
Cat and her kittens.

-Black Cat POV-

I asked Susan in a low whisper "Why don't you guys talk that much?" Susan looks at Bang and he gives her a nod of approval. Susan turns back to me as she tells me "One of our old foster homes made us do the wall chair whenever we talked to each other, they said we should only talk when necessary" I hugged the critters close and whispered in their ears "It's ok, you are fine now" they push me off and gasp in offense as Bang says "Oh come on we don't want anymore hugs, we want to know about that black suit in your cupboard"

I grin and tease Bang good naturedly "My my Bang, didn't know you were old enough to be interested in that sort of thing" Bang flushes red as he stutters while Susan just hits him on the head and complains "She is just teasing you, you idiot get over it"

Susan turns back to me and asks in a serious tone "What do you do when you wear that...suit?" I grin and whisper conspiratorily "I fight bad guys" I expected them to look at me with wide eyes as they gushed over how cool I am but Susan just turns away as she says "Tell us the truth or don't tell us at all"

I frown and tell her again "I am telling the truth, I do fight bad guys" We hear a loud thunk to our left and I turn to find my stash of diamonds and jewellery sprawled on the floor by Bang who was looking at me with a disappointed glare as he asks me "Why lie when we already know about this?"

I wince as I try to come up with a good explanation "I bought them in a sale" but they definitely weren't buying it by the look of their faces.

I groan and tell them "Fine, I steal from bad people while beating up their goons" I expected them to look at me in disgust or fear but the sparkles in their eyes told me a different story.

I watched as they asked me with a lot of enthusiasm "How do you choose targets?" "Where do you get your gear from?" "Why the cat theme?" "What's the toughest thing you ever stole?" "Can we join in the museum heist?" My eyes widen at the last question and I shout louder than their questions to get their attention.

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. How do you know about the Museum heist?" I look at the suspicious little critters as they look at each other before Susan gets under the bed while Bang runs towards the cupboard. I raise a brow, unimpressed at their escape attempts and I do tell them that "You can't hide in my home, I have hid from cops, FBI, CIA searching for my father in this very room" but they ignore me and come back from their places with clothes and blueprints in their hands.

I ask them in confusion "What are you doing?" They throw all the stuff in their arms on the bed as Susan announces "We will join your Museum heist because there is a blind spot in your plan"

I grab the blueprint from her and look at the additions they made to the plan using a.... Is that written with a glitter pen?. Uh huh, yeah that makes sense, oh I didn't know there was a camera there, wait how many gaurds is that. I look at the both of them once I looked through the whole plan "How did you make this new plan again?"

I look at them both suspiciously as I ask them "Who made this for you?" Bang sheepishly admits "Uncle Walter saw us looking at the blueprints and helped us make this plan" Susan held her clothes up as she says happily "He said we would need disguises if we want to be of help and took us shopping"

I grit my teeth as I ground out "He said that huh" I pat their heads and take the blueprint before I walked towards Dad's room. I kick open the door and find him talking with someone on his phone "Yes, yes I will complete the heist as soon as I can....No I'll need the money in my bank...ok....I'll call you once I have it"

He cuts the call and looks at me. I slam the blueprint on his table and ask him "What is the meaning of this?" He levels a glare at me as he scolds me "This means, you are sloppy" he points a finger at my head as he says "this means you aren't capable of making a plan" he holds my shoulder as he tells me in a disappointed tone "This means, you aren't fit to follow in my footsteps and put yourself in danger"

I look away from him as I tell him "My plan was fine, there were just some small mistakes in the..." But he wasn't having it and interrupted me "Your plan would have gotten you caught"

I got frustrated at his insistance in finding faults in me so I asked him "And your plan involves children doesn't it, sooo much better than the normal plan isn't it?" He looks at me in confusion as he asks me "Weren't you teaching them what I taught you? Why can't they apply their learnings and warn their keep?" I shook my head and denied his methods "They are just kids"

He held me by my shoulder and pushed me out of his room as he told me "And so are you. So stop trying to do adults work" he shuts the door behind me and I mutter to myself "I gotta learn somehow"

-Tony Stark POV-

I ask Coulson as Steve stands behind him "So my father was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D and you held onto his stuff for all of these years without returning them to me" Coulson didn't look one bit intimidated by the tone of my voice as he answered "There wasn't a need for us to give them to you"

I get closer and try to put my height out as an advantage but it was ultimately a wasted effort as Captain got in between us and told me "Most of it is junk from his old office, it wasn't important so it was left collecting dust in an old warehouse. Coulson thought it might help you calm your mind" All of my anger and rage was doused in cold water.

I walked away instead of apologizing for the misunderstanding to look at all the stuff that dad has left for me "Junk, Junk, Junk all ofthis is just his standards office stuff except for these tapes. What are these?" Coulson looks into the box before telling me "These are your fathers old ad out takes, they are good memoribilla to have, I think you were there in one of the outtakes"

I throw the tapes back inside the box as I mutter under my breathe "What use is this shit for me then?" Coulson followed me talking my ear off as I walked towards BUDDY "I brought them here because you might need...." I cut him off and finish his sentence "...closure. Coulson you think I need closure because you think I am about to die. Well you are wrong, I'll live, I'll survive and I will thrive"

I closed the door in their faces after pushing them out of the lab, I turned back to my lab and asked Jarvis "Do we have anything that can play those tapes?" Jarvis took a big pause before he answered "Yes, sir" I asked him curiously "Was that pause intentional Jarvis" Jarvis answered immediately "Yes, sir" I muttered under my breathe "Fucking Sassy AI"

"Language" I heard captain shouting and I looked around to know how he got back into the lab but I found myself to be alone in the lab with no sign of captain. I breathe a sigh of relief before I ask Jarvis "Did you record Captain saying 'Language' just so you can play it on the speakers when I curse?" Jarvis took another long pause before saying "Yes" I grin and tell him "You are a comedic genius Jarvis, we gotta improve your sarcasm code after I complete this palladium project"