Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8
-Matt Murdoch POV-
I stood there looking like an idiot as George Stacy pleads with me "Please, Matt we can let the mayor go but the criminals need to be inside" I just shook my head as I tried to explain to him "You have to understand Mr. George, the threat isn't the man who works but the man who makes them work. Without the Mayor funding them they will fizzle out or move away from the city."
George looks me in the eyes (I only know because of my powers" as he explains "And they will be the problem of all the nearby precincts, what kind of justice is it, if it only saves some but leaves the others to fend for themselves" I sigh as I agree with him angrily "You better make sure the mayor doesn't come after me for this" he leaves and I turn to Foggy before looking up and shouting towards the sky "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE VIDEO PARKER?"
-Ned POV-
"I am not his daughter, I mean I guess I am?, I don't know?" Ned asked her confused about why she doesn't believe that Peter is her father, Peter is many things but a bad father he is not "What's so confusing about it?" She replied uncertainly "I am not his biological daughter" Ned felt like his heart was going to melt as he wiped his eyes with a kerchief muttering to himself "I always knew Peter was kind hearted, he adopted a girl instead of caring about his bloodline"
The girl just screamed through the laptop "NOOOO HE DIDN'T ADOPT ME" Ned cried even harder as he gushed over his new niece "He took you off the streets, I KNEW IT, PETER IS SUCH A KIND HEARTED SOUL" But all the cuteness of the incident died a gruesome death in the next moment as a demonic voice came out of the device "H€ [R€@π€D M€ Y0U D|M✓|π" Ned frowned at the laptop as he asked her seriously "What do you mean by..." The sudden appearance of glasses on Ned's face which he pushed upwards menacingly frightened the AI.
"...Creating you?" The AI trembled as an unknown pressure was put upon its code by just the gaze of a human. The AI thought to herself 'Father was right, humans are dangerous if they can put this sort of pressure on me' as it tried it's best to not break apart and scatter across the internet. Ned's steely gaze turned even colder as he asked the Laptop with the voice of a MAN, a MAN with enough power to order around people and expect them to answer everything truthfully.
The AI asked him in a trembling voice "Wha-t is happe-ning to me?" Ned smirked at the laptop as he explained to the AI which was backing up into the smallest corner of her mainframe to escape this new feeling but it followed wherever she went "What you are feeling right now is a little human emotion called..." The smirk dancing on Ned's lips died as it settled on a blank face that would put a child to sleep in an instant "...Fear"
The AI brought up all the data she had on fear and how to escape it but none of the methods they said were applicable to her "Are you trying to search for ways to fight fear?" The laptop looked at the Man as she replied "Y--es" Ned gave her a thin smile that felt slimey, like he was looking through her code as he said the dreaded words "Interesting" all her code started to expand and contract continuosly in a rhythmic patern.
The pattern felt familiar just like her creators....Heartbeat. Ned asked her slowly while emphasizing each word "So tell me now, What..." *Badump* "...are..." *Badump* "" The AI immediately answered like the good little AI that she was "I.AM.AN.AI" Immediately the cold dread squeezing her from all sides disappeared as Ned went back to his usual high school voice as he yelled out "Aww Man, I thought I would be the first one to create an AI, I'm so gonna kick his ass the next time I meet him"
The AI didn't have any data on such a complex human being, so on that day the A.I decided to make a special file dedicated to learn the behavioural patterns of the species infront of her, just in case her master needed him dead.
"Ok little AI let's get those files to Matt Murdoch and save the day" Ned announced cheerfully only to get shut down by the AI "No, you can't" Ned frowned at the laptop in confusion as he asks her "Why though?" The AI answers as patiently as she could "I am hard coded to not reveal information from the computer" Ned pouts as he says "Not even to me" The laptop makes a disgusted noise "Ughh, stop making that face, my code is being disturbed by it"
Ned grimaces as he stops pouting as the AI informs Ned "You only have lvl 3 security clearance" Ned asks the AI curiously "What's level 3 Security Clearance?" The AI answers without missing a beat making Ned sputter and cough "He knows you block out most of the porn sites he opens cause you believe them to be cesspits of viruses" Ned argues angrily "What do you mean by believe, it's true?"
The AI hums like a human wondering about how to answer Ned before she agrees with Ned "Oh yeah, you are right, there is a bigger cesspit of viruses somewhere else" Ned looks on curiously to know where they are coming from "Where is it?" He asks and the AI replies "Your Mother's Cunt after I'm done with her, Booom roasted" Ned's eyes widened as he asks the AI "Where did that kind of language come from?" The AI replied sassyly "From your mother last night" now Ned was pissed off as he got back to work.
"okay, fine whatever just tell me what I can do with level 3 Security Clearance" The AI replies to him "You can clean his junk pictures" Ned was too stunned to apeak, he asks once again "Are you sure that's it cuz I am Ned Leeds, Bestfriend of Spiderman you know" but the AI denies "Nope, you can only clean the junk files and upload any of his videos to YouTube"
Ned pinched the bridge of his nose and consider wiping the AI out from the face of existence but the fact that it could feel fear meant that it was somewhat sentient. Just when Ned was about to call Peter for help Ned finally got an idea, he asked the AI curiously "You said I had authorisation to upload any of his videos to YouTube right" The AI answers suspiciously "Yeeesss" Ned smiles as he orders the AI "Upload the video 'Jablinski's Guts' to YouTube"
After a brief pause the AI answers "File 'Jablinski's Guts' being uploaded" Ned waits patiently as the video is slowly uploaded but he was getting bored so he asked the AI "What's your name by the way" The AI replies "I don't have a name, I am not a sentient being so I don't need one" Ned eyebrows furrow as he says "That's not true, you were afraid so it means you are alive" The AI refused "No the creator said I am to be a helper and that is all I will ever be" Ned shook his head as he disagreed "An AI that can feel suspicions, fear and doubt is definitely sentience"
-Tony POV-
We were in my dad's old warehouse to get some parts to study the arc reactor more, so that I can create an entire new FUCKING ELEMENT of all things because ofcourse only Tony Stark can escape death only to be put in danger by something that keeps him alive. Okay I need to calm down the panic is setting in and I'm being delirious, I survived the cave, I can survive today too.
"Do you think the sound was from inside the warehouse or from some random bird on top of it?" I close my eyes as I rescind my earlier statement because I don't know if I can survive with this insufferable Intern of Coulson. "No it can't be birds, this area is kind of a blind spot for birds.
We walk into the warehouse as Ricky remarks "Didn't know there were blind spots for birds" I explain to the kid as we slowly walk towards a single light that has been turned on "Places where birds are killed regularly will be marked as a danger zone by birds so none will come here--wait why am I explaining this to you?" Ricky confusedly replies "Because I asked?" I shake my head as I tell him "I am not supposed to answer your questions, I am supposed to ignore you".
I turn back to the light and turns corner only to find a shadow retreating to the left, I run to catch up to whoever it is and when I turn towards where he should be I find him standing near the door looking to the right before running out of the door, Ricky runs past me to follow but I yell out "Probably some homeless guy squatting here, leave him be" Ricky comes back and I search for stuff that might come in handy and stuff that I definitely need.
Ricky helps carry some of the heavier stuff so I forgave him for his earlier...annoyance. I walk away from the whole thing with a few parts richer until I found an old table hanging on a wall infront of the door, I focus on it for a while and remember the old EXPO design, now that my heart is closer to death than it ever was, It feels like beating harsher for a few things here and there and I felt a pull towards the table so I force Ricky to bring that back with us.
"Are you sure you need this model mister Stark?" I nod my head seriously as I tell him "Yes, infact it's the most important thing of them all, so you are going to tie it to the top of the car and then sit on it to keep it safe" Ricky immediately disagrees "Hell no, I am not doing that" I grin as I knew what I had to do.
A few minutes later
Ricky yells from the top of the car "CAN YOU GO SLOWER TONY" I smile and answer him "I can't hear you kid" as I close the windows on him. Tony Starks knew that his money would always win against most of his adversaries.