
Crisis on Infinite Earths Finale

Naruto stood on the balcony of S.T.A.R. Labs, looking over the city, "Drink?' Kara asked with a glass of alien booze

Naruto took the bottle and chucked it off the balcony, "Hey?!" Kara asked

"I know your driving for your Earth, but we need to be focused on the mission."

*My entire universe was just wiped out by a wave of antimatter, how do we fight something that can do that?" Kara asked

Naruto leaned over and bumped his shoulder into Kara's, "Together." He said

"If we lose?" Kara asked

*We'll still be together." Naruto smiled which Kara returned as they rested their foreheads against each other before she nodded

"Your right. It feels like giving up. We managed to get billions of people to safety. There has to be a way we can undo this.

My mom, Argo, Earth ugh all those Earths, all those people who vanished. There has to be a way we can get them back."

"We will find a way to bring them back and to stopping this from happening to every other universe." Naruto said

"I've missed you." Kara smiled which Naruto returned

*I've missed you too. There's a lot we should talk about but after this."

Kara nodded before they vanished in a white flash and found themselves on the Waverider, with everyone else

The Monitor and Harbinger appeared looking at the heroes plus the baby and Lois, "Oliver isn't here." Barry frowned walking up to Naruto and Kara

"A being has seen fit for Oliver to become his successor he is training to help fight this threat." The Monitor said drawing frowns from everyone, "You have suffered a horrible loss, but you have every reason not to lose hope, 8, in fact. Across space and time-" baby Jonathan began crying so Clark handed him off to Lois, "Across space and time exist, 8 heroes, beings of the purest will who can ultimately, " Johnathan continued crying so Lois handed him to Kara, "Beings of the purest will who can ultimately-" the baby continued to cry so Kara tried to give him to Kate who shook her head so Naruto created a clone that took the baby and began to leave as the clone made funny faces causing the toddler to laugh

"Beings of the purest will, who can ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor and help save the multiverse. They are known as Paragons."

"Paragons? And you're just dropping this on us now?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"I only recently learned of their existence by consulting "The Book of Destiny." Monitor said

"How? We destroyed it last year." Kara asked before The Monitor waved a hand and a 3D hologram of the book appeared briefly

"After Oliver's near demise, I went back into the time stream and retrieved it intact. It is now safely stored in this ship's library." Monitor said

"So it's what, plan "B"? That's comforting." Barry said

"You would think for some all-powerful being you'd have helped out more before this so we could prepare to have your paragons already together, instead you've popped around the multiverse randomly and gave vague descriptions on what the hell was going on. If the book can rewrite destiny, can it bring back Earth-38 or any of the other Earths?" Naruto asked

"Trying to re-create an entire world would surely drive one to madness. I wish I could help more but as the Anti-Monitor gets stronger, I grow weaker. We must find all 8 Paragons."

"How about, like, a hint?" Kate asked

"I have 4. Kara Zor-El, despite all you have endured, you are the Paragon of Hope."

"Well, you might want to double-check your omnipotence because I'm not feeling that hopeful right now." Kara said

"Sara Lance is the Paragon of Destiny." Monitor said as Sara blinked

"Oh. Well, that makes sense. Captain of time travel and all that." Naruto said shoulder bumping Sara, "You go, girl."

Sara smiled shaking her head,

"I have only descriptions for the other two paragons. One is of a second Kryptonian, who is said to have suffered a greater loss than most mortal men could endure. Today, he stands as the Paragon of Truth."

"I'll find him." Clark said

"I'll go with you." Lois smiled

"And the fourth?" Barry asked

"The Paragon of Courage is known only as of the Bat of the future." Monitor said

"Seriously, where do you get these names and pseudonyms anyway?" Kate asked

"I enlisted the assistance of Felicity Smoak, who earned the wisdom of a second book."

"That's a lot of books." Naruto muttered

"The Tome of the Guardians. It revealed the names of Ms. Zor-El and Ms. Lance, as well as the other two."

"Bummed out Kryptonian and future Bat, which technically means-" Kate began

"Earth-99 exists in a future time where Bruce Wayne has dedicated himself, body and soul, to fighting crime. The path to finding him will lead you to the Paragon of Courage."

"Okay. Who wants to meet Batman?" Kate smiled


Naruto and Kara were at the computer, "Going to take more than 8 people, I'll get back up for myself."


"My Earth X doppelganger."

"Can you find him?"

"If he's connected to the Speed Force than yes."

"An entire universe wiped from existence distilled down to a computer graphic. Got to say missing that wow factor." Lex Luthor said as the two looked at him

"Lena killed you." Kara said

"Yeah. Only for a little while." Lex smiled before Kara with her heat vision ready walked over but the Monitor appeared

"Everyone has a part to play, even Lex Luthor." Monitor said

"You did this? You brought that poisonous snake back?" Kara asked appalled

"His destiny was unfulfilled. Lex Luthor still has an important role to play."

"So you can revive him, but you can't bring back my family?" Naruto asked frowning

"I restored Luthor long before the crisis caused my power to wane." Monitor said

Naruto grunted and Kara was about to speak but Naruto walked up to Lex who looked at him, "We need this guy, in what capacity?" He asked

"He has a sharp mind one of the best in the universe."

"So we need his knowledge then, okay." Naruto smiled before he looked to the smug Lex who suddenly screamed in pain as his knees were shattered and Naruto spun around him and gave 4 finger jabs to his spine and an elbow to the top of his spine

Lex went down and didn't get up, "W-what did you do to me?!"

"Just paralyzed you. We need your mind not your body so focus up Luthor." Naruto said walking up to Kara, "I'll be back don't give up hope."

Kara nodded before she and Naruto hugged and he took a deep breath before he sped off and vanished

Naruto ran through the speed force between dimensions and found that instead of the endless darkness alit with multicolored lightning it was now like a tunnel that he could see other worlds vibrating at different frequencies as he sped through the pathway to his doppelgangers with connections to the Speed Force he entered an Earth with barrier around it and slipped through using the speed force

Earth 168, Smallville, Kent Farm

Nathan Kent aka Powerman was speeding around the farm when he finished all his work and clapped his hands of dirt, his eyes glowed white just as Nathan Allen exited the breach

"Barry?" Nar asked

Naruto had his mask recede and Nar raised an eyebrow, "Um hi."

"Hi." Nar said as the two walked up to each other and looked on another over,

"Your a me, but you're different almost like your Kryptonian." Naruto said

"Because I am Kryptonian, I sense a lot of Speed Force energy within you.*

*Long story but I nee-"


Naruto and Nar looked and saw a little girl about 4 years old zip onto the farm in front of them in a trail of purple lightning as a boy of equal age flew after her but both stopped seeing the two

"Daddy, are you playing with your clones again?" The little girl asked

"Nevermind." Naruto said causing Nar to look at him, "Be there for your kids."

Naruto recalled his mask and sped away as Nar looked after him confused but his kids took his attention

Speed Force

Naruto with a frown ran and shook his head as he raced forward toward an Earth with a wall of energy blocking everything but the Speed Force as he saw a ship and Time Wraiths trying to get in but they were being repelled as he ran through the tunnel of speed force energy he slipped past the barrier

Earth 199999, Manhattan, NY

Naruto raced through the streets and came up to a building as he entered the top floor of the complex he raised an eyebrow as he saw his Earth X counterpart engaged in coitus

Nathan Rand aka The Immortal Iron Fist aka Godspeed of the Avengers gripped Colleen's hair as he repeatedly slammed into her from behind as his clone was in a chair with Jessica Jones who rode him strongly before the chair gave out causing the two to laugh before they kept going

Another clone had Claire Temple on her side with a leg on his shoulder and fucked her quickly as he vibrated his body

Another clone was being manhandled by She-Hulk who had the clone in the Amazon position

Another clone was standing up as Yuri Watanabe sat on his shoulders while he ate her out and she fisted his hair while he was receiving oral from Karen Page

The final clone was on the couch being ridden in reverse cowgirl by Natasha Romanoff as he palmed her tit and a red with her clit, as they kissed deeply

Naruto's mask receded and he tapped on the wall causing everyone to jump and see him, "Yo!" Naruto waved

"Naruto?" Rand asked

"Naruto." Allen nodded

Rand walked over to Allen and smiled as the clones dispelled while pants formed on Rand's lower half, "Seems you've made quite the life for yourself. Hello ladies."

The girls all waved at Allen who looked to Rand who smirked, "We were celebrating." Rand said

"I'd say. I need your help." Allen said getting to the point

"With what?"

"A wave of antimatter is sweeping across the multiverse. It's already taken out Earth 38, and my own." Allen said causing Rand to frown

"I can't help you. I pretty much sealed off this universe from the multiverse so they wouldn't find me." Rand said

"They?" Allen asked with a raised eyebrow

"That's right, you don't know about the Citadel of Naruto's." Rand nodded walking to the bar

"I'm sorry, the what?" Allen asked

"Basically when a Naruto reaches the height of his power in his original world he is plucked from that world and placed onto the citadel to be able to properly learn to use that power, you destroyed the Elemental Nations when you and Kaguya fought so you haven't reached your prime yet. Basically, the Citadel is our gift for being the Child of Prophecy. Naruto's go there learn, and go to other worlds."

"What's the point of that?" Allen asked

"To find happiness. Some like myself don't particularly like the worlds we are put into and don't return to the Citadel willingly but the rule is simple you are giving a world that you have to bring peace to in any way you can then you will be able to pick a world you wish to go to if that one doesn't work out. You know what happened with Earth X, that was my first world and I abandoned it, there are consequences for that.'

"Every Naruto in the multiverse is given a shit origin story, Kaa-san, and Tou-chan die behind Obito's attack. For some it's on the day we are born for others it's on the day their younger sibling is born and that sibling dies or is kidnapped immediately after. Some worlds they live but their Naruto is neglected behind Jiraiya believing their siblings to be the Child of Prophecy and that all attention needs to be on them. Naruto's have all either been abandoned, neglected, abused or handed over to Danzo. A few even become orange wearing fools who want to be Hokage after being lied to their entire lives by the people they call family and belittled by those they call friends and see Sasuke as a brother while forgiving Obito for what he did."

Allen raised an eyebrow at that

"I killed each of those myself." Rand smiled before he placed a hand on Allen's shoulder, "When I got here I decided that I wasn't leaving so as I made myself Nathan Rand a few years later I set up a barrier that was impenetrable to everyone but you seemed to have become more intended with the Speed Force that you slipped in through it."

"Basically what your saying is that you can't leave even if you wanted to." Allen said getting a nod from Rand, "Do you think the Citadel will help?"

"Doubt it, you won't even have access to it until you've reached your maximum potential in your first world and since technically you never brought peace to the Elemental Nations you are still in your first world. The overseers won't reach out or help in any way until you have completed all requirements for entry." Rand said

Allen groaned, "Fuck. Shit well, maybe I can stay in this one when all is said and down." He said before he looked over to the girls and smiled, "I might like it here."

"You might but there is already another of us running around in this universe and the powers that be can barely handle two of us running around a third would make a gasket."

Allen smirked and nodded, "Alright, I should get back. Good to see you again." Allen said as he and Rand hugged, "Your Kara would be proud of you."

Rand smiled and nodded as they separated, "Bye girls." Allen said

"Bye." They all said

"Mmm-hmm." Allen shook his head before he sped off

Rand sighed, and looked to the girls, "So where were we?" He asked smiling as he made new clones and advanced


Ray looked at his doppelganger a Clark Kent aka Superman from Earth 96, "So, uh, do you have a gluten sensitivity too?"

"No. Not that I know of." Kal said

Lois walked in with baby Johnathan, "There's someone I want you to meet."

Kal smiled, "Hi there, handsome guy." He said palming the child's head, "Wow. He looks just like my son Jason."

"Well done. You have succeeded in finding the Paragon of Truth." Monitor said nodding as everyone looked to Lex who was in a wheelchair glaring at them, "

"Ok. Well, we still only have 3. Bruce Wayne wasn't the Paragon of anything, so-" Kara began before she noticed Kal, "Whoa, Ray. You are looking jacked."

"No, no, no, no. This is your cousin sort of." Clark said as Kara raised an eyebrow

"Ok. Uh, so Batman tried to kill Kara, and now he's dead, so we're doomed." Kara said

"We shall see. I believe Dr. Palmer's and Lex Luthor's work is now finished."

"At least I think it is. I've never actually built a Paragon detector before." Ray said

"Just turn it on." Lex grouched

"Uh, okay. This will be the trial run to find the final 3. Everyone might want to take a step back." Ray said as everyone did so while Naruto walked in behind Kara

"Any luck?" She asked

"Met a Kryptonian doppelganger but he had his kids didn't want to take him away, and Naruto of Earth X has made sure he can't leave his new Earth, not that he would want to." Naruto sighed

The detector beeped and everyone looked at the screen, "And which Earth is that?" Lois asked

"None of them. That's us, this ship. Apparently, there are still a few bugs.' Ray sighed

"Your machine works just fine. That light is the Paragon of Courage." Monitor said

"Well, Bruce's body isn't on the ship, so;"

"No, but you are. I said the path to Earth-99 would lead you to the Paragon, and that has come to pass. You are the Bat of the future, Kate Kane. You are the Paragon of Courage." The monitor said as Kate looked at him in surprise

"Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that another light?" Naruto asked

Everyone looked closer and blinked, "Your right but I can't get any more specific than this at the moment." Ray said

"Where's Cisco?' Naruto asked

"Someone call for backup?" Cisco asked appeared in a flash with Frost, Iris, Ralph, and Barry.

"Cisco, thank goodness. I need another genius intellect, stat."

"That's why I'm here." Cisco smiled walking over

"Holy all-star squadron." Ralph said causing everyone to look at him, "Hi, hi, how are ya? Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man. Ready to help kick butt."

"Ignore him. It's his first crossover." Frost said

"Hm, listen, the antimatter wave is still ripping its way across the multiverse. We have to get everyone we can to safety."

"Calculations still show that Earth-1 will be the last place for the wave to hit." Cisco said

"I just heard from Alex and Brainy on Earth-1.

Every one we saved from Earth-38 is still accounted for." Kara added

then we should bring as many people to Earth-1 as we can in the time being." Barry said

"Let's get a rescue team together, save who we can across the multiverse. I can use my psychic abilities to stay in connection with the Waverider." J'onn said

"And I'll go as well." Kal said

"I'll run comms and keep everyone updated." Lois nodded

"Supergirl?" Clark asked his cousin

"I'll stay here. We have to find a way to get our world back." Kara said getting a nod as the Supermen J'onn and Lois left

Cisco and Ray after some tinkering got their attention, "Hey, I think we did it. I think we fixed it."

Everyone walked over and a photo of Kal, Kara, Kate, and Sara appeared, "Guys, we already know all this." Kate said

"It's buffering, so maybe a little patience." Cisco replied

J'onn appeared as the Paragon of Hope, "Huh. Why am I not surprised?" Kara asked herself

Barry appeared as the Paragon of Love, "That's new." He muttered looking to Iris who smiled at him

Naruto appeared as the Paragon of Life, "Hm, interesting." He muttered before some unknown guy appeared as the Paragon of Humanity

"Uh, who the hell is that guy?" Ralph asked

"Dr. Ryan Choi, physics professor at Ivy Town University on our Earth." Cisco said

"Well, I guess we know our next stop. Ray, Ralph?" Iris asked

"Ivy Town. It's my old stomping grounds. Let's go." Ray smiled walking off with Iris and Ralph

"With all the Paragons identified, our next priority is determining how to stop the antimatter wave." Monitor said

"All for that but where is Lyla?" Naruto asked

"Harbinger could very well be with my adversary The Anti-Monitor."

"The Anti-Monitor is that, uh, set in stone, or can we workshop that a little bit?" Cisco asked

"This is why I have been preparing all of you testing and pushing you to your limits. I needed your courage, your honor, your strength of will, even the truth of your convictions everything that makes you the greatest heroes on this Earth or any other because that's what it will take to defeat our opponent." Monitor said

"And what exactly does this guy want?" Frost asked

"To eliminate the multiverse and replace it with another universe."

"One that he can control just like every other megalomaniac." Naruto sighed

"I should've foreseen my connection with Harbinger could be perverted to his ends."

"Should have? Just tell us how to get her back." Barry frowned

"I want to find her just as much as the rest of you, but I cannot rewrite what has already been written. I can only attempt to save what remains." Monitor said

Cisco's tablet rung, "Cisco, maybe you should call Kamilla back?" Naruto asked

"No, no, no. That wasn't a phone call. I'm triangulating anti-matter wave particles on the Earth that are left."

"Why?" Barry asked

"I'm trying to locate the source of the wave and according to this, it's hidden in a subterranean region right in our own backyard." Cisco said before he began to walk off, "Meet me in the cargo bay in five."

Later, Earth 1

Naruto, Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin landed in a tunnel before Naruto zipped away, "Where did Nate race off to?" Frost asked

"Perimeter search makes sure this isn't a trap set up by the Anti-Monitor." Barry said

"That name makes me wanna barf." Cisco said causing Frost and Barry to smile, "Let's just get to Nash's worksite."

"Right this way." Frost said

The trio walked over to Nash worksite to see symbols on the wall, "Huh. That's new." Barry said

"We gotta get in there." Frost sighed when a yellow flash caught their attention

"Who's there?" Barry asked as they all were on guard when Nash stepped forward

"Nash, is that you?" Frost asked

"I am no longer Nash, I am Pariah. And I'm here to bear witness." Pariah said

"To what?" Cisco asked

"Tragedy." Pariah said before Cisco began to look over his new outfit

"Mm-hmm, new name, new suit guess no one's consulting me anymore, huh?" Cisco asked

"Wait, what exactly happened?" Frost asked

"I searched these tunnels as Nash for Mar Novu to kill him, expose him as a false god, and now I'm being controlled by another god."

"And that's the Anti-Monitor?" Barry asked

"He laid a perfect trail for me to follow, but all along, he was manipulating me so that he could gain a foothold in this universe." Pariah/said

"Why didn't you resist him?" Nash asked

"His will was too strong and now I am forced to bear witness as he destroys the world after world." Pariah said

"That's why we're gonna stop him." Barry frowned before he pointed to the door, "Now can you open that door?"

"I cannot. My memories as Nash are somehow lost to me as Pariah, but you can."

"By vibing those memories." Cisco nodded before he placed two fingers to Pariah's head

"What do you see?" Frost asked

"Away in." Cisco said

Naruto arrived, "Perimeter's clear. There's no sign of any Quantum Tower on Earth-1." He said to Pariah, "What are you doing here, Pariah?"

"Behind this wall his domain." Pariah said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow


"What Mr. Green Jeans is trying to say is once we get inside, we can actually stop the anti-matter wave right at the source."

"All right, let's do it." Naruto said

Cisco turned to the symbols and touched them in a random order before the wall parted

The team entered and looked around, "Whoa. This place has some crazy vibrational frequency surging through it." Cisco said

"This place is the nexus between the anti-matter universe and your own. Behold, Anti-Matter Cannon this is the source of the wave." Pariah said as they came to what looked like a treadmill with a blur on it

"Guys, I think this blur is alive." Frost said

"Let me check it out." Frost said

Barry raced forward and saw the blur was actually Jay Garrick before Barry bounced off the forcefield,

"Barry!" Cisco called as everyone walked over to him, "What happened?"

"It's a force field. I couldn't get through. It's Jay Garrick. He's trapped on that treadmill."

"How did he get here?"

"He was taken and the Anti-Monitor corralled his speed, used it to build his Anti-Matter Cannon, test-fired it destroying your Earth and Earth-2."

Naruto frowned, "Harry's gone?" Cisco asked shocked

"Jesse." Frost said sadly

"Pariah, how do we stop the cannon?" Naruto asked

"The force field that contains this is anti-matter based. As such, anything made of positive matter cannot penetrate it." Pariah said

"We have to get the Flash off that treadmill." Barry said looking to Cisco who nodded

Cisco opened a breach for Barry who sped in and created another so Barry who tackles Jay fell into another and was spat out onto the floor

"Thank you for the reprieve. But you gotta put me back on it." Jay said as Barry and Naruto helped him up


The wave of Anti Matter was sucked back into the cannon, that began to spark

"The Anti-Monitor designed that treadmill with a failsafe so that if a speedster ever got off of it, it would erupt, destroying all remaining Earths at once." Jay panted

"We only have a few minutes. Pariah, how do-" Naruto began but saw Pariah missing, "Pariah? Where'd he go?"

"Put me back on that treadmill." Jay said

"Your kidding right, you're exhausted." Naruto said

"We'll find another way." Barry said before sharks got their attention as an electrified Jefferson Peirce aka Black Lightning walked out from the back,

"Where am I?"

"Who are you?"

"Jefferson?" Naruto asked

"Send me back to Freeland now!" Jefferson yelled

"Hey, we didn't bring you here." Naruto said sensing the confrontation about to happen,

"Then who did?"

"I did." Pariah said appearing beside Jefferson, "I brought you here to save lives."

"Who the hell are you people?" Jefferson asked

"I am Pariah. This is Jefferson Pierce. On his Earth an educator, a father, and a hero."

"What do you mean, my Earth?" Jefferson asked

"There are multiple Earths, Jefferson many Earths like this one. On mine, you had a brother named Joe." Naruto said causing Barry to look at him in surprise

"Your Earth has just been destroyed by a wave of anti-matter."

"So so Lynn, my girls?" Jefferson asked shocked

"They're gone. I transported you here to help us save humanity." Pariah said only for Jefferson to grab his collar

'You should've saved my family, not me! Not me!" Jefferson screamed

'Jeff, I'm so sorry. Right now we need your help to stop this anti-matter wave. I know l how you're feeling, but think about what they would want you to do right now?"

"What do you need from me?" Jefferson asked releasing Pariah

"That machine behind you is the source of the anti-matter wave. We have to disable it, but we can't get near it. Can you contain that much energy?" Barry asked

"Let's find out." Jefferson said walking forward as he rotated his shoulders and with an extension of his hands he called upon his to draw energy from the conductors

"While he is doing that let's find a way to permanently stop the wave." Naruto said getting nods before they all began to look around for anything of substance with Cisco and Frost on the computer

"Guys!" Cisco yelled getting their attention, "Reversing the treadmill's directional velocity could make the anti-matter wave recede and funnel back into the speed cannon-"

"Destroying the machine and the wave and ending this once and for all." Naruto said

'Freeing me from the Anti-Monitor's control." Pariah said before they all looked to Jefferson who grunted as he began to smoke

"Jeff where's the future?" Naruto asked

Jefferson looked at him, "Right here." He said

"Whose life is this?" Naruto asked


"What are you gonna do with it?"

"Live it by any means necessary." Jefferson said his eyes glowing as he began to draw more and more energy at a faster rate

Naruto smiled before Barry who had entered Flashtime with Cisco and Frost who returned to Caitlin walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder

"Sorry, Nate, but this has to happen." Barry said placing a hand on Naruto's heart causing him to jolt as he began to feel weak and drained

"Barry, what are you doing?"

"I watched you train in the speed force and picked up your sited stealing trick. I'm momentarily stealing your speed. This is what I've been running toward since I became the Flash. I know that you will watch over our family and friends. I love you, man."

"Bar-" Naruto fell as Barry's eyes filled with orange electricity walked over to Jefferson and stopped him

"You're a true hero, Jefferson. I can't thank you enough." Barry smiled before he looked to the sluggish Naruto who was trying to stand and looked to Cisco

"Open the breach." Barry said smiling, and Cisco with tears in his eyes did so

"No!" Naruto yelled as Barry sped in and was now on the treadmill running

Naruto grunted as he got to his feet, "He's gonna die, Cisco!"

"We promised him we wouldn't try to save him." Cisco said

"I didn't." Naruto growled before the room shook

"We can't stay here." Cisco said

"Let's go." Caitlin said

"No." Naruto said stumbling forward before Jay pushed Cisco's arm away

"We have to go."

"No! I'm not leaving him!" Naruto yelled before Jay grabbed his arm and turned him to him

"Nathan, let's go!" Jay said dragging Naruto to the portal but Naruto fought against him so Cisco opened a breach beneath him and they all fell through it

Barry smiled as he ran, remembering meeting Iris, his happy moments with Joe, and the team before he vanished and the treadmill began to spark and exploded


The team was wondering what happened as the wave of antimatter suddenly vanished, "They did it." Clark smiled

Everyone looked over when a breach appeared and the others landed and everyone saw their sad faces, "Guys, the antimatter wave is gone."

"So is Barry." Naruto said looking to Iris, "He sacrificed himself to destroy the cannon."

Iris began to cry before Naruto brought her into a hug, as everyone had a moment of silence for Barry, when Lyla appeared her eyes glowing white, "It is time to end the age of heroes and everything you hold close."

"Lyla?" Sara asked

"That is no longer harbinger. She has been taken by -"

"The Anti-Monitor." Naruto glared

"Murderer!" Kal yelled running forward with playmaker but the possessed Harbinger sent him flying with a backhand

"This is for my girls." Jefferson said about to attack but Harbinger clenched her fist and everyone found themselves unable to breath

Monitor looked to Pariah as he saw everyone else trying to breathe, "The fate of all humanity lies with you now, Pariah."

"What can I do?" Pariah asked

"You will know when the moment arrives."

Monitor and HARBINGER glared at one another, Mobius told Monitor how foolish he has been for trying to stop him. The Monitor tells Mobius it was foolish to allow his creation in the first place. The two begin to attack each other with their power in the form of bright energy being forced in the other's direction. Unfortunately, Mobius won and was able to destroy Novu, and take his powers.

Harbinger's eyes glowed and the Antimatter reappeared and swallowed Earth 1, "Alert. Earth-1 is gone."

Everyone stood up, "We're all that's left?" Naruto said frowning,

"It is done. The infinite Earths are gone. Soon only the anti-matter universe will remain."

"Warning. The anti-matter wave will hit the ship in 28 seconds." The AI said

"I know what I must do." Pariah said his hands glowing yellow

Naruto glared at Harbinger and was about to attack when he was outlined with yellow energy and vanished followed by Kal, Kara, Sara, Ryan Choi, Kate, and J'onn

"Where did you send them?" Harbinger asked

"Somewhere you can't touch 'em." Pariah said

"Wherever they are, they're gonna fight you." Iris glared

"By any means necessary." Clark said

"To their very last breath." Jefferson added before the Antimatter wave swallowed the ship

Vanishing Point

Naruto looked around at the destroyed structure around him, 'What the hell just happened?" He asked

"Where are we?" Kara asked walking up

"This is the Vanishing Point." Sara said in surprise

"What does that mean?" Kate asked

"It's a point outside of time and space."

"What happened to the Waverider and the others?" Kara asked

"The Anti-Monitor he used Harbinger to attack us. Pariah must have sent us here knowing that the Anti-Monitor couldn't follow."

"Well, we have to go back. We have to go back right now!" Naruto said

"Naruto, we can't. They're gone." J'onn said

Kal suddenly groaned as red light burst from his form, "Something's wrong." He said

"Kal? Kal?" Kara asked watching as he fell go a knee before she caught him

"Something's wrong. I can't. Fix it.

Fix it." Kal said as the red light continued to go overtake him

"What do I do?" Kara asked

Naruto pulled her back was Kal was completely swallowed by the red light and a completely healed Lex Luthor was in his place

"Oh, I am so happy that worked."

"Lex, what did you do?"

"Well, while I was left on my lonesome I took a leek into the Book of Destiny and I saw you seven Paragons due to be stranded at the Vanishing Point, and I thought destiny could use a little rewrite." Lex said holding a piece of paper from the book

"Too bad, you'll die here." Naruto glared walking forward but Kate got on his way

"Hey, is that any way for the Paragon of Life to talk?' She asked

" The 7 of us are all that's left, what exactly do we need with a racist?"

"I resent that, I'm not racist." Lex said

"You hate anything that isn't human. And then you hate a majority of them seeing everyone as beneath you. Your a psychopath an intelligent psychopath but a psychopath all the same."

"We know but he's a paragon now we can use his knowledge." J'onn said causing Naruto to frown and looked, Lex

"I'll hold onto this." Naruto said holding up the page from the book of destiny causing Lex to pat his pocket and glared at Naruto who turned to speed off but stopped in surprise seeing Oliver wearing a green cloak

With Anti Monitor

The Anti Monitor was in glaring at the millions of Earth's that existed and were protected from his Anti-Monitor wave before he looked up to the structure hovering above him as on he saw millions of Naruto's glaring down at him,

With a snort Mobius turned and left not interested in starting anything with the Citadel, he would leave them alone and start his plans for his new universe but not before he found those Paragons

Vanishing Point

Everyone looked at Oliver in shock, "The Speed Force is the key to saving you. It's the key to saving everyone." He said in a disembodied voice

"Oliver?" Sara asked

"Yes and no. It's complicated."

"Nice outfit." Ryan said smiling, "Very sith."

"I am Oliver Queen, but I'm also something more. Some might call me a ghost, a Spectre that's in tune with the entire multiverse." Oliver said

"So there's still a multiverse out there?" Naruto asked

"No. It's gone, replaced with its antithesis." Oliver said

"An anti-matter universe." Kara frowned

"Which we need to prevent from happening.

Right now, the Anti-Monitor is at the Dawn of Time, fighting to make permanent his destruction of worlds."

"Then we go there, and we end him." Naruto said

"He's extremely powerful."

"So are we." Naruto said his eyes flashing to his white Rinnegan with golden tomoe before he took everyone and ran into the Speed Force

Dawn of Time

Appearing on a mountain range everyone looked around, when Oliver spoke, "All of you, listen to me. This is why you were selected.

You're Paragons."

"Yeah. I'm still a little unclear on what all that means." Ryan said

"It means you're powerful enough to hold the line, to buy us the time we need."

"To do what?" Kara asked

"Rebirth the universe." Oliver said causing everyone to share a glance,

"What, like, a do-over?" Sara asked

"The Dawn of Time is the only place it can happen. I'll light the spark, you fan the flame."

"And how do we do that?" Lex asked

"You'll know when it's time."

A shriek caused everyone to loom over to the Mobius with his army of Shadow Demons, "Some fates are to-"

Naruto suddenly punched Mobius in the face, a shockwave occurred as Mobius flew away from the punch before Naruto pursued him

The others ran to the Shadow Demons that tried to go after Naruto and their master

Mobius landed with a grunt and stood up and quickly shot a beam of antimatter at Naruto, who ducked below it as he ran forward and grabbed Mobius' leg and yanked it up sending Mobius into the air spinning before he slammed a Rasengan into him and drove him down into the ground

Standing up as Mobius glared at him from the crater, Naruto returned the glare, "Your cannon killed my brother."

Naruto took a step but pillars of antimatter shot from the ground and he reacted quickly flipping back away and landed before Mobius was on him amd quickly Naruto dodged to the right and punched Mobius in the ribs and when the cosmic being went to tumble away Naruto caught him by the arm and spun at super speed and tossed him but Mobius fired a bullet of Antimatter that struck Naruto who grunted as he landed harshly ground and clutched his chest

Mobius landed on top of Naruto and began to punch him repeatedly but found himself in a full nelson as Naruto substituted himself with a boulder

Naruto's lightning turned orange as he used the strength force before he saw a beam of energy in the distance piercing the skies

Releasing Mobius who stumbled, Naruto spun him around and at super speed wrote a seal on his chest

Mobius grunted in surprise when he found he couldn't move, "What is this?"

"That is a seal, it's using your own life force to power itself and it's currently looking to a place that will hold you for eternity." Naruto said before the seal pulsed, "And its found one."

Mobius yelled as he vanished in a flash before Naruto sped to the team to see the Shadow Demons exploding, "So this is what being a hero feels like. Interesting."

"Where's Oliver?" Sara said

"There!" Kate said pointing to the beam of white light

"Oliver." Sara whispered in worry

"What is that?" Ryan asked

"He said "I'll light the spark" "While you fan the flame."

"We are the paragons of something so just think about that. Humanity, truth, love, destiny, honor, courage, life, and hope." Naruto said before they all stood together and focused while the beam got brighter before everything went dark

Central City, Earth Prime

Naruto, Kara, and Sara gasped awake and looked at each other to find each other naked, "Again?" Kara asked

"What the hell happened?" Naruto asked getting off the bed and grabbing his pants

"I dont know." Kara said

The three walked out to find themselves in Naruto's home, with personal pictures of Sara, Kara, Caitlin, Felicity, Iris, and Linda as they walked down the stairs to see Nora helping Caitlin sit Dash in his highchair as Linda made breakfast

"Guys?" Naruto asked shocked

*Hey, dad. Aunt Kara, Aunt Sara." Nora smiled before Naruto zipped across the room and hugged her tightly.


AN: The last episode of Crisis was boring in my opinion, so I decided to do this.

Barry died in Crisis. Naruto's Earth has merged with Kara's and Sara's

Naruto keeps his girls and is now with Kara and Sara.