
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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88 Chs

A new day and new stream..?

After uploading the video late in the night, i didn't bother sticking around to find out what happened to it and soon hit the bed, i woke up to the sun gleaming through the windows and after cleaning myself up i went down to have breakfast.

As aunt may set the table the news plays on T.V and reports of an incident that happened yesterday "...Dr Connors allegedly used his own creation which was still in testing phase to prove his theory, this lab experiment gone wrong was the reason for yesterday's midtown incident, it also turned him into a movie monster who was dubbed the name The lizard by the vigilante who apprehended him before he could cause further damage to the investors through the use of a biological weapon. The fight has been recorded and given to us by said vigilante as evidence."

The video starts playing with lizard doing something with the machine to me hitting him to him hitting me to me hitting him so hard they had to switch cameras to the outside before me turning him back to normal "...As we can see the vigilante even cured the ailment of Dr Connors who is currently held in a max security prison. Back to the vigilante who saved the day, experts suggest that he is the same vigilante who saved a streamer from sexual assault 2 days prior, that fight was also recorded and went viral on the internet, making the netizens call him by the name of Spider-man. If you are watching this all i can say is thank you Spider-man." this time i was relieved that it wasn't something about me and just something about my persona which wouldn't make aunt may mad, worried, sad or any such things.

I calmly finished my breakfast and went to school, i met ned at the entrance and he asked me as we were walking to the lockers "Dude, you met vinderella?" i nod as i say "Uncle ben saved her if you forgot" he looked excited as he said "you are going to be famous as fuck bro" i got confused as i asked him "What, why?" he was shocked as he asked me "You don't know that she is a streamer" i shake my head as i say "i know that part but it could'nt have that much of an impact right?"

Ned's mouth formed an O as he exclaimed "Were you living under a rock" i was offended as i yelled "No" but he looked judmental as fuck as he said "you have been living under a rock, if you didn't know the most famous 13 year old in the whole United States of America" i look at him in disappointment as i ask "ok stop exaggerating shit" but the next thing he uttered made me stop dead in my tracks "She met Obama".

I turned to him and held him by his shoulders as i yelled "What?" ned seemed startled as he looked around at all the people looking our way at my outburst and showed a sorry look to them before turning to me and saying in a whisper "Yes she met Obama" i ask him in a whisper confused at this turn of events "But why?" he gave me the 'are you dumb' look as he said "why else but to make a video?"

I deadpan as i say "The president of our country met a streamer to make a video" he explains the reason to me seeing my disbelief "she is as famous as Tony stark" i ponder on it as we move towards our first class of the day and ask "How is she as famous him? when stark is famous all over the world" he says with what i think is fanboy enthusiasm "She knows 7 languages, SEVEN! and makes content for each one seperately so she has fans from 7 fucking countries so, ofcourse she is famous" i get shell shocked from knowing these facts and think of how worse my content looks to all the people.

I vow to myself to get the contents quality up and make the viewers actually happy with my videos, the last videos budget was basically zero with the sponsors help and even without their help it would still have been 300$ at most.

I gotta up my game if i want to earn more money from my videos.

Me and ned completed our class and were heading for lunch when i saw MJ sitting by herself somewhere so i grab ned by the hand and head towards her and ask her "Hey can we sit with you" she gives an unsure nod with a frown on her face as we sit in front of her.

I ask as we start eating our lunch "So, what's up?" she gives me a bored look and deadpans "the ceiling" i stay silent as ned starts laughing beside me 'HAHAHAHAHA--HAHA-HA...he' his laughter stops awkwardly and we all stay silent.

I continue eating a little more of the unappetizing school lunch as i say "i don't remember you being this mean the last time" she looks down at her food as she says "well people change don't they" i raise my eyebrows at her which she sees and sighs as she explains "You sitting here is making my head split" i look at her in moch hurt as i ask "Oh, what did i do?" she looked annoyed as she said "Get your head out of the clouds and look around..." i do exactly that and notice that a lot of people are looking at us or more specifically 'me' as she continues "...because of you they look at me but i am the one who is supposed to do that, i am lowkey, i am supposed to be the people watcher not them"

My mouth forms a thin line as i say "So you don't like attention, that's it" she smirks as she says "attention will get you in trouble" i smirked as i asked "What trouble?" her smirk only widens as she says "that one" while nodding towards my back and finishing the last slice of weird pizza on her plate before she left.

I turned around and see flash heading towards me at a quick pace and brace myself to be ready to escape him without implicating myself. He grabs me by the shoulder before i can go away and avoid a fight and makes me sit back down, the only reason he even managed to push me back down was because i was shocked when my Spidey sense didn't work.

It either means i somehow lost my Spidey sense or the more unbelievable reason of flash not coming to beat me down or something.

Flash sits beside me and grabs both of my shoulders with his head down and not showing me any hint of his emotion. For some reason he looked like a man who is marching to his death or a man who have up all dignity to do something.

Flash looked up into my eyes with clear desperation and asked "Can i meet Vinderella?" "HUH" i got really really confused at that and look at him completely and notice that he was wearing a shirt under his regular jacket that has a giant 'V'on it and i look at his neck where a silver chain hangs with a 'V' at the end of it.

I look into his eyes and literally see the anime hearts and say "No" he looked like a man sentenced to death as he asked "What--why?" i immediately retort "Why are you asking me about that?" he looked confused as he said "didn't you make a video with her" i looked him up and down and said "i made 'A' video but it isn't like she is my girlfriend" he nodded with a dejected expression and said "I'll--i'll go" as he walked away, only one thing was screaming in my mind 'SHE IS 13 YOU FUCKING PEDO'.