies down with a smile on his face, ready to face this new challenge.

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