
From skeleton to pharaoh

*****what the hell why am I in a in a close box, was I kidnapped in the end ....... As ***** woke up she was now panicking about what was going on she cried for a long time but after a while she realizes she could not feel any tears from her eye. They was also the issues with her face and body dose this meaning all the beauty products was finally showing their effect properly. unknowingly to her she has pass over to the next world and the money she had spent on those beauty products will never be refunded

Suleman_abdulazeez · Fantasy
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24 Chs

inside a coffin 4

after some time I came up with a conclusion, this is some kind of waiting area or a recapitalization center for recovery because I could feel more healthy and energised.

you can't blame me for thinking so if you have spent a week or so in a large box and instead of feeling suffocating and more panicking, it felt revitalizing and more comfortable even if I am starting to find it weird,.. but what can I do, at list I Know that I am still myself so that all that matters.

Thank God that I was not the only sibling in my family, I had a younger brother, so I put him as my next of kin when I die, but what is it with me, this thought of dieing lately makes me shiver, but oddly does not feel uncomfortable, I even fell good about it...Yee I think I am going crazy.

it has been a long time since I have been here, I stopped counting after the 4th month, so I can't really say, I have gotten a little absent-minded a lot but still kept track of the box connection with me and it was about to open soon.

after some minutes I heard a cracking sound as what looked like a cement cover opened finally giving me some air and sunlight.

after the cover was completely open I found my body free to move as I came out of the large box.

what came to my view was a large expanse of sand-like water forming Sandy hill all over the place and the surging hotness of the sun.

I was on an elevated platform which was 5 meters wide and a stone coffin was placed in the middle where I was.

the coffin looked old but was well built with many fine carvings and on the cover was the stone carving of a woman whose face was scratched off with some part of her body marking it half complete, on the top was also a drawing of a crown with 10 spick upper sections which made it look wide.

now to the most important part, I found out that my hand was bones for touching myself all over.

realizing that I was a skeleton, was in literal terms a pile of walking bones,...


I screemed in horror as I found the truth "Fu*ck I was killed by truck serial killer and got reincarnated but why does It have to be me, where is my meeting with God and my wishes, fuck this is a scam I want my overpowered wishes.

she wanted to complain that the truck killer killed the wrong person, wasn't he supposed to hit those who had no expatiation for life and the future, why was it her, she had her whole sweet life planned out and more, after all she was already in her twenties.

if she ever sees his boss in the future she is going to give a very long complaint and 400-bad preview.