
From Earth to a Hellish World

Set alone upon an island with nothing but a system to help you progress, dinosaurs of collosal proportion threatening to tear you to shreds at every turn, and countless humans who may betray you at any time for but a single scrap of food; would you survive? The One True Creator has left his energy behind, mana: the power to create and destroy. The power to become a god. If you became a god, what would you aspire to do with your power?

Cosmictear · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Head Hunting

When I woke up, we all got dressed and went downstairs. Breakfast was awkward between Zint, Tizi, Twon, and I, but it didn't matter. I continued with the plan for the day. "I am going to head down through the jungle, forest and beach areas by myself and I am going to kill everyone that I come across.

Every one of you guys are going to be cooking sulfur and metal while gathering as much metal, wood, stone, and fiber as possible. Throw away all the useless materials and have Tie craft four sets of metal armor as well as all the bullets we need."

After they understood how the day was going to play out, I opened the door and walked out. My muscles burned and I was ready to decapitate some bastards. I thought for a moment about summoning my new companion from hell, but I would wait for that.

I bunched up my leg muscles and enhanced them with mana. I jumped through the air off the cliff. I flew hundreds of yards in a line. I landed on a branch of a huge ass jungle tree and jumped to the next with lithe movements.

I saw a raptor in the woods below me, but I ignored it. It would not even give me enough experience to be meaningful. I continued on through the trees. I saw a wooden base down below me hidden quite well beneath the huge ass jungle trees.

I removed my broadsword. As I filled it with mana, I formed a black aura which encompassed it eerily. I grinned happily as I dropped down from the enormous tree branch. I swung my arms as hard as they would go. My sword met the wooden roof and it annihilated it completely. Only dust was left as I fell through the now empty hole.

There were three survivors inside the base. I swung my sword before they even understood they were being attacked. All three of their heads fell to the ground before they could do anything. There were two guys and a chick.

I reached out towards the little faint signal their souls were sending off and I sent three strands of abysmally black mana towards the bodies with blood spurting from their stubbed necks.

As I consumed the three souls, a blue window popped up next to me.


You have killed subjects 6793 (level 13), 7649 (level 15), and 6893 (level 13). You have received 65,600/82,000 experience.

You have 532,800/1,000,000 experience needed for level 20.

*You have consumed three souls. You have gained → 8 mana control and 4 Soul Willpower.*

Status Screen:

Health → 370/370. Stamina → 187/410. Speed → 225. Weight → 324.8/940. Strength → 500. Combat Sense → 225. Mana capacity → 64/74+. Mana sense → 71. Soul Willpower → 29.

Inventory: Soulstone, mana map, 4 bolas, 1 makeshift set, 1 laced arrow, compound bow, 18 metal arrows, 1 steel broadsword, and 1 combat knife.

Skills: Transcendent → Murder Maniac's Soul Almanac. Ascendant → Soul Flayer and Extension of Will. Magic → Aura Implementation.

Soulbound items: Magic → Ring of the Training Maniac.


I was annoyed when I realized I had not changed the experience distribution. I was going to take it all. Afterall, I was the only one doing the work. I changed the settings for experience distribution. All experience would now be given to the one who killed the opponent or did the action. That would be far fairer for everyone.

I ignored their items and jumped away from their base. I knew they were poor and that salvaging resources would only be a waste of time. That was a job for my soul slaves.

I jumped through the trees, and I found two more nearby and I killed them. I received 8 mana capacity from their souls and a message popup said that I had annihilated their tribe named "Stealth". The name cracked me the fuck up. I let out a hearty laugh before turning around.

I kept jumping through the trees of the jungle, but I could not really find anyone. I left the jungle and went towards the forest. Thankfully, I was lucky. Within minutes, I found a pretty big 3x3 stone base on the top of a hill. I watched the base for a few minutes.

There were ten of them and they had several tamed raptors with saddles outside their base. These were skilled individuals. For a moment, I wondered if I should spare them and keep them as soul slaves, but then I realized that skilled people would be bringing themselves to my doorstep in massive amounts in the next few days when my location was posted on everyone's magic map. At the moment, I needed to kill as many people as I could to gain stats from their souls. I would become undefeatable through the deaths of others.

I launched myself at the three tamed raptors first. Hellishly black aura wrapped around my sword as I swung at the first raptor. His head fell from his shoulder before he could even bare his teeth at me. The second raptor bared his teeth at me, and I drove my broadsword through his teeth, shattering them and slicing his brain asunder in the process. The last raptor began to run at me, but I kicked it in the face. Its neck snapped and it fell limp on the ground.

I turned to a woman with lush blonde hair who was staring at me stupidly. I swung my sword and her head fell to the ground, followed by her heavy body. I turned to the next and I punched him in the face. His skull shattered and splintered into his brain which was quickly pushed out the back of his head from the force of my punch.

An arrow was flying towards my head. It had been fired by a crossbow. I caught the arrow by the shaft between my right-hand pointer finger and thumb. The arrow had not even burned my skin. I turned in the direction of the one who fired. It was a cute woman with red hair and blue eyes. Her expressions seemed to change to horror in slow motion. I launched myself at her. I cut her body in half at her wide hips. Blood sprayed up from the blade but was burned to ashes by the aura blade.

I turned back towards the base. There were still seven that had just run from the entrance of the base. They had compound bows in their hands. They had bunched up quite nicely for me. My lips split into a grin. I wanted to kill them all.

I didn't pay attention to their features; I just ran straight towards them. I would kill them indiscriminately. My blade passed through one, a second, a third and more like hot butter. In less than a second their bodies were lying in a heap of blood and ashes. Maybe my aura blade would consume their bodies completely if I increased the potency or capacity of my mana.

I shrugged and focused on making thirteen strands of mana which I sent out towards the bodies strewn all about. As I felt power well up in me, a window popped up.


You have killed three tamed raptors (level 28), (level 29), and (level 20). You have killed 10 subjects: 3736 (level 12), 7888 (level 16), and 9908 (level 15), 2916 (level 13), 1858 (level 17), 3892 (level 13), 1239 (level 12), 1093 (level 11), 1865 (level 15), and 0286 (level 16). You have received 412,000 experience.

You have 944,800/1,000,000 experience needed for level 20.

*You have consumed thirteen souls. You have gained → 12 mana sense, 8 Soul Willpower, 100 health, and 12 mana capacity.*

*You have destroyed a tribe (Hillbillies) and have taken control of all their structures.*

Status Screen:

Health → 370/470. Stamina → 187/410. Speed → 225. Weight → 324.8/940. Strength → 500. Combat Sense → 225. Mana capacity → 35/94+. Mana sense → 83. Soul Willpower → 37.

Inventory: Soulstone, mana map, 4 bolas, 1 makeshift set, 1 laced arrow, compound bow, 18 metal arrows, 1 steel broadsword, and 1 combat knife.

Skills: Transcendent → Murder Maniac's Soul Almanac. Ascendant → Soul Flayer and Extension of Will. Magic → Aura Implementation.

Soulbound items: Magic → Ring of the Training Maniac.


I chuckled at the name of their tribe. I quickly searched for any narcotic or laced arrows because those darned mushrooms were sure hard to find, and I wanted to do an experiment later.

Sure enough, I found 31 laced arrows and 153 narcotic. They were certified drug dealers. I pressed my palms together as thanks for their contribution of the goods before I sped away towards the beach.