
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 9: Well shit

Hans was excited,he can finally defend himself, somewhat " Ok now i need to unsummon Son" Hans look at his bug companion before thinking in his mind ' unsummon'.

Nothing happened, "Oop should i try to add the name behind unsummon?" He look at the bug again 'unsummon Son' bug in an instant disappear.

"that goddamn creepy, imagine a spider disappear in front of your eyes" he then feel his stomach rumbling.

' i should find something to eat' he signed before starting to walk in a random direction, i wonder if i can-

"Grrrrrr" Hans slowly turn his head to look at where the sound was coming come,his body turn cold.

There was the wolf, well it wasn't the same wolf, it was smaller and had less crystal on it back ' you got to be fucking kidding me-'

Han was shaking already, he pull out his bone knife looking at the new wolf, the wolf let out a roar as it run to him.

Han dodge it making the wolf nearly fall into the river 'fuck it didn't fall in' he grinded his teeth together as it look back at him again.

best option is to run, he look at the tree behind him, he wouldn't have time 'shit' . he then use Eye of beast on it.

Name: White fur forest wolf

Race: Canine

Level 20

Status [-]




Mana: 50



Titles: -

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [-]


boast Ability by 30% for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes< consume 20 mana>

Wolf rage:

boast all status by 100% for 5 minutes cooldown 1 hour <consume 50 mana>

Ground break:

shoot spike crystal from the ground cooldown 3 second< 5 mana per spike>

" this is fucking bullshit " he said feeling frustrated, the crystal on the wolf back glowed, then suddenly he remembered that when the other wolf was going to use that crazy earthquake thing the back of the wolf glow.

he quickly roll to the left, a spike come out of the ground right when he did that.

he quickly get up and run as spike appears near him,then he had a plan.

' Plan A, Gentle air' He use it to calm the beast but-

[Ding -Gentle air failed]

' alright then Plan B,summon Son', ' Son be careful and crawl on the wolf fur and go near it face', Son was summoned near the wolf.

Son follow his orders while hans nearly get slab by another spike, ' this wolf is going to surround me, shit'

Hans use speedwalk, his body feel light. he barely managed to escape the spike circle. Son send a mental signal to Hans that he finish his order.

' use your fang to bite it eyes', Hans can hear the wolf roar in pain as it stumbled backwards by Son biting it eye, Hans took this chance.

He run to the wolf using his bone knife he tackled it, he stab it in the throat, the knife barely went in, the wolf in reflex walk backwards which made it fall into the river.

Son jump to Hans hair as he command the little bug, he watches as the wolf got push down by the river stream. the wolf roared one last time as it got sweep away.

he then fall down exhausted, that was way too fucking close, he is lucky that there was a river otherwise he would have die.

Then he heard a bush move behind him, Hans quickly got up with his knife, " fuck is it another one?"

then 2 small wolf pup appeared, they have white fur and 1 crystal on their back, they run to the river but Hans got them both by the neck.

"be careful!" Hans yelled, Hans felt bad, he probably kill it mother, one bite his hand,they were trying to jump into the river to follow their mother. The other 1 let out cry.

" I am so sorry" he pull the 2 pup into his embrace, one bit his shoulder but Hans didn't mind it " i am so sorry i took your mother away"

Hans unconsciously use gentle air, it work on both of the pups, they both stop and just stare at him. Hans promised to take care of both of them

" listen i know you wouldn't understand this but i swear i will take care of you both" Hans then put both his hand out

They just look at Hans before laying their head on hans hand. Hans then use tame

[Ding -you successfully tame 2 white fur forest wolf]

[Would you like to name the 2 pups?]

"Hmmmmm, i will call the one that bit me Night and the other one is called Day" Hans suck at naming if you can't already tell.

[You level up 2 time]

[ You gain 2 skill]

Race: human [-]

Level 4 [-]


Health: 250 [+5]

strength: 8

Agility: 8

Mana: 20 [+5]



_ _ _ _ _

Titles [-]

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [-]

Fear of pray

The ability to inflict fear into your enemies, may cause your enemies paralyse for the duration of the skill, chances of causing fear is 5% in enemy with higher then the user level and 100% chance in enemy who have below the level of the user, skill duration 5 minutes, cooldown 5 second <Consume 5 mana>

Ground break

shoot spike crystal from the ground cooldown 3 second< 5 mana per spike>

Creature [-]

Name: Night

Race: Canine

Level 2

Status [-]




Mana: 5



Titles: -

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [-]

Fear of pray

The ability to inflict fear into your enemies, may cause your enemies paralyse for the duration of the skill, chances of causing fear is 5% in enemy with higher then the user level and 100% chance in enemy who have below the level of the user, skill duration 5 minutes, cooldown 5 second <Consume 5 mana>

Name: Day

Race: Canine

Level 2

Status [-]




Mana: 15



Titles: -

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [-]

Ground break

shoot spike crystal from the ground cooldown 3 second< 5 mana per spike>

"shit they are strong even when they are level 2, i will be fucked if the wolf mother have Fear of pray" Hans make that sigh of frustration.

"But holy shit look at my Status, my health went up so much and i even have Mana now" Hans laughed confidently.

He then unsummoned Son as that little bug was still on bis head, he then look at the 2 pups.

" i need Xp real bad" then he hear his stomach growling at him.

" and that too"