
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8: god of creature?

Hans arm had gotten worse, ' i mean, i probably wouldn't be alive even if i get back to the orphanage' he look at his broken and bloody arm.

' it hurt, why am i even trying? i should just lay down and close my eye' Hans got in deep thoughts as he stare at the book some tears fall down.

' i can't even fucking read in this world, you know what? why am i thinking so much, i alway go with the flow there no point to thinking i am going to die' he wiped his tears then he open the book.

nothing happened for a few second, so Hans, look at the book, there was nothing written on

' what a bunch of bullshit-' the ground begin to shake violently.

He hold the altar with one hand so he won't fall ' holy fucking hell i spoken too soon' Then the statute begin to crack, ' what hold up-'

The statue is moving, ' can i pray to jesus?' all of the creature head began to look at him, he nearly shit his pant, about now he forgot about the pain because it been replaced by fear.

In unison the statue turn to look at each other, then nothing happened for some time, they all seem to be communicating but Hans can't be sure. then the crow statue look at him.

" human, do you hate the fate of destruction?"

Hans is super confused, he just nodded slowly, " very well, you have qualified"

Then the statue all break piles of stones fall on to the floor ' what the hell-' from the each of the statue a ball of light fly to the book.

after the last ball of light fly there, Hans saw something that can only be see in a video game.

[ congratulations on passing all 3 trials!]

" what the fucking god?-" he said out loud as it pop on his face, it then disappeared and hans look at the book.

[ you have qualified. would you like to obtain 1 of the power of the fallen god?]

Hans stare in confusion,he is trying to process the information in front of him. "yes?"

suddenly a golden chain flew out the book and lock in both Hans arm " WAIT I TAKE IT BACK-" .

Then hans began to feel more pain then he even before "AAAAAAAAAA-" it the worse pain he felt, he wish he would just die right there then after a few minutes of crying amd yelling ,he simply blackout.





He thought he die when he finally woke up, he can feel the sunlight on him ' i thought i was in a cave-' Hans memory come back to him so fast even his mother couldn't beat him with the belt this fast.

Hans got up with both his arm, "MY ARM-" his arm is healed, " what the fuck?-" he move it like he just got an arm for the first time, the fur he was wearing was ripped.

he got up, his leg as well as the rest of his body was fine,Hans then look next to him, it was a river, he look at his reflection, his eye was yellow " WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY EYES"

Hans already had long black hair but now with his eye he can't help but think he look weird " Oh my god,i look weird" he hold his face near his eye and pull it to see if it real.

" those anime look cool with yellow eye but i am a different story"he then become more freak out at his wound healing.

" my god what the fuck happened?- i swear to god something like those video game status bar-" right when he said status thr bar pop up, speak of the devil.

[ Congratulation! you are the fourth being who unlock 1 of the power of the fallen god!]

[Ding - you receive additional title ]

_ _ _ _ _

Race: human [!]

Level 2 []

Titles: reincarnation of the god of creature [!]

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [!]


"ok what the fuck is happening" he look at the floating screen in front of him. he look at the [!] and just decided to press it,nope nothing happened.

the he remember that the screen come when he spoke about it so, he decided to think like those fantasy novel instead of talking first 'open race'

_ _ _ _ _

Race: human [-]

Race change recommended:

human affinity with the other race is -80.

recommended race: drawf, elf.

Level 2 []

Titles: reincarnation of the god of creatures []

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [!]


"wow being a human is shitty" Hans thought like he isn't a human himself. ' close race, open level, Status,title, skill and Creature'

_ _ _ _ _

Race: human [-]

Level 2 [-]



Health: 20 [+5]



Mana: 0 [+5]



_ _ _ _ _

Titles: Reincarnation of the god of creatures [-]

Reincarnation of the god of creatures [equipped]

effective: affinity with all races except human and creature +100 <title does not need to be equip to active effect>

The fourth god to awaken:


+5 mana, +5 health <title does not need to be equip to active effect>

_ _ _ _ _

Skill [-]


A skill which allow the user to tame creature, user would gain 1 random skill of the creature the user tame, cooldown: none

<consume mana depending on the tame>

Contract tame:

a skill which allows the user to make a contract with a creature, user will not gain a skill unless the contract allowed it.Cannot be use with Creature with low intelligence, cooldown: none <consume mana depending on the contract>

Gentle air:

a skill which allowed the user to calm Creature, 20% chance of working,the lower the level the creature is the higher the chance, cooldown: none

<consume 1 mana>

summon creature:

User can summon a creature the user tame or made a contract with, cooldown: none < consumer 1 mana>

Eye of beast:

you are about to see information of any Creature, cooldown: none < does not consume mana>

Creature [-]

" I- "Hans was speechless, he finally wouldn't be rank as an FFF, " I am a god reincarnation ??" Hans had so many questions.

' the creature is empty, hm no surprise there' he scratches his head 'close all, and close status bar'

Will Hans help the human race? " fuck them" Hans can finally do what the fuck he wanted. then a cold breeze pass him,he then forget about his bone knife, " shit my knife"

while Hans look around around for it he realizes that he didn't have any mana, the mana was form the titles " my status are actually shit" he then found his knife

" thank the lord it still here"he put it in his makeshift belt. Then he spotted a small bug, it look like a spider but it had a long body, it as big as a 25 cent coin " should i try to tame it?"

"fuck it" Hans then stop and think how the fuck he is supposed to use magic, Hans hold his hand out ' Tame creature?' a small yellow glow from his hand, Hans didn't know this but his eye is glowing and a tattoo on his back too. yes he got a tatton from the power.

[you successfully tame a Piuo!]

[you gain 1 skill]

[would you like to name it?]

"HAHAHA look at me i am so powerful" he made a post like those anime villains, " ok so now the name, hmmmm, i will call it Son because i feel like a father" he made like he had a fake tear coming out.

he look at the Son, ' how do i command this thing, hm Son walk to me' the bug then walked to him" IT ACTUALLY WORKED" Hans was in awe, this whole day is the worst and best,we will not talk about his dead firends.

'Open status bar, open skill and creature'

_ _ _ _ _

Race: human []

Level 2 []

Status []

Titles: reincarnation of the god of creature []

_ _ _ _ _



speed walk

increase agility by 5% for 10 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes < consume 1 Mana>



Race: bug

Sub race: spider

Level 1 []

Status [-]







Titles: None

_ _ _ _ _


speed walk:

increase agility by 5% for 10 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes< consume 1 Mana>

bug fang:

bite enemy with bug fangs <does not consume mana>

" oh my god i forget to use eye of beast on you, Son you kind of suck but i love you"