
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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99 Chs

She confessed

Jemisha and Shanna went to mall and bought a few thing before heading back.

'Did you talk to Chris yet?'

'Not yet, but he act's less restrained then before and that's nice.'

'Did big brother Jack finally back off?'

'He did, thank you Shanna for telling him off.'

'It was nothing, love is something between two people and nobody has the right to intervene or tell the person how to behave towards the other.'

'Did you talk to the doctor about your scars?'

'I did, he asked if I didn't mind a college came and have a look at them.'

'Jemisha I have a friend who can make them disappear, and I showed him the pictures of your scars and he said he would help you if you wanted. I hope you don't mind I showed him your scares.'

'He can really make then disappear!?'


Jemisha hugged Shanna out of happiness.

'I don't care how much it's going to cost me, if they really can disappear I'm willing to pay any amount.'

'Alright, I'll tell him your willing to meet with him.'

Jemisha and Shanna went back to the car and drove back to the Villa.

Jemisha went inside and saw only Chris was sitting in the living room.

'Were is everybody?'

"Blake is at the company with Hugo, Jack said he had to go overseas, and Loki is still a bit upset about what happened on your birthday and he went to his own place."

'So it's just the two of us?'

"Yeh for a few days, do you mind?"

'No, it's not the first time we are alone.'

"True, Jack told me you don't have any bandage's on your back and stomach anymore and you need to apply a cream, you only have to bandage up your arms and a gauze on your face."

"I also will be with you when you have to go to your next check-up."

Jemisha sat down next to Chris and leaned her head against his shoulder, he leaned his head against her.

"What's wrong Black Rose?"

'When I was out with Shanna, I met my stepbrother…'

'He called me by my old name and seeing his face… I wanted to just wring his little neck.'

"Why didn't you do that?"

'That thing was also there… I gave him my business card to proof I'm not Jenifer, and he thought I worked at ST-Labs, but is face twisted a bit when I said I was the founder, owner and CEO.'

'But I guess what got him the most upset, was when I said I was an old friend of Jenifer and that I set up ST-Labs as Jenifer's legacy.'

Chris was stroking her hair, "Just wait and see what kind of faces they will make when you reveal yourself to them, I bet they will beg you to come back to the family."



'Could you…could you fall in love with me despite having all these scares on my body?'

"I could, because I also have scars."

'But yours is a small one.'

"Well that's because that's the only scar you know of, I have quite a few."

"So Jemisha could you fall in love with me despite having scars?"

'I could, because what I love about you is your personality, not your looks.'

Chris smiled "Are you sure?"

Jemisha nodded.

Chris sat back up and turned his back to her and lifted his shirt.

She saw a few burn scars and knife scars.

She looked at his scars and while touching them she wonder what the story was behind them, she then placed a kiss on his back, what totally surprised Chris.

'Like I said, what I love about you is your personality.'

"Jemisha…when did you fall in love me?"

'On my 17th birthday.'

'I thought it was just silly of me… so I hid my feeling until you found my in Mexico.'

Jemisha looked a bit dejected.

Chris let his shirt down and pulled her into a hug.

"I meant what I said back then, that I fell for you when I was only 19 years old and that I would chase you after you had seen Blake and Hugo."

"But when you killed that men that night to save me… I was agitated, because of me, you had to do something like that and I ended up causing your PTSD. So I don't deserve your love, because I hurt you."

'Are you rejecting me?'

"No… I'm just telling you how I feel."

'Good, because nobody can tell me who does or doesn't deserve my love, not even you.'

'Yeh that night I killed somebody, and yes it caused me a little more PTSD, but you're not the main cause of it at all. Even before that night I was already suffering from it, but your also my cure from it so I don't see why you're not worthy of my love.'

Jemisha stood up and then turned to Chris and pushed him back in to the couch and kissed him.

'I told you how I feel about you, whether you accept or reject my feelings is up to you, I won't force you.'

Jemisha left for the kitchen and started to cook dinner.

Chris had a bewilder look on his face and was spaced out, but snapped back when he heard Jemisha cursing and yelling.

He went to the kitchen and saw her holding a knife and was cursing on the phone.

'F*ck you Blake!'

'I told you before in America, I have no ring on my finger!'

'I'm free to date whoever I want, I'm not married to you!'

'And who the hell do you think you are?, telling me not to date Chris.'

'You can't stop my heart from falling in love or loving Chris.'

Chris saw light blood stains at her sleeve and rushed up to her.

"Black Rose your arm is starting to bleed."

He took the knife from her hands and her phone.

"Go check your arm and re-bandage it."

Chris put the phone to his ear. "Blake I think its best you don't see her for a while, because thanks to you her wound re-opened on her arm because she was clinching the knife to tight."

"And she is right, what business is it to you anyway…you can't tell her who she can and can't fall in love with. She is an adult and her feelings are her own."

"But you're not right for her, she will only end up with a broken heart in the end."

Chris got annoyed by Blake.

"What are you… her father?"

"I'm not going to tell her to change with how she interacts with everybody, I'm not a patty man."

"Yes she hug's every one of us, but that's her way of showing that she feels safe and loved by us all."

"And I'm fine with all of that, but telling us if we are right for each other is for us to decide."

"And one more thing Blake, I fell in love with her 2 years ago and even if her scars will be there the rest of her life I couldn't careless because her beauty comes from her heart and not her skin."

"Just swallow that bitter pill already, because I love her and I want to be with her, even if there is a wall between us I'll just tear it down."

Chris hang up the call with Blake, and turned off the stove and checked on Jemisha.

"Black Rose are you alright?"


Chris came in and saw her arm and checked on the wound.

"Don't worry if the doctor is going to scold you, just push the blame on Blake because it is his fault anyway."

Jemisha nodded.

"I also told him to stay away from you for a while."

Chris started to clean the wound and saw the tear was small and would heal in a few days.

When he was done he looked at Jemisha, "Can't you do anything about his access to the cameras?"

Just as he asked Jemisha received a text from Hugo.

He can't access the camera's for a while, so spend your time in piece.

And be rest assured, I support you both.

Jemisha showed him the text.

"Well we have at least one ally that support us."

"Back Rose would you listen to me for a moment?"

She nodded.

"I love you and I want to be with you, even if there is a wall between us I'll just tear it down."

"We don't need to rush thing, let's take it slow and enjoy our love."

Chris kissed her passionately.

Jemisha was over the moon and slowly sank in his kiss.