
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

He is creeping me out

[2 days later]

Hugo had already told Jack what had happened and how she just exploded to Blake.

"We'll all we can do is just stand on the side-line and watch them."

"I reassured her I would support them, and I took Blake's liberty away from accessing the camera's."

"Then who is checking in on her?"

"I am, and the both of them are doing just fine and if your concerned about them having s*x, they didn't, they are taking things slow and even sleep in their own bedrooms."

"But still we can't do anything against that, because they are both adults."

"Jack there is something I want you to know, during her conversation/ confession to Chris, she said she was already suffering from PTSD, before she killed the man."

"I think that night, she killed that man during a PTSD episode of hers."

"It is highly likely."

"We'll just keep an eye on her."

Jacked ended his call with Hugo and he had a smile on his face, he was genuinely happy for the both of them and it seemed Chris wasn't in a rush anymore because Jemisha was the one who pulled the breaks on him.


Jemisha was with the doctor and Chris was with her.

He saw her scars on her back and stomach. "Do you feel any tightness while moving around?"

'No… but they do hurt sometimes when I'm just relaxing or when I work behind my laptop.'

"Well that should pass in a few months."

He then looked at her face "Seems half of the scar is falling under your jawline, so from a distance nobody would be able to see it and the other half can be hidden by your hair or make-up."

"I recommend you put on a gauze on your face until the wound scab is gone, can you deal with that?"

'Sure, because two days ago Shanna took of the bandage from my face and said I looked pretty. And people didn't stare at me as much as they did before.'

"Well you always look pretty Jemisha, but I think I'm going to miss you pirate look a little."

Jemisha started to giggle a little, 'Well in the beginning I look more like a mummy then a pirate.'

"True, when you got home and wanted a glass of water you scared the crap out me in the middle of the night."

Jemisha started to laugh.

'Yeh I remember, it took me 3 minutes to tell you it was me.'

The doctor saw their interactions and was relieved she could laugh about it in the end.

He then looked at her leg and it looked even better than expected, "Jemisha do you do daily exercise like running.

'I do, because before this, I practice fitness, boxing and taekwondo.'

'But boxing and taekwondo are out of the question for the time being, so I stick to my daily running and fitness session 3 times a week.'

"If boxing and taekwondo are out of the question, why did your wound on your right arm reopen?"

'Well…that Blake's fault.'

The doctor looked at her "How is it his fault?"

'While I was cooking he called me and we had a fight over the phone and I was holing a knife and I apparently grabbed it so tight out of anger my wound reopened.'

"She is telling you the truth, I heard her curs at him so I was worried and saw a stain on her arm and took her phone and knife away and told her to clean her wound and re-bandage it."

The doctor nodded.

"We'll just keep the bandage on for another week and then you only have put some gauze on them."

"Put please watch you strength when you get angry."

'I will.'

"Now Jemisha I told you I had a colleague who specialize in scars last time, do you still want to meet him?"

Jemisha nodded and a man with a slick haircut and glasses entered the room.

"Hello young lady, I'm doctor Carsten."

Jemisha shook his hand but for some reason she felt a little uneasy.

Since all her bandage were removed he had a good look of the scars that were left on her.

"What kind of animal did this…my god this is just horrible."

When he saw her back he spotted the scare that looked like a letter K.

He knew exactly who was responsible and would have a talk with Harvey later.

He touched her scars and it made her even more un-eased.

Chris picked up on it and took her hand and rubbed it "It's going to be fine."

"He just need to have a better understanding of your scar tissue."

Jemisha nodded.

"Well I can treat these but it won't be painless."

He then looked at her face and the man looked even more upset then before.

"Whoever ruined your pretty face like this should have his pretty face ruined."

"Well here is my assessment, I can make them disappear and since you still very young your skin is supple your recovery won't take long."

"But you have to go to my clinic in Australia."

Jemisha clenched at Chris arm, telling him she was uncomfortable going there alone and being alone with the doctor.

The doctor saw this and understood her fears.

Jemisha was shutting down mentally and she started to shake out of fear.

He then looked at her "He can come with you if that makes you more at ease, having someone who you trust next to you during that time is better than being alone."

"Jemisha?" Chris looked at her and saw she was going through a little episode.

"Just give her some time, she is going through one of her anxiety episodes."

"Jemisha, the doctor said I can come along."

"I'll be with you the whole time you need to stay there and I won't leave you alone there."

Chris pulled her toward him and started to stroke her hair.

"It's going to be alright, I'm with you and nobody will or can come after you."

She started to calm down a little by little.

'You promise to stay with me?'

"Hmm…I promise."

Chris then looked at doctor Crane "Is Shanna working today?"

"She should be in the nurse lounge at the end of the hallway."

"Jemisha why don't you get dressed and find Shanna."

She nodded and got dressed and left the room.

Chris then looked at doctor Carsten "When does her treatment start?"

"Since she is still healing, I think its best until she is completely healed."

"So how about a month from now, seeing her reaction to new people and strange people she needs to prepare mentally as well."

"And how long will she be there for treatment?"

"Well after seeing her scars, it could be up to 6 months."

"Like I told her it won't be painless, the most painful scar to remove will be on her face."

The doctor handed Chris a tablet and showed him the facility and the equipment they were going to use.

"We also have housing near the facility where she can stay during the time."

"Jemisha has a dog for her PTSD, is he allowed to stay there as well?"

"If he has the paper work to proof he is a therapy dog he can."

"And what's going to be the cost of the treatment?

"Overall with the her stay she would be paying roughly around 350.000 dollars."

"Pfft, that is pocked money to her."

Doctor Carsten look at Chris puzzled.

"You should be familiar with ST-Labs right."

"Yes that's correct, our facility uses their security system."

"She is the founder and CEO of the company."

Doctor Carsten looked shocked. "No way…that means she was only 16 when she started it up."

Chris nodded.

Jemisha was with Shanna and talking to her about doctor Carsten.

'He is creeping me out.'

'He touched my scars.'

'Well I noticed you are very warry of doctors and nurses when you meet them for the first time. Is there a reason for that?'

Jemisha shook her head.

'Well maybe it's the environment you're in…'

'But touching your scars like that is to get an understanding of what your skin is doing while it heals up.'

'But I do understand it can feel very invading to you, you must be very uncomfortable being touched by someone you meet for the first time and don't trust.'

'Was it the same when Jack and Chris were helping you with your wounds?'

'A little…because I didn't want them to see me in that kind of condition and the ugly wounds.'

'But they repeatedly said I was and always be there beautiful Black Rose.'

Shanna hugged her 'You are a beautiful girl so even if you look ugly for a short time, the people who know you will always see you as the beautiful girl that you are.'

'Now on another note, did you talk with Chris?'

'I did…'


Jemisha told Shanna how the conversation went and that Blake called her and told her that Chris wasn't right for her.

And that after that they start dating and would take it slow.

Shanna hugged her out of excitement.

'I'm so happy for you, and what about big brother Jack?'

'Well Hugo probably had already told him what Blake did, but he is overseas, but he didn't message me so I think he's oke with it.'

'Well when he gets back and he is going to object or meddle, you call me and I'll tell him to get off you're backs.'

Chris was done with the doctors and was on his way to pick up Jemisha from Shanna.

"Are you gossiping about me?"

Shanna looked up and saw Chris standing in the door way.

'Of course we are, your good gossip material.'

Chris laughed.

"Jemisha, I have all the information about the treatment."

'Jemisha stood up and gave Shanna a hug, well gossip some more later.'

Jemisha went out of the room and Shanna walked up to Chris.

'Take good care of each other and don't let small fights or arguments be the end of your relationship.'

'Because arguments and fights are normal, but do try and find a middle ground that you both can agree on.'

"Well even if we get in to a fight and she runs off, I'll chase right after her."