
From fiction to reality

Lamine lives on a normal modern world, while he was playing on his old PlayStation four, something happened and from there his world view changed drastically. He gained the ability to bring fiction into reality! What will he do? Conquering his home world obviously. .... I'm writing this for myself but i decided to post it here since I don't lose anything and I'm sure there are readers that wants a fic about a guy who can bring things or beings on the real world but without the overly horny bullshit this sites always offer, so here. Like a said I'm writing this for myself since i didn't find something i liked, so if you have suggestions for world or technologies you would like to suggest, feel free to do so but keep in mind that I might not accept them. and if i find some hate comments I'mma remove them without esitation, so if you don't like the novel you're free to comment it but without insulting me or other readers, you can say why you don't like it or what i wrote wrong. Just like my other stories, this will have irregular updates since i have other things to do. The mc is not the dark or evil type, he smiles and enjoys life but on the serious moments he will be serious, he likes Katanas just like me and even more technology. The story will have super powered people, and battles, the mc is not the only person with an op power or something. He is an antihero but he will be extremely kind to children and tolerant to women (Not a simp) but don't mistake, he doesn't have problems killing anyone if it benefits him or he is in danger. Mc is intelligent and a genius. He will become extremely overpowered really fast, i mean it, since this is what happens when an mc receives an op power and doesn't get nerfed by the author. he will visit the omniverse so he will obviously find other op characters like him, so he isn't invincible. And i will already say it, i will bullshit no jutsu many things since this is fiction, and some things might change since this is my novel. If there will be romance it won't be of focus. Tags: No: LGBT packet, Ntr or horny packet, (Magic probably) No nerf bullshit. Yes: Technology, really fast growth to overpowered , fictional items into the real world, Extremely talented Mc, super powers. well i might add some tags in future. Good read.

Kqro · Video Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: Testing

Thank you _VOIDLESS_ for the first review! Here the bonus chapter 🥳.



A short match, he noted, Lamine immediately started another but with only bots, since this time it was for a test, he has been waiting for this moment, and now that he has become more familiar with the energy after continuously enchanting his body in different ways he can try to bring something into reality.

Yes, you read right.

Lamine power is the ability to bring fiction into reality and he can also enter into fiction, while he is in the fictional world the time outside stops, giving Lamine all the time he needs, and what's even better is that he doesn't age inside the fictional worlds.

So he can stay inside a world as much as he wants, practically having the ability to live countless lives, and if he gets the Omnitrix? He can live everywhere, immagine a Viltrumite that continuously throw hands with the marvel heroes!

Lamine choose Mercy and entered the match with the bots, he moved the character and looked at the others. The generation was casual so he could not choose wich bots to play with but that was not his objective.

He immediately touched the screen and channeled the energy on the device making ripples form on the screen from where his hand was placed, similar at how the water reacts to an abject.

The moment the energy touched the screen, Lamine could feel that the smooth surface morphed into a liquid form but not wet, it felt like he was touching water but also not, a really confortable feeling.

Feeling that he could push his hand he immediately applied some force making the ripples on the screen move more and he managed to insert his hand easily, from his perspective he could see that his hand entered the game!

His eyes widened in amazement and his mind begun to already formulate plans for wich item he can take all over fiction: 'Damn, i can even bring people in the real world!' he thought but decided to postpone this, since he does not need to bring anyone for now.

He observed his hand and begun to move it all over the screen, his hand was gameish like the game characters so from real it became digital, looking at the bots that were moving like they didn't even notice the hand made Lamine nod in satisfaction.

He then touched Mercy's Caduceus Staff and immediately feelt it's metallic texture and coldness, he grabbed it and took it out easily, noticing that this action consumed some of his energy but it was negligible for him thanks to his boundless reserves.

The moment he brought out the Caduceus Staff from the game he needed to distance himself from the tv to have more space and while the staff came to reality it continued to cause ripples on the screen.

And when the staff came completely out it made the ripples release some drops on the air like water splashing, the drops dissipated quickly and the screen retuned to normal, Lamine looked at this cool animation with even more amazement.

He held the staff on his hands and felt the weight: 'It's light, really light.' normally a staff of this size would weight a little but with his awakening, his strength increased to peak normal human levels, in simple terms he can beat every record the humans have publicly created.

You need to keep in mind that if this was a game, a peak human would have like 20 in all stats while the strongest person on the world would have 14 in strength, while an average adult would have 7-8 of stats, so you can immagine the strength Lamine currently posses.

Why is that? Well, you need to consider that with the pollution and the processed foods, it's difficult to really surpass the threshold that the humans currently have, but with this energy all the dirt on the body gets transformed into energy.

Since nothing gets destroyed but transforms.

Seconds after the staff came out, it's cartonish appearance slowly changed into a real life one, Lamine nodded: 'Understandable, the items will connect to the real world laws unless i purposely keep their original appearance by consuming continuously energy, but i like this real one more.' he noted while admiring the cool ahh design.

He then turned his head and looked at the game to see if the staff of Mercy is still there and ho and behold it didn't disappear, Lamine nodded in understanding, so his ability copies the real one down to the smallest detail.

He then inserted his left hand on the game to see if he can take again the staff and when he was able to pull out the tip he returned it inside with a smile: 'Good, i can bring the same item multiple times but the energy consumption increases.' he noted that he would spend 10% more than the first time if he took the staff out.

Everything has a cost and the cost of this ability is the insane amount of energy consumption, comprehensible since this is basically reality warping on the lower levels, and since there are overpowered fictional things, you can immagine how much it would cost to bring them on the real world.

If this ability was given to a normal awakened he would just cunsume completely his reserves by simply inserting his hands inside the fictional world, let alone bringing items or even sentient beings!

And when entering the fiction, you basically warp reality and stop time on the outside world without downsides, it's like having the time chamber of Dragon Ball on your fingertips, or more correctly, your 'fictiontips'!

But with Lamine boundless energy he can basically bring items without problems if they are below the universal level! 'Yeah, someone is probably the reason of why i have this much energy, hahh I'm so handsome that even an higher being is glazing me.' he bragged shamelessly.

{A/N: It's thanks to the readers stones and reviews that I'm able to fuel this shameless mc 🗿}