
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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115 Chs

We won but at what cost

-Agent Coulson-

He kind of knew that he shouldn't pick up the call of Nick's fury at least not when he was in mourning. Even though Coulson always wore black, today was different because the ink of black darkness symbolized the feeling of loss and the void left in my heart upon the death of my beloved, Coulson would not hold a funeral, that would look weird to others but the love of his life deserved a grand procession.

He looked on as the SHIELD repairman removed all the parts from his car that could be salvaged before scrapping the frame and No Coulson can't take it home and place it on a pedestal as it was SHIELD property he already asked them. Those damn bastards said his car was too old to be ridden on the road anyway, what did those snobby assholes know about vintage? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

He wanted to rant more but the call from Fury once again interrupted his mourning, he couldn't ignore his boss too many times lest he lose his job or worse get someone killed so he picked it up and waited for Fury to speak first. Fury and his dramatics were a point of contention between them, if he was being dramatic then it wasn't an emergency. So either Fury relents and starts to speak first instead of forcing his subordinates to speak or he can sit and stew in silence.

"Where are you, Agent Coulson?" 'GOTCHA BITCH' I grin wryly as I tell him "Just disposing of my partner" he sighs exasperatedly as he tells me "I will talk with the R&D to find a way to restore the car from its original parts" For the first time in my life I wanted to be gay just so I can kiss that man as a thank you. If what he says is true my love will be brought back from the dead and more upgrades too if it's the R&D team they are talking about.

I force all the excitement to the back of my mind as I wonder about the price I have to pay for this and as the words leave Fury's lips I can't help but think of the headaches I'll have by the end of the next mission.

-Spiderman POV-

As soon as Tony got hit I knew he would be fine as most of the momentum was stopped by my webs holding The Abomination back. I leaped towards Tony just in case he rattled his brain too much or something but he seemed fine as he said "Thank God I put the dampeners in my suit" I nodded along and told him "I did too, even though I don't take that many impacts as there is nothing worse than becoming a vibrator because of the Armor padding." We look back as The Abomination seems to have broken free and is looking at his stump.

I point at that as I tell Tony "Next time you make a weapon that strong, make sure it doesn't cauterize the wound" He nods and I get back in for Round 3 of our fight "He won the first round and we won the 2nd, the last round decided the winner" Tony floats forward slowly and I start jogging beside him as he says "Let's do the Rhino thing" I grin as we head back into battle one more time but this time Tony fires an onslaught of missiles at the Abomination making him step back but before we could reach him he claps his hands together and we get pushed back from the air pressure itself.

How did he clap when he only had one hand you would ask, well he slammed a fist into his inanimate fist on the ground which was strong enough to push me back too it seemed. I watch as the bastard pulls out his own elbow bone from his severed arm and fashions it as a knife before he moves once again.

I got ready to either guard myself or dodge an attack but I wasn't his Target, I turned back to find Tony's arm being stabbed through with the bone I yelled out in disbelief "NOOOOO" I wished to finish the monster before he could cause further harm but he simply kicks Tony, pushing him across the parking lot and into the building. I punch him in the back twice making him grunt in pain before my fists find air instead of the monster and I look around hoping my Spidey sense works in finding him.

I feel a bell ringing in my head and duck as a rock sails past where my head used to be, before I can sign in relief another bell rings but I am too late to react as The monster uppercuts me. As I floated a few inches off the ground all that ran through my mind was 'Bastard wasn't this strong before' and I felt multiple attacks from multiple directions repeatedly telling me to block punch and dodge all at the same time which made me suffer three hits at once.

This continues for a few more hits before I notice the pattern and let the rock impact my face before I take the punch to my chest with a pained grimace, I wait for the high kick to head for my head and grab the offending lab before I throw the fat fuck as far as I could.

I tried to take a couple of breaths as I wondered how I could fight a really strong speedster and all I got was one answer "Blind him" I shot webs at every street light in the area and fired some at a couple of windows so that the light doesn't spill outside. I wait as the Abomination rushes back into the realm of battle and yells out for my death running into the darkness I have created.

His eyes will adjust to the light before I can so, I'll have to finish this before that. I close my eyes to get rid of any other distractions and listen to my spider sense. His first attack was a running punch from the left and instead of all the other times I have dodged I have instead leaned back and guided his punch to go down into the ground before I punched as hard as I could into his ribs.

I didn't see his reaction but his grunt of pain was enough of a confirmation for me. He threw a backhand at me which Spidey sense warned me of so I simply ducked before jumping forward with my head first, headbutting the man. I felt something wet around me so I must have hit him pretty hard for blood to come out.

His next couple of hits were the same I just moved left or right before throwing a punch or kick in his general direction, some hit him others didn't but one thing is for sure when he did get hit, he got hit hard. I lean left when Spidey sense warns me but that seems to be the wrong move as another stronger bell rings in my head.

I am grabbed by a massive hand before I can even formulate a plan and I am slammed into the ground, the air is pushed out of my lungs and I am forced to open my eyes, it seems the Abomination has been at work while my eyes were closed as he went ahead and took out the webs from most of the lights around us instead of waiting for his eyes to adjust to the lighting and that noise, that noise was from the few cars which had their door dented making them blink their lights in alarm lighting up the place even more.

Before I could get my bearings back the Abomination was on me and I had to defend myself from an onslaught of punches but I wasn't just guarding myself I was throwing a couple of punches here and there or redirecting his punches to not hit me but even I was a little weak to a mounted fist fight. There is no other way to get out when the opponent has the high ground.

And the Abomination leveraged his position to good use as I was pounded into the ground relentlessly (Not Sexual), all I could do was try to guard here and there but I wasn't weak by any means, so I did the only thing I could do.

I stopped his next punch with my hand and the other hand (Stumps) with my other hand. He screamed into my face and I didn't flinch, no I didn't. I held his arms in the air with all my strength and my muscle was straining from the effort. Just as I thought I would lose and die right then and there a red beam of laser cuts through the Abomination's neck and his head rolls off.

I look at Tony throwing the gauntlet with his right arm down before supporting his injured arm. I get Abomination's headless Corpse off of me as I yell out in gratitude "I am so fucking thankful that the laser thing cauterizes the wounds. I would rather die than let that thing blood into my mouth" Tony just weakly replies "You owe me one" before falling from blood loss.