
From skeleton to pharaoh

*****what the hell why am I in a in a close box, was I kidnapped in the end ....... As ***** woke up she was now panicking about what was going on she cried for a long time but after a while she realizes she could not feel any tears from her eye. They was also the issues with her face and body dose this meaning all the beauty products was finally showing their effect properly. unknowingly to her she has pass over to the next world and the money she had spent on those beauty products will never be refunded

Suleman_abdulazeez · Fantasy
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24 Chs

desert exploration 5

After a long time, I decided to explore the desert. I looked through my coffin and found a bad brown rage dress and a small club to use as a weapon.

I put on the ragged dress and took the club as I came down the platform and walked south to see if anyone was there.

I walk for some time my steps careful not to sink too much into the sand, I wonder if I could eat but the possibility of that is close to zero because I was just bone and lacked any internal organs to use for digestion but this is a fantasy world.

I stood on a small sand hill, I thought that this would be a start of a great adventure, but before I could move the ground state to shake as the sand hill came down, I look all around me not seeing any enemies so I calmed down.

what happened next made me dought if I was the MC of this world as a huge mouth full of teeth came from under me as I was swollen.

I fell inside a Long slide that pushed me down the monster's stomach smashing me into a hill of materials.

for the first time in my new life, I thanked God that I was not alive or that would have hurt. for God's sake who gets eaten on their frist time out?

I got up with great difficulty as I looked around, the stomach was not very large it size was roughly 9 meters wide and 9 meters big, which meant that this monster was huge.

I searched the area and found some other dead monsters one was a big brown scorpion, a huge beetle, and bones of other creatures.

what made me happy was the time I found ten sets of armor of which only 3 were completely intact, by intact I meant complete and it may be a little rusted but at least, it was good to wear.

hear come's the problem, that is there are 3 amor with 2 swords,1 spare, and three axes where am I to keep it, as this thought came to mind some kind of feeling came to me that I could, I held one of the swords as I tried bringing out that feeling again as the sword disappeared, I wanted the sword to appear again and it did.

it seems that I had a space storage then why can't I bring out my status screen or does it not exist?
