
Prologue (part 2)

Once this was another girl, she lived in a place of many muggy days. But unlike the place she lived in, she was quite bright in nature. Not even the worst day could get her down. She was born to two people of the same gender, a woman named Terra and another named Denise but they were called mama and mother by their little ball of sunshine. Though the girl did not look like her mama for before her mother and mama got together, her mother was in love with another. She was a police officer constantly having her life in danger for the great or good. But she had fell in love with the girl's mother they had planned and promised to have a family together, they wanted their children to be theirs and that exactly what they did. The girl's mother's first love had decided she would be the one to carry the child since the girl's mother had a very demanding job that wouldn't aloud her to take leave. The pregnancy had seemed to fly by as well as the few days she had for healing, the girl's mother had decided after she was born to do her work at home so she could take care of the child while the other went back to work. It had only been a week for her back at the job when she was put on a very serious mission that was extremely life threatening. But she couldn't recline the mission everyone else capable of doing the mission were already on missions of their own....so she accepted. She promised she'll be back before they wake up, but when the girl's mother had awoken their was no trance of her. The girl's mother had just sat down when she had gotten a phone call from the police office, she thought it would say the love of her life would be gone a little longer than expected and be back by tomorrow. What she got was a woman who had been the girl's other biological mom's friend for years, that worked at the police office as well, she was sobbing and everytime she tried to speak her voice cracked and she would become quiet and start sobbing again. When the woman was finally able to speak, she told the girl's mother that her love "was kill in battle defending a group of innocent civilians, the civilians had turned out fine with minor injuries and some small major ones. Her on the other hand had been shot multiple times in the chest and stomach even though she was bleeding out she had disarmed and captured the person who provoked the situation, when back up had arrived she was sitting bleeding out but she had a smile on her face... she was looking at a picture of you, her and your child...s.she didn't show an ounce of pain she smiled at us and said "nice to see you guys one last time I wish I could do the same with the two most important people in my life, please don't 'you'll be fine' you all know that my injuries are to severe to be treated by the time medical help gets here, I'll already be gone so please tell Terra to find another lover once I'm gone she can grieve but she has to find another, she needs moral support and Sarah needs two parents,"....." I will not be mad if she does I know she will always love me and so will I, but please don't live your life with no one to love the way you did to me live your life to the fullest... and for the last time till we meet again.. goodbye.." the girl's mother was silent she couldn't think of how or what to say to the person on the line, she was absolutely grief-stricken she didn't even know that tears started to pour out of her eyes at a rapid rate. when she had found the words she spoke with the clearest voice she had, not containing any emotion in the words as she spoke them " thank you Claire, I hope your tears dry and your heart mends from the grief you were given this morning goodbye.." she hung up not waiting for a response she couldn't handle anymore of the conversation, she sat down the phone heading over to her child's room her being the last thing that remained of her beloved. she perched herself on the siding of the crib staring down at the little human, the child staring back with happiness fulfilled eyes " hey pretty girl," she said " mommy not going to be coming back anytime soon so it's just going to be you and me, How's that sounds?" she continued picking up the little child, the girl gave a giggle as a response still having happiness contained in her eyes now being mixed with wonder and curiosity smiling up at her. The girl's mother gave a smile back, being crooked and it hurting for her to do but she couldn't let her child see her like this she has to be strong for her, she had to put on a face of smiles for her. she spend most of her time at home her being the only one their to take care of Sarah, when her belove's funeral had arrived she had a family friend that she trusted to take care of Sarah while she went to the funeral, she was the last to go in and the first to leave she didn't want to have to deal with people acting sorrowfully to her giving her heartless sympathy. She locked herself away from friends and family totally dissocializing with the outside world, overwhelming herself with work so she would have an excuse to give people when they wanted to meet up. The people who tried to socialize with her never fully cared they only did it for their own knowing that her herself did not leave this world as well, only leaving messages never taking the next step to visit and give direct personal interest in the woman's problems and heart-ache they never cared to do so. A month after the incident, the girl's mother decided to go to a café that severed alcohol not wanting to go to a bar feeling unwelcomed in those types of environments. She sat down at the sit at counter being severed by a woman with golden brown locks and greenish brown eyes wearing a grey t-shirt having a name tag that read 'Denise' pinned on it, jeans and a apron "what can I getcha?" The girl's mother was shocked by how good looking the woman was, she felt a light blush creep up her face as she stared at the woman trying to make it not noticeable to the woman in front of her "hey Mrs. are you okay?" "Yes" "good, now what do you want to order?" "A beer and a sandwich please" "okay what type of sandwich do you want?" "Any type is fine just don't add pickles"

"Alright and why no pickles if I may ask?" "Pickles when combined with certain other foods will fuc-um mess up my stomach and make me nauseated and give me some other flu like things which I can't have that right now at this point of time" "okay got it no pickles," she said writing it down on her little notepad "and you can swear I'm not your mom I'm not going to ground you" she continued jokingly chuckling at the end " I know I'm just used to not swearing" " and why's that?" "I have a kid.." the girl's mother said blushing more feeling sort of embarrassed " oh my gosh that's awesome! How old are they? And what gender?!" The waitress said excited " about a month old and it's a girl" " amazing good for you, how's the husband taking this?" " Um I don't have a husband I um I have a wife.." "oh my god I'm so sorry um what's your name by the way?" "It's fine, and Terra" "okay Terra I'm Denise" "nice to meet you Denise" "nice to meet you to, so how's the wife?" "She's uh she's um... she's passed.." " I'm sorry I don't mean to bring this up to you.. how long has it been?" "A month.." "how have you dealt with this?" "Disocializing with everyone I know, overwhelming myself with work and plastering a smile on my face.." "that's not good you know that right?" " I know.." "if-"

The waitress woman was interrupted by someone in the kitchen yelling that the food was done "I'll be right there!!," She yelled back " wait here I'll be back with your food.." "okay...." The girl's mother said simply, the woman walked to the kitchen to get the food Terra had ordered. The waitress walking back to the counter placing the food and alcoholic beverage down in front of the girl's mother sitting down next to Terra "have you told anyone about how you are feeling?" "No they don't care they only message me for their own gradfication that I haven't die.." "well you can tell me how your feeling" "I don't know much about you.." "yeah but it's better than a therapist right?" that's was true Terra found it more comfortable telling someone they knew a bit about then someone they knew none about.

She told Denise everything, and the waitress listen and understood what she was feeling because she knew "how it felt to lose someone very close to you," " I lost my brother Dennis". The two talked for awhile until midnight to be specific, the two walked out the cafe together until they had to spill different ways both stood still at the crossroads that would separate them from eachother "um can we meet up again sometime?" "Sure," "here's my number call me when you want to meet up I'm free Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday unless stated otherwise" she handing over a piece of paper with her number to Terra "okay, is this Saturday good?" "Yeah see you then" and with that the waitress had started walking away, but Terra couldn't seem to move she watched Denise until she was out of view having a deep blush on her face "I think I have a crush.." she said barely above a whisper.


It now has been months since the two meet and they have grown closer and closer with each second they were with each other. Terra's family and friends noticed the sudden mood change and we're surprised at first until they found out what the cause was. When the time had come for Denise to be meet Terra's loved ones, the first was her little sunshine for the girl's mother had thought it was essential to receive the girl's approval first before the others for her daughter came before anything else. When Terra had introduced Denise to her daughter the girl gave the waitress a smile, a smile in which she only ever gave her mother for the girl was very picky and particular with people's character, the girl's mother knew the smile well it being the welcoming smile her daughter always and only gave her. The smile the girl had spread to the mother, the mother giving a warm smile to her daughter then to Denise causing her herself to smile as well. Next to be introduced was Terra's family, the family gave the two women their blessing, Terra's parents and family members being proud of Terra for not living the rest of her life alone. Then was Terra's friends who had the same approval as her family had.

Once the day had finally arrived, only months later, it was simple the two wanting nothing wild keeping it traditional in a sense. They had said their 'I do's' and ending with a kiss, the guset cheered and Terra's daughter threw flower petals in the air as high as she could sprinkling the two newly weds with blue and red petals those being their favorite colours, but there was one special petal being purple symbolizing the little girl they now call their's.


A few months past, being close to the girl's birthday. The two lovers trying to get the girl to tell them what she wanted for her special day, but the girl never told the two what it was.

One day, the girl and her mother were sat in the living room the girl playing with some toy blocks stacking them up into a tower. "Sweetie what do you want for your birthday?" The older women asked "nuthing" the tiny child replied knowing some words already "what do you mean sweetie?" "I thall weady thave vhat I vanthed" "and what is that?" "Ith vanthed thow whave thwo bobbys, thand sow I thot them" the girl said, the woman knew what the child said and it made her over joyed to hear her little ball of sunshine say those words. It made her so over joyed that she called Denise over to tell her the news " HONEY!! HONEY!! Come here!" The girl's mother said, the girl's new mom walked into the room feeling slightly confused "yeah what is it?" " She said something!" "What she say?" Denise asked "she said that you being her second mother was what she wanted for her birthday!" Terra screamed happily. The waitress was quiet being shocked by what her newly daughter had said she couldn't find the words she wanted to say, she wanted to say something but couldn't find what words to form together to emulate what she was feeling. "That's... that's amazing!!!" She said picking up her daughter and spinning her around in the air. When Denise had stopped spinning her around she clung her to her chest giving her a enormous hug surrounding, her in warmth. Terra stood from the floor and made her way over to her lover and daughter, wrapping her arms around both of them. "Looks like this is the start of our new family huh?, Well I can't wait to see where it leads us".

Next chapter