
From Jinchuriki to Speedster

My name is Nathaniel Allen. When I was a child, I saw my mother and brother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. To the world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my super speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and brother. I am the Flash. Naruto/Nathan Allen Harem. -Author credits: NidaimeKyuubi94. -Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the terms, characters, powers and material in general in addition to my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

SarmelAC · TV
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54 Chs

Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1

Caitlin's Apartment

Naruto was asleep on the couch as Frost stumbled out of bed and headed for her kitchen, groggily she opened her cabinet and grabbed a glass before pouring water into it, with her powers she chilled the water and made to drink when Naruto began to vibrate in his sleep

"Nathan?" Frost asked before her eyes widened when a portal appeared and swallowed him, causing her to drop her glass,

Speed Force

Naruto opened his eyes to see a storm of multi-colored lightning, "Hello Naruto."

Blinking Naruto stood up and saw he was surrounded by familiar faces, "You don't usually show yourselves as multiple people at the same time."

The figure shaped as Minato smiled, "I am the Speed Force, "

The figure shaped as Shikamaru nodded, "I am the Sage Force."

The figure shaped as Fukasaku, "I am the Still Force."

The figure shaped as Tsunade smirked, "I am the Strength Force."

Naruto blinked and looked between them, "The fastest man I know, the smartest mind I've ever come across, the toad that taught me to be still, and the strongest woman I know. You guys picked some interesting people to appear as."

"We thought it would be easier to have this conversation with the faces of your loved ones." Minato said

"Can you help me restore my planet?" Naruto asked

"You have more pressing matters to worry about." Fukasaku said

Naruto growled,

"It is time you learned why you were chosen." Minato said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"Chosen for what?"

"As the Child of Prophecy." Minato said

Naruto frowned

"Your story dates back eons, as the Source champion."

"The Source?' Naruto asked raising an eyebrow

"The Source is the "source" of all that exists and acts as the limitless energy from which all life sprang forth in the Universe. The Source created and was created by the emergence of the Universe approximately 19 billion years ago." Fukasaku said

"He created the Super Celestial to carry out his goals of creation. The greatest of them grew tired of seeing The Source rule worlds he and his people created as failures, so he staged a coup to protect the multiverses they created." Tsunade said

"His wife Perpetua followed him without question, but he was betrayed by his sons, Mar Novu, Mobius, and Alpheus. His powers were stripped by his sons and converted into 7 cosmic forces, and his body sealed beyond the Source Wall, his will was inherited by you."

"Me." Naruto said incredulously

"Your will to protect those who can't protect themselves even when you were an emotionless killer. You never harmed those you felt were innocent, your force of will is stronger than anyone's." Shikamaru said

"You are the heir to the Celestial, and you must defeat Mobius. It's why we 4 of the 7 cosmic forces have all convened."

"You want to grant me your abilities." Naruto guessed getting nods

"The Still Force, based around entropy and inertia. Connection to me will allow you to negate motion, baring the potential to induce and accelerate the force of entropy. The Still Force can be used for deceleration or even halting of the conduit's aging, or create physical constructs of my power." Fukasaku explained

"The Sage Force enhances the intelligence of its conduits to super-genius levels as well as granting them psychic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis." Shikamaru as Naruto nodded

"Powers bequeathed by the Strength force revolve around land, gravity, density and mass shifting; all of which centered around the Force of Motion. Through it, you can change your relativity in relation to its strength output." Tsunade said

"You know of my powers, and when we come together you will be able to tap into the Forever Force, that grants its conduits the power to manipulate time." Minato said smiling proudly, "With my energy alone you've recreated aspects of the others."

"You've enhanced your mind, capable of thinking up millions of ideas in seconds." Shikamaru said

"You've slowed down objects and people." Fukasaku said

"You've enhanced your muscles, to gain a form of super strength and even found a way to ignore gravity." Tsunade said

"You've even tapped into the Forever Force with your ability to stop time." Minato added as Naruto pursed his lips, "It's time for you to make these powers your own. Until the crisis begins you will remain with us, to master our power, and your own."

"Don't and all life will be eradicated from every universe." Tsunade said

"Great, so no pressure then." Naruto said sarcastically, "But if Novu and this Anti-Monitor betrayed their father won't they sense the connection between me and him?"

"No, after being betrayed Perpetua felt that they didn't deserve the knowledge of you, so she ripped all memories of their father from their mind." Shikamaru said

"Far as they are aware, beings of higher authorities, favor Naruto Uzumaki across billions of multiverses and a Naruto is essential to the stopping conflict in his world." Minato said

"So Novu thinks he needs me, while the Anti Monitor knows he must kill me." Naruto sighed

Months Later, Earth 38, DEO Headquarters

Kara, Oliver, and his daughter Mia, Clark, and Lois Lane, Kate Kane aka Batwoman, and the DEO were in a meeting listening to Lyla who now went by Harbinger, "There's a wave of anti-matter sweeping across this universe, destroying everything in its path." Lyla said

"I've seen the anti-matter wave in action. It wiped all of Earth-2 right out of existence." Oliver said

"I brought you all to Earth-38 because this is where the Monitor wants you to make your stand. This universe is the tipping point. If we don't stop the anti-matter wave here, it will continue to the next universe, and the next, and the next. Until it has obliterated, not only every Earth but everything across all reality."

"Right. So, we are going to need a bigger team." Oliver said looking to Lyla, "Where's Barry? Where are the legends?"

"Doing reconnaissance. I'm headed to check on them now." Lyla said before teleporting away

"I still don't like her." Kate frowned

"Well, Brainy's algorithm will help forecast exactly how much time we have until the anti-matter wave hits." Alex said walking over to table as everyone began to stand up

"Thank you all for being here. I know we can beat this together." Kara said

"About Jonathan, we set a course for Earth in his pod, but we don't know where it landed." Lois said to Kara

"Or even if it landed." Clark frowned

"Brainy, can you track his trajectory?" Kara asked

Brainy who was slouching in a chair sat up, "Absolutely. We'll find that bouncing bundle of Kryptonian joy - faster than a flying Flackurian -"

Another quake causing Brainy to slip as everyone braced themselves before they looked out at the red skies as towers emerged from the ground high into the air, "This is a new problem." Oliver said

"I can handle it." Kara said about to leave when Barry, Lyla, Sara, and Ray appeared

"Wait, the tower isn't a threat." Barry said

"How do you know?" Oliver asked

"It's a quantum tower, apparently." Ray said as the skies turned blue once again

"And it's the only thing that can save the people of this world." Harbinger said

Moments Later

Harbinger stood before the gathered heroes, "At the dawn of time, the Monitor placed quantum towers on key Earths as a last line of defense. The red skies are dissipating, which means it's working." she said

"From this design, it looks like the tower is capable of generating a quantum flux field, which can, theoretically-"

"Reverse the exogenic state of the anti-matter wave, thereby dissipating the anti-matter energy." Ray interrupted

"Yes. Finally, someone who speaks my language." Brainy nodded

The systems began to spark causing everyone to jump and stand on guard as a portal opened and out fell a shirtless Naruto who was vibrating as he stopped and looked up to reveal his glowing white Rinnegan with golden tomoe, a full goatee and his hair reaching to the bottom of his back as his bangs framed his face down to his nipples

"Nate?' Barry, Kara, Alex, and Oliver asked

Naruto grunted as he began to stand, "Yeah." he said his voice raspy as he recoiled smelling himself, "Give me a second, I've been stuck in an endless void for months and I need a shower, a shave, and a haircut."

"We don-" Kate began but Naruto vanished in blits of white lightning and returned with a large bowl of Ramen, his beard shaved and his hair cut back to resemble Minato's

Drinking the broth, Naruto sighed in content, and looked to Kate, "You were saying?"

"Never mind." Kate said

"Glad you can make it. We need all hands on deck, there's a-"

"Anti matter-wave destroying reality, at the command of the Anti Monitor who wants to eradicate all life." Naruto interrupted Kara

"Yes, how'd you know?" Alex asked

"The Monitor isn't the only sentient unexplained force around that can give insight into things." Naruto said before he smiled at Kara, "Nice bangs."

Kara smirked

"So the tower can stop this Earth from being destroyed?" Oliver asked

"If you can protect it."

"Protect it from what?" Kara asked

"The Anti-Monitor. He commands forces greater than any army. When the tower stops the wave, they will come to thwart any effort to save this planet and its people." Harbinger said as Naruto gazed at her for a moment and leaned over to Barry and Oliver,

"Keep an eye on her, something doesn't feel right." Naruto said causing the two to raise an eyebrow before he nodded which they returned

"Sprock!" Brainy said as his tablet beeped causing everyone to look at him, "Jonathan's pod has disappeared from our radar. It appears to have been sucked into a wormhole."

"What are the coordinates?" Clark asked

"Star City. Earth-16. Interesting. It must've been a temporal wormhole because well, the pod is in the year 2046." Brainy reported

"We've been there before." Ray said looking to Sara

"Apparently, we didn't just travel to the future. We traveled to a parallel Earth in the future. That's great." Sara nodded

"I'm going after him." Clark said walking off before Naruto stopped him

"Clark, you can't."

"Those are two words I'm not used to hearing and my son needs me."

"I get it, a few months ago I lost my son and daughter." Naruto said causing everyone to look at him, "The entire universe needs you. When that tower gets attacked, you have to be here to protect it. Lois and Sara can go retrieve your boy."

Clark looked to Lois who nodded as Sara walked up, "I know the terrain, I'll back her up."

"I'll help, I happen to be excellent with children." Brainy said before Sara walked off with Oliver as Brainy heading a different way as Naruto walked off with Barry and Kara

"Are the both of you prepared for this?" Naruto asked

"Yeah, we will come out on top, like always." Kara nodded

"Don't get cocky Kara, this is a cosmic entity we are up against. We won't be able to save everyone but we can save as many as we can during this crisis. I will promise both of you this." Naruto said looking between Kara and Barry, "I will not let either of you die."

Barry frowned at Naruto, "Nate, you-"

Naruto placed a hand behind Barry's head and placed his forehead against his, "I lost you once, it won't happen again, brother."

Barry watched as Naruto walked away as Oliver walked over, "What was that about?" Kara asked

"The fastest man alive shows up late to the Crisis we've been expecting for years. It's not the best look, Barry." Oliver said

"Lyla had us doing some recon of the quantum towers. But listen, do you remember the newspaper article I showed you on the time vault? Red skies and a "crisis"?" Barry asked getting nods from the two, "Okay, well, the Monitor confirmed the paper's headline and in this Crisis, I'm supposed to die."

Kara looked horrified, as Oliver shook his head, "No."

"No?" Barry asked looking to Kara who was still processing what she was told

"We need to talk. Now!".

"Who're you talking to?" Barry asked

"Hey, right now!" Oliver yelled ignoring Barry before he was teleported away

Naruto stood on a rooftop and looked down to the picture of himself with Nora and Dash took at the wedding, "I'll get you both back, along with everyone else. The promise of a lifetime."


Barry, Kara, Naruto, Clark, Ray, and Kate walked up to the tower, "So, Kate Kane takes on the cowl, huh?" Naruto asked

"Take it you knew me on your Earth." Kate asked

"We have an intimate history." Naruto shrugged causing Kate to look at him with a raised eyebrow, "Your bi on my Earth."

"Ew." Kate said causing Naruto to smile in amusement before everyone stopped and looked up at the tower

"Whatever is inside there, it's working. The anti-matter wave has stopped and it's slowly dissipating."

"How do we protect that thing from an enemy we know nothing about, but we know is coming?" Kate asked

"Well we know they look like they come straight out of that witch boy book." Naruto said looking off to the side causing everyone along with the approaching Oliver and Mia to see the army of the Anti Monitor, before an earthquake caused them all to stumble

"Earthquake that magnitude could overwhelm the entire coast."

"Barry, Kara, Clark go help contain the damage, guys go and see if you can find any strategic positions inside." Naruto said walking toward the army

"What're you going to do?" Barry asked

"Fight." Naruto said his suit materializing on his body before he took a deep breath and flashed forward

Jumping Naruto began to kick and punch off of each shadow demon

"He's going to need help, right?" Mia asked as Naruto went flipping back and came out of it with a Rasenshuriken that he tossed sending it cutting through 20 demons before it exploded causing the heroes to duck and shield their faces from the wind and dust

"No! I think he's got it!' Kate said before Kara, Clark, and Barry went to help with the damage as the others rushed into the tower

Landing Naruto was immediately pursued by the demons and Naruto's lightning turned green before the demons slowed to a stop before with a exhale a storm of flames washed over the demons burning them to ash

Naruto's lightning returned to its white color before he ducked when a demon appeared behind him and stabbed a Chidori through it, and as the demon dissipated the Chidori was canceled and a Rasengan took its place that grinded through the head of another demon before Naruto jumped over a demon and grabbed it by its black and tossed it toward the others with a Bijudama planted at its spine before it detonated

Naruto smirked, as he cracked his knuckles with a flex of his fingers, "Nate, we are ready when you are." Oliver said

"On my way.' Naruto said falling back as a demon took a swipe at him as he landed on his hands Naruto kicked the demon back and turned over and ran off with the demons giving chase


Oliver, Mia, Ray, and Kate were watching from their positions and as Naruto sped in he turned and tossed a spear of lightning and immediately Oliver and Mia fired their arrows as Kate with a Batarang upgraded by Ray tossed hers as Ray fired energy rays from his suit

The demons screeched as they were taken out before Barry, Clark, and Kara returned, "Give me some wind." Naruto said getting nods before he clapped his hands and took a deep breath and a huge storm of fire was spat at the opening at the demons as Kara and Clark blew gusts of wind that fed the fire turning it white and intensifying it,

Meanwhile, Barry raced around and picked off the stragglers that managed to evade the wave of fire before the last one was turned to dust, "Is that it?" Barry asked

"Like that was easy?" Kara asked

"They're on the roof." Naruto frowned looking up before everyone saw the sky turn red again

"What's happening out there? The skies are red again, the anti-matter wave's moving, and the portal isn't open yet."

"There's more shadow demons incoming." Mia said

"Kara, Clark, get to the roof. Get the tower operational again. We'll stay behind and hold them off." Oliver said getting nods from the cousins that flew up and away to the top of the tower

"Are those solar panels?" Kara asked

"Looks close enough. We won't be able to power it definitely." Clark said

"We just need to buy more time. We might lose the planet, but we can still save the people." Kara said getting a nod from her little cousin before the duo used their heat vision as high as they could tune it

Naruto and the others exited the tower and saw all of the demons, "Multi Shadow Clones." Naruto thought before in a large erosion of smoke, millions of Naruto's stood with the heroes who looked shocked,

"You can clone yourselves the entire time?" Mia asked the clone closest to her

"This takes a lot of power, so this is the last stand to get the people home free." Naruto said

The army of clones and heroes rushed the demons and continued to fight

Kate punched one away, but it circled behind her before she stabbed it in the head with her Batarang as she kicked another away, a clone appeared and tossed her two guns

"Use those." The clone said before he took a hit for Kate and vanished before Kate shot the demon causing it to explode before she began to shoot the others,

Mia and Oliver stood back to back as the clones fought and were dispelled around them along with the demons

Barry's arms were cloaked in lightning as he fought off the demons

Clark was the first to get tired and fell while a clone caught him and pushed Clark away and was stabbed causing it to dispell as Clark immediately punched it causing it to burst into ash

Naruto noticed Kara was struggling and finally canceled her heat vision before she fell, and Naruto jumped up and caught her, "That was too close for comfort."

Kara was panting before she saw everyone walk over as the demons circled the rooftop they were on, "Always gotta one-up me, huh?" Clark asked smiling as Kara smiled

"Did it work?" Kara asked

"You did it. The tower is working again and the portal is open." Alex said over the coms

"Uh, but the ships better be fast. The Supers' charge didn't actually stop the wave, it just slowed it down. According to Brainy's algorithm, we have 14 minutes before it makes contact with Earth."

"Well, then we better make every minute count." Naruto frowned

"We've got your back. We need to keep those shadow demons at bay until every last ship gets through." Oliver said

"Incoming!" Kate yelled

"Barry!" Naruto yelled getting a nod from Barry before the two stood before the others and punched forward their arms breaking the sound barrier and a huge shockwave knocked the demons back, and Kara along with Clark cut them down with heat vision

As the heroes fought, the Monitor appeared, "The battle is lost! We must retreat and save our resources for battles yet to come." The Monitor said but he was ignored before he teleported Kate and Ray away

Kara used her freeze breath on the demons before she was teleported away as Clark who was using his heat vision was next to go,

Mia followed just as Oliver was struck, "Oliver!" Barry yelled before he and Naruto who was heading to back up Oliver were teleported away

"Oliver! It is time!" Novu said

"Has the planet been evacuated yet?" Oliver asked

"Not entirely." Novu said

"Then it's not time." Oliver said before he shot a special arrow at the monitor that stunned him,

Turning and continuing to fire his arrows, Oliver was hit from behind sending him flying, before with a groan he got up and reached for another arrow but found that he was out, and sighed before he saw the shadow demons heading for him and dropped his bow before with a yell he rushed forward

The ships flew through the large portal just as the skies turned red and the antimatter wave erased the planet

Earth 1, Star City

Novu teleported in and laid Oliver down before everyone walked over, "Oliver." Barry said

"He fought to his last breath. Knowing every moment was another life saved." Novu said

"Saved?" Kara asked

'Your universe is no more. Of 7.53 billion three billion souls made it to Earth-1 on the armada of ships. I calculate one billion souls survived due to his noble sacrifice." Novu said as everyone turned to Oliver before a yellow flash got their attention and Naruto frowned as another Harrison Wells appeared

"Nash?" Barry asked causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow at him

"Once upon a time. Not anymore. Now, I'm simply a man serving his penance." Nash said

"Penance for what?" Naruto asked

'I freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a Pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions." Pariah said causing Naruto to glare before everyone looked back when a breach opened, Sara, Brainy, Lois and baby Johnathan arrived, "Oliver!" Sara called walking over

"It's okay, Sara. This is my destiny." Oliver said weakly

"Oliver." Barry said

"Barry? You, my friend, are the very best of us. I gave it all up for you and Kara." Oliver confessed as Barry looked confused while a tear left Kara's eye

"What? What do you mean?" Barry asked

"I need the two of you to be the one to save us now. Mia." Oliver said as Barry looked to Kara

"Dad." Mia said crying

"Don't forget to find your mother. Okay. Find William. Tell him how much I love him. I love you, Mia."

"You're not getting off that easy." Naruto said causing everyone to look at him as he grabbed Oliver's shoulder and placed a hand on his chest, "Just rest."

Naruto's cloak burst onto his body causing everyone to gasp and involuntarily relax as warmth and comfort filled them from the effects of the cloak, Oliver's injuries began to heal before Naruto released him and stepped back, "He will be out for a while but he'll be okay."

"Thank you." Mia said getting a smile from Naruto

Naruto looked to Novu, and glared, "Now let us have a little chat.'

The heroes looked at the Monitor who stared at Naruto, finding something familiar about him as something in his eyes filled him with a sense of dread.



A Guest review gave me the idea for the Forces, still, need a Paragon for him though I'm juggling, Determination, Will, and Life

Naruto has tapped into his Ootsutsuki powers as well

The Forces may or may not stick around, but will just be sealed away until Naruto needs them.

Also, Barry never fought Cicada, since he had no Nora to come back and change the timeline.