
From Nothing To Godhood

Finding myself with my mind cleared as thoughts that I never imagined could be my own. I open my eyes in a soft bed My mind cracked as I went over my memories My brother Isekai'ed me and gave me a lot I do not own anything The MC will seem a bit immature/dumb at the beginning which is due to his previous mental disability. He will get smarter later on as well as improve his thought process over time

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Bandits Chp 5



"These things are rather easy to kill," I comment as I slash another grim in half with my right hand and shoot another one with a pistol

I have been on Remmant for 3 months now

Learning how to fight beasts

The Grimm are beings made from condensed shadows and imitate loving creatures

Ddraig mentioned that they are soulless beings with one purpose

The eradication of all life

To a certain extent

They have a natural instinct that informs them of when life has become too plentiful or too advanced in order for the Grimm to go and destroy progress

I slash at a Beowulf sneaking up behind me

These Grimm have the ability to adapt to an incredible degree

According to some of the books that I read about them

For example, Grimm weren't really able to handle cold temperatures until they adapted and became one of the strongest variants

If they managed to adapt to cold weather, I am afraid of the ones that adapted to the depths of the ocean

("Are you going to get your Aura awakened soon?") Asks Ddraig interrupting me

("In another, month or so, why?")

("Your skills have peaked for now. Much of what you know of chakra has already been used and put into practice. Your magical abilities even more. The Thu'um is what you are really proficient in. You have managed to alter the armor of the balance breaker to your needs and wants. Your Draconic abilities have stalled due to your young age,") He reminds me

I think about it for a moment

("You are right Ddraig,") I tell him as I have gotten a bit complacent

("Even while learning about how to make my own mecha-shift weapon it's been rather fun. Just training or relaxing. I don't really have any responsibilities so I may have been a bit lax recently,") I comment as I realize these things about me

("You have the benefit of time on your side. It's alright to relax every now and again. But, don't make it a habit,")

("I won't,") I tell him as I go look for more Grimm and summon another Bound Sword

After, a few hours of training, I go back to my campsite to rest as tomorrow I am going into a town again for some more books and other materials as I am more or less trying to learn how to make my own weapon


"What in the world," I gasp out as I see the town up in flames with several dead bodies

I go towards one and see a kind old man who showed me around town when I first arrived a few months ago

I look at his face which is stuck in an expression of terror and the multiple stab wounds on his stomach and chest

Made by a blade, not a claw

I slowly close his eyes and his mouth and gently lay down

"Rest in peace," I whisper

"THERE'S ANOTHER ONE HERE," A voice screams out and I slowly turn around

"Of course, bandits," I say while glancing at a dead woman whose right arm is outstretched towards a small burnt body

I close my eyes in anger and open them

"I don't care who you are, but this is where you die," I growl out

Multiple people with bone masks shaped and painted like a Grimm come out

"Oh, yeah why don't you..." He stops as I summon the Bound Sword

"Oh, how I wish, I had soul gems," I say coldly as I rush forward at an impressive speed

My sword cleaves through the one that was taunting me

"GARYYYY," One of them screams out

I quickly kill them and as I finish killing them, I am attacked with a red sword which I block with my own causing my attacker to jump back

My attacker is a 'she'

"Who are you," I asked as I can feel something coming from her but I can't quite figure it out

("Magic she has magic,") Ddraig tells me and I wonder why I didn't figure it out

("Your inexperience for one,")

("That's fair") I answer as I can see that she doesn't consider me a threat due to her relaxed posture

After, a moment she rushes towards me and I barely managed to counter as she is just playing with me

("You need to do something,") Ddraig tells me as she plays with me

("I know,") I tell him as I push a bit away


I shout at her and she is sent flying through a building

As I approach her carefully, I see that she is not there

("Either she is faster than me...")

I block an attack to my neck

("Or she can teleport,") I analyze

"How..." She whispers while I shout at her again


I wave of fire comes out of my mouth sending her back and burning past what I am going to assume is her aura

She quickly puts out the fire on the edges of her clothes

I notice that a bruise on her left leg appears to be healing noticeably to the eye

("So that is Aura in action") Comments Ddraig

("Seems useful,")

I dash towards her but she dodges and kicks me in the stomach hard enough that blood comes out of my mouth

"So it's not a semblance," She comments

("Alright then Ddraig you are up,") I tell him as I can feel that she is going to take me seriously now

("Now, you still have your shouts,") He comments while I bring out the boosted gear and boost myself 2 times just to be safe

"Who are you?" She asks while rushing at her, our blade clash but hers breaks and I cut into her cutting through her aura and making a deep gash going from her shoulder to her waist

I punch her in the face

#FUS RO#x2

I shout at her, again and again, and she goes flying and several building are destroyed

(I may have made an oopsie) I thought while looking at the buildings

I look down and see her weapon

My eyes narrow in rage as I slash it with my own sword and break the rest of it

("Are you sure she is dead?") Asks Ddraig

("I don't but I am hopeful that she will bleed out if not when I learn more about these bandits I will hunt her down. I have better things to worry about,") I tell Ddraig as I look at the bodies

I am going to make them a pyre

I know I don't have to but, they were kind to me

In my previous life from what I can remember nearly everyone looked at me with disgust due to my disability and how I used to look

But, these people were kind to me

Truly kind

I am just repaying that same kindness

A tear goes down my cheek

These masked people though, seemed somewhat familiar, I will have to go over my all notes on RWBY to be sure


Pain everywhere

(Multiple bones broken, and I am bleeding too much, have to get away) I thought terrified of this new magic user

(If Ozpin had all of his magic, would he be even stronger?) I thought to myself while my eyes were closing against my will

I open a portal to safety

As I go through, I hear a familiar voice

"After, all this time why now..."

"Raven, RAVEEEEEEEEN," I hear as my eyes close and darkness envelops me