
Chapter 20

Sherry spent the rest of the day with Jason, which was rather surprising even for her. Usually he went into the woods to mine his own business, but this time it was different. It seemed like he didn't want to leave her side. But in any case, she was more than happy about it. With each second, Sherry understood that she loved being in Jason's company. She knew about herself growing very much attached to him, but now her feelings turned into something stronger than just mere attachment. And she didn't give a damn about him being a killer and how many people he had murdered during his existence. All that mattered is that they were together.

Jason, in turn, pondered about what to do next in their relationship. He knew he always hated sexual relations, but in Sherry's case he was now sure about being ready to make an exception. Sherry wasn't like the others. For him, she was special. She accepted him as he was, dismissing the fact that he was a murderer, and that was a huge deal. But still, would she want him as her mate? Jason wasn't entirely sure about that. And showing his face was absolutely out of question. He was sure that if she saw what was under the mask, she would definitely reject him, and that was the last thing that Jason wanted. He was happy that Sherry was here with him, and he would do anything to keep it that way. Every time he felt her touch, his dead heart began beating faster, and those times where they held each other in their arms… Jason thought that he needed nothing more in this whole world. He only wanted to be with Sherry. And he noticed that every time he touched her beautiful skin, she never tried to stop him and never felt disgusted. On the contrary, it seemed like she wanted more. But she seemed also hesitant. Sherry knew that Jason hated sex in general, so she was afraid to trigger his rage. Jason wanted to let her know that she had nothing to be afraid of. He wouldn't be angry if she tried something. So there was a chance after all, and Jason wouldn't hesitate to use it. He just had to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

The day was gradually coming to an end, and the sky slowly began to grow darker, but still it was fairly bright. Sherry walked inside her cabin, inviting Jason too. Looking at the clock in her phone, she saw it was nearly eight. Too early for going to bed. She didn't know what to do now until she felt Jason's large palms on her shoulders. Sherry closed her eyes, feeling shivers running down her skin. His touch wasn't rough at all, to her it felt so soft, so loving… Sherry finally gave in to her emotions and pressed her back to Jason, her head barely reaching his shoulders. Feeling his fingers massaging her shoulders, Sherry relaxed totally, enjoying this delicate moment between her and Jason. And in a few moments she turned around and pressed herself to Jason's muscled chest, wrapping her arms around him. Jason growled quietly from joy and pleasure, and Sherry could swear that she felt vibration from the growl emanating from his chest. She didn't even care to switch the light on in the cabin, it felt even better in the dusk. Darkness had its own charm, and in a moment like this, nothing could be better. Jason moved his hand up and down the girl's back, trying to do it as gentle as possible, caressing her arms with his fingertips. He loved every moment of this intimate moment between them. The feeling of her skin was something incredible. Comparing with his calloused skin, hers felt like silk. Jason wished he could touch more of her skin, and not just face or arms. And it looked like Sherry didn't mind at all. But before anything happened, Jason suddenly grew tense. Of course, Sherry couldn't have missed this sudden change.

"What's the problem, Jason? Am I doing anything wrong?"

Jason shook his head and this time put his finger to Sherry's lips, thus telling her to be quiet. He thought he heard the sound of car engine. The he listened carefully.

He couldn't be more right. There was definitely a car approaching the camp. And it meant another bunch of dumb teenage trespassers.

"God damn it!" Sherry swore under her breath. "Why now? Why the hell do they have to come exactly now? Shit, shit, shit!"

Jason watched her swearing quietly, and in such moments she looked very cute to him. But tenderness aside, he had work to do.

Sherry peeked out of the window and saw a minivan parking a few meters away from her cabin, and when the engine went silent, six young people stepped out of the vehicle, two couples and two more guys. All of them looked no older than eighteen years, maybe even less. Two of them took something from the van and went to the beach to make a fire while others were unpacking things for picnic.

Jason watched it all, standing like a motionless statue, and Sherry was sure that he already had a plan in his mind. She trusted him and his ability to analyze the situation, so he would never fail. Lucky for him, the sun had already set around half an hour ago, and now darkness engulfed the entire forest. It was a perfect time to strike.

Finally Jason began to move. Giving Sherry the usual gesture to stay quiet, he opened the door and disappeared in the dark. Sherry was glad that the cabin door didn't screech when opened, so the unsuspecting teens heard nothing. All of them were too busy with roasting marshmallows, drinking liters of beer and empty babbling.

Sherry listened attentively. Although she couldn't hear every word, as her cabin was located several meters away from the beach, but general topic of their talk was clear to her.

"I still don't understand why the hell we had to come exactly here," one of the girls huffed in dissatisfaction. "Are there really no other camps or just nice places in wooded area?"

"And what's wrong with this place, Sandra?" the male voice asked.

"What does it mean – what's wrong? Do you know the history of Camp Crystal Lake?"

"Yes, I know it," the guy replied. "And so, what's next? I know there were a few unpleasant cases here, but when did it happen? A hundred years ago? Now this place is more peaceful than the cemetery."

"Cemetery… of course…" Sandra hissed under her breath.

"Come on, Sandra, calm down," another female voice joined in. "Andrew is right. What could possibly happen here now? It's just an empty camp, that's all."

"I hope you're right, Marcy," Sandra sighed. "But I still don't like this place."

"Relax, baby," Russell said, hugging her waist. "I will never let anyone harm you." Saying this he kissed her lips.

"Yeah, all what happened here is nothing but history," another male voice laughed. "But such places as this have their own ghost story."

"Cody, please, don't start again," Marcy interrupted him. "Sandra is already nervous, and now you come in with your ghost stories."

"Oh, girls, you know that there are no such things as ghosts," Cody laughed. "It's just a campfire story. I suppose you have heard about Jason Voorhees? The boy that drowned in this lake in 1957? Well, it's said that he either somehow survived the drowning and witnessed his mother's death, or he has risen from the dead and now roams around the camp, killing everyone he sees. Even if he existed, I would stick to the first version of surviving the drowning. Because rising from the dead… That's bullshit."

"That's right, buddy, it's total bullshit," Andrew agreed, patting his friend on the shoulder. "Worth a Hollywood movie, right?"

"But there are movies about him, I think," Jack joined the conversation, hugging Marcy from behind. "They've made how many… ten, if I remember it right. But who cares, movies are movies. In fiction there can be anything. And we are here, in real world. So, everybody relax."

Hearing them mentioning the movies about Jason, Sherry suddenly remembered that she wanted to show Jason one of those movies, but as usual, forgot about it. But it didn't matter now. Maybe some other time. He was now concentrated on getting rid of unwanted guests.

After an hour or something, both couples separated from the group and went to retire into a cabin. Jack and Marcy chose the most distant cabin from the fire and entered it. Little did the others know that a surprise awaited for them in a face of a hockey-masked monster. The couple entered the cabin and never left it afterwards. Jason acted fast and quiet. Jack and Marcy didn't even manage to realize what was going on when the steel blade of Jason's machete ended their lives in a single moment. And no one heard a sound.

Sherry sat on her bed, waiting patiently until Jason finished his business. But in a few minutes she heard footsteps approaching her cabin. And those footsteps weren't Jason's.

"Oh shit…" she muttered, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she tried to hide, they would understand that someone was living here, as there were a fridge, a portative burner, a laptop on the table, and a clean bed. So she had to face the intruders.

Sandra and Russell opened the door, searching for the light switch, and when the light was finally on, Sandra screamed in surprise, seeing a young woman sitting on one of the beds.

"Oh, sorry," Russell was no less surprised. "Um… what are you doing here, lady?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed it yet, I live here," Sherry responded with irritation in her voice.

"You live here alone? But why?" Sandra asked her.

"That is none of your business." Sherry stood from the bed and opened the door, pointing to the doorway. "This is MY cabin. Now please, do me a favor and get the hell out of my face!"

"Alright, alright," Russell lifted his hands up, and both left the cabin. Sherry slammed the door shut after them. "Man, what is this girl's problem?" he whispered to Sandra on their way to another cabin.

"I don't know, but she was rude. And does she really live here alone, in the middle of nowhere?"

"That's what she said," Russell replied. "I wonder why?"

"This is all so strange." Sandra thought out loud. "What can make a human being choose to live far away from civilization and especially in an abandoned place with a bad history?"

"No idea. But okay, forget her. That's her choice after all. We'll find us some other cabin."

While Russell and Sandra left Sherry's cabin, Andrew and Cody, still sitting at the fire, shouted out to them:

"Hey you, guys, what's the matter? The cabin is too filthy?" Saying this, both burst out laughing. "Why did you leave the light on?"

The couple exchanged glances, and Russell began talking.

"You won't believe it, guys, but we're not alone in this camp."

"What? What do you mean?" Andrew asked.

"There's a girl living in this cabin," Sandra explained. "She said she lives here. And it seems that way, as we noticed a laptop on the table, a fridge she has there, and the bed sheets are definitely new and fresh. I just can't comprehend why she chose to live in this place. In the end she just rudely pushed us out. But it's her own business after all. We go to find us another cabin."

When Sandra and Russell left, Andrew and Cody thought about what to do next. While they discussed the situation, Sherry switched off the light and slipped out of the cabin quietly, not forgetting to stick a pocket knife into the pocket of her shorts. She heard the last conversation and had a bad feeling that those two lonely guys might come for her. She noticed Jason's white mask in the distance, illuminated by the moonlight, and walked to him in shadows. Thus she was finally safe. Jason made her understand that she had to stay where she was while he went for the couple that reached the nearby cabin. And the two guys were obviously preparing to go to her cabin.

"So, what do you say, man?" Andrew asked. "Who could have known that there is a living soul here?"

"Yeah, and I'd say we're lucky," Cody winked. "I thought we'd stay alone again, as always. But this time we got us a nice chick."

"Well, judging by Sandra's words, she's not that nice," Andrew said.

"Who cares? At least we won't miss out chance."

"Pity that there is just one girl. I guess only one of us gets the luck."

"Don't you worry, we can share," Cody laughed. Sherry heard all that they talked about and if she felt like vomiting, she would have done it right now. Those disgusting, drunk bastards were discussing about sharing her for their filthy pleasure! She couldn't wait until Jason finally gets to them, and this time she will gladly watch them dying.

Meanwhile, Jason entered the cabin where the couple was already making out, and in a few second a piercing scream of terror broke the silence. Cody and Andrew stopped where they were and listened.

"What was that? Who has just screamed?"

"It sounded like Sandra," Andrew replied. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, man. But I don't like it. Should we check it out?�� Cody asked.

"I think we should. Because if someone is in trouble, they might need our help. Just stick close."

The guys started walking to the cabin where they heard the scream, but they didn't manage to reach it when suddenly a bright light illuminated the whole camp territory. Sherry stayed behind the trees and high bushes, knowing that it was Jason who turned on the lights.

"What the hell? What is it?" Cody exclaimed, covering his eyes. After their eyes being used to the darkness, the light was blinding. "Who's there?"

"Maybe it's that crazy bitch toying with us?" Andrew suggested. "I noticed that the light in her cabin is no more. It means she managed to run away, and we missed her."

"Yeah, probably," Cody agreed. "If that's really her, then when we get her, we show her that playing with us like that is a bad idea."

Sherry listened and barely kept herself from laughing. Those two idiots were obviously afraid, and now thought of throwing their anger of fear on her, like true cowards. Oh, and they stubbornly refused to believe that Jason Voorhees is real. Man, what a surprise there will be when they see him in all his macabre beauty! Sherry couldn't wait for that moment to come.

Jason approached Sherry from behind, and she whispered to him as quiet as possible:

"I have an idea. Let's do the following: I will appear first and say a few words to them, and then you menacingly come into the light behind me. It would make them afraid even more. And then you do what you have to do. Okay? What do you think?"

Jason thought for a minute or two, and finally nodded. After all, he already had an idea on how to kill one of the guys right after appearing behind Sherry. So then she stepped forward into the light, ready to make their plan a reality. The first one to see her was Andrew.

"Hey, what the hell, lady? Why did you turn on the lights?"

"Well, let's say it wasn't me," Sherry smirked. "But I see that you both are scared, aren't you? Well, be afraid, gentlemen, be very afraid. You made a huge mistake by coming here."

"What are you talking about?" Cody asked. "So it's you who lives here, as our friends told us?"

"Yes, I do live here," Sherry explained. "And Jason Voorhees is my only neighbor here." Andrew and Cody exchanged glances when she mentioned Jason Voorhees. Then she continued: "Yes, you heard it right. Jason Voorhees exists, he's not a myth, and this camp is his home. Believe or not, but I have his permission to stay here."

And right at this moment, a large, threatening shadow began to materialize behind Sherry's back. It stepped closer and closer, until the light illuminated a tall, bulky monster of a man in a hockey mask. Both guys widened their eyes in horror and started stepping back.

"Look out! Behind you!" Cody yelled. "It's Jason Voorhees!"

"Yes, I know it's Jason Voorhees," Sherry replied calmly. "And someone refused to believe in his existence, if I understand it right." She said it with a sinister smirk.

"Well, yes, we were wrong then," Andrew admitted, his voice trembling. "But it doesn't matter, we have to run!"

Sherry didn't move a muscle, standing in her spot with arms crossed on her chest. Cody saw that and ran to her, trying to grab her arm and pull her with him. But Sherry kicked him in his groin, not letting him touch her. Cody moaned in pain, grabbing his crotch.

"Don't you dare to touch me! I know what you both were up to," Sherry hissed through her teeth. "I heard everything. I heard how you, two drunken sons of a bitch, were planning to rape me alternately. Well, stick your plans into your assholes. I would prefer to be killed by Jason Voorhees than allow any of you to touch me even with one finger."

Both guys now looked more frightened than before.

"Look, lady, we're sorry. We were drunk, you know? Now we just have to run for our lives!" Cody tried to apologize, but he failed in doing that. Seeing that Sherry still didn't move, his face expressed horror and surprise simultaneously. "What's wrong with you?! Run or he will kill you too!"

"Kill me?" Sherry said with an evil grin. "That's very unlikely. The only ones here to be killed are you. And you fully deserve it. Being drunk is not an excuse for raping a female. Besides, Jason hates trespassers. It's your mistake to come to his territory. No one has forced you to do it. By coming here, you have signed your death sentence. Yes, and your friends are already dead by now. Now it's your turn. You will never leave this place."

"You crazy bitch!" Cody yelled, but one swift movement of Jason's hand, and a hunting knife was in Andrew's neck. Sherry could only admire his swiftness and knife throwing skill, and she watched how Jason stepped forward and grabbed Andrew with his large hands. In a couple of seconds a vile sound of cracking bones reached Sherry's ears, as well as Cody's, and Andrew's dead body fell on the ground. Cody watched the scene in shock, unable to move, but when he finally snapped out of it, it was already too late. Jason grabbed Cody be the neck and slammed him against the tree with all his might. Sherry watched this, being surprised at herself that she felt little horror while watching a person being killed before her eyes. She was sure that the guy at least got the concussion, but soon there were no doubts about it, as Jason repeated it a few more times before drawing his machete out of the holster and piercing Cody's body with it several times until the guy was finally dead, and he dropped the corpse on the ground.

Finishing the job, Jason turned his face to Sherry who still stood where she was, smiling to him. Although being terrified by seeing death with her own eyes, she was glad that Jason murdered those bastards. They got what they deserved. Then she went to her monstrous companion.

"Well done, Jason," she said, caressing his chest with her both hands. "You did good. Those filthy pieces of shit were planning to force me to have sex with them. Can you imagine that? Ugh! I'm so glad they're dead!"

Jason just nodded, caressing her face with his fingertips. He was happy that Sherry reacted calmly to what he has just done. To make him sure that she approved his work well done, Sherry took his palm in her hands and kissed it. She knew now that he would not hesitate to kill for her, and that was a confirmation of his feelings to her. Tomorrow she would see it in all its beauty, when Vanessa and her company arrive to the camp.

"So, you're going to take the bodies away now, don't you?" Sherry asked.

Jason nodded in response.

"Okay. I'll go to my cabin then. When you finish, join me there."

Sherry said it with a sly smile on her lips and winked. Jason wasn't blind and noticed it. Most likely it was some kind of hint, or so he thought. Anyway, he will find it out very soon, and he couldn't wait for that.

Being back to her cabin, Sherry switched her night lamp on instead of the cabin light. Her heart was beating rapidly, as she felt nervous. Her feeling told her that this night her being with Jason might result in something much more than they had experienced before. But she knew that Jason hated everything that had to do with sex, and for sure she didn't want to arouse his anger. Would he even want to do it with her? Sherry couldn't find an answer to this question, but when Jason comes, the picture will be clear.

Peeking out of the window, she noticed that it was dark again in the camp. Jason had turned all the lights off. No more than five minutes passed until the door opened, and he was inside the cabin. Sherry invited him to sit down beside her on the bed. She didn't know how to start the conversation, feeling her face heating up.

"So, um… I know that tomorrow is your birthday. In fact, in a few hours already," Sherry began talking. "And also tomorrow we'll have a group of visitors here. Among them will be the girl who wanted me dead. She wanted you to kill me. Would you punish her for me?"

Jason nodded firmly. It would be his pleasure to torture the bad girl who wanted Sherry's death. In fact, he was pondering about letting Sherry kill her. But he could think about that tomorrow. Right now he wanted to enjoy this intimate moment with Sherry, but wasn't really sure about how to let her know it. Finally he decided to act directly. They have become close enough already, so he lifted Sherry up and put her into his lap. He had nothing to lose, and there was no way back.

To say that Sherry was surprised by his actions, was like saying nothing. All she could do is gasp from these unexpected movements of Jason's strong arms. Sitting in his lap and facing him, she was becoming sure that he wanted it indeed. She blushed a bit, watching his large hands exploring her still dressed body, taking his time on the open parts of it, like arms and legs. And with each touch of his calloused palms on her skin, Sherry felt getting sexually aroused. She realized how much she wanted him, right here, right now. Then she decided it was time for her to act.

"I see you like touching my skin, don't you?" she asked, her lips stretching in a sly smirk.

Jason nodded.

"Well… perhaps… you would like to see and touch more?"

A nod again. That's what he wanted the last few days, to see more of her beautiful, silky skin. And now she offered him more, so this chance he would take without thinking twice.

Sherry then took the edges on her top and removed it, tossing it aside, and now being left in her bra and shorts. Jason studied her body with his glance, using the possibility to explore more of the open skin. Sherry blushed even more when he touched her still covered breasts, slightly tugging at the bra. She presumed that he wanted her to remove it as well, but first she had to make sure.

"You want to see more? Should I take it off?" she asked. Jason nodded again, so she quickly unclasped her bra and took it off her form, throwing it aside too. The large man stared at her bare breasts and slightly erected pink nipples, feeling his own body heating up. He succumbed to the temptation to touch them, feeling the tips getting hard when he touched them. Sherry closed her eyes and moaned quietly from the pleasant feeling of his hands on her sensitive spots. When his hands moved lower, she took them and put back on her breasts.

"Please, Jason…" she whispered "do it a bit more. I like to be touched on this spot."

Jason gladly complied with her request and massaged her soft mounds a bit longer. Sherry felt like all the world around her was lost in oblivion, but she wasn't going to stop there. Her hands moved on Jason's jacket, trying to remove it. Jason got the hint and started to take it off while Sherry stood up and unbuckled her shorts, letting them fall freely to the floor, followed by her panties. The last that she did was untying the ponytail, and her auburn hair fell on her shoulders. Now she stood naked before him, and if Jason knew what a nymph was, he would definitely compared Sherry to this mythical being. He relished her body with his lustful glance, the beautiful curves of her slim waist and fleshy hips. For him, she was the most beautiful being he had ever seen during his existence. Sherry then sat back into his lap, and Jason touched her as carefully as he could, like if she was made of glass, like if he pressed harder on some spot, it would break under his rough fingers. Sherry encouraged him to be bolder and not to be afraid to hurt her, just not to be too rough. Then he finally felt it, this very tight and uncomfortable feeling in his pants. Jason knew it was not the fault of the pants, this feeling was coming from him. Sherry, of course, couldn't miss it, and smiled, touching the large bulge under his pants.

"Jason, don't you think it's time for you to take everything off? I'm fully naked, so it would only be fair."

Jason knew she was right, and didn't even hesitate to take his shirt off. Sherry looked at his bare torso, exploring it with her hands. His skin was as pale and greyish as on his hands and neck, and when she touched his muscles, they felt like rock to her. Of course, he had many scars left from being injured sometimes by his victims, but those injuries were nothing to him. Each would was already healed, and they didn't make Jason's body ugly. On the contrary, scars added some attractiveness. Sherry liked his scars, and her fingertips ran up and down every one of them, feeling each scar and admiring it. Finally she had to stand up again so he could remove his pants. When Jason's tattered pants fell to his ankles, Sherry then stopped him and took the edges of his underpants, sliding them down with her own hands. Seeing his now fully erected penis, she pondered whether she would be able to handle him. It wasn't the first time she had sex, of course. Sherry had slept with Jordan several times while they dated, but comparing to Jason, Jordan had a small needle between his legs. But, on the other hand, what else could she expect? Jason was large man, and the size of his male parts would match his body proportions. Sherry wasn't nervous though, as she knew that when she gets used to his size, it won't cause much inconvenience. After all, if Jason controls himself, then with such organ he would be capable of incredible things. In any case, it was worth trying.

Jason stood still, curious about what she was going to do next. Sherry then straightened her back and took his member in her hand, stroking its entire length with one hand and massaging the testicles with the other. This feeling was entirely new for Jason, he felt shivers running throughout his whole body. So he closed his eyes and gave in to this pleasure while soft growls emanated from his chest. Then suddenly Sherry stopped her hand movements. Jason snapped back into reality, wondering why she decided to stop.

"Now, sit down," she commanded. Jason obeyed, wanting to know what she was up to. Sherry sat back into his lap, so he could caress her body more. As she has just touched his intimate parts, Jason also wanted to explore her private area. His hand moved down between her legs, and his fingers found the sensitive spot, which made Sherry arch her back from the wave of pleasure that flushed through her body. Jason played with this spot some more, getting moans from his beautiful mate, and then moved his hand forward, feeling her warm, wet folds and an opening, which was now aching for his member to be inside it.

Jason was already growing impatient from his own foreplay and was ready to get to the main part of their intimate actions when Sherry suddenly spoke.

"Jason… I… I want to kiss you. Please, take off your mask."

Hearing this, Jason felt his blood growing cold. No, he couldn't let her see his ugliness. His face was the reason for him being mocked every day in his life. They were going to have sex now, but still it didn't mean that when she sees his face, she would want him as much as before. So Jason shook his head.

"But why, Jason? Um… let me ask first – do you trust me?"

Jason nodded.

"Okay, that we have cleared up. Now, you probably think that if I see your face, I would reject you or feel disgust?"

A nod again. Sherry smiled then. He was still like a child in some moments, and it seemed kind of cute to her. But now she had a problem that had to be solved if she wanted to continue with their intimate intercourse.

"Jason, please, throw these silly thoughts out of your head. I know that your face is deformed because of hydrocephalus. Believe me, you're not the only one in the world who was born with this anomaly. Besides, we are now in such phase of our relationship that the rejection is out of the question. I won't be scared or disgusted, I'm sure of that. And I want to kiss you, as I have said before. Please, trust me."

Jason hesitated, still not really wanting to show his face, but finally gave in and took his mask off. He expected Sherry to turn away in disgust or her face expressing terror, but nothing of that followed. All she did was studying his face, touching all of it with her fingers. Generally, his face wasn't too much different from what she had seen in the movies. His head was totally bald and the skull was larger than an average human has. The right eye was a bit lower than the left one and looked turbid. Sherry assumed that most likely his right eye was blind. The nose looked perfectly normal, and the mouth was slightly crooked. But she expected to see something of that kind. Nothing in his face surprised her, as she was ready for that.

"Now, listen to me, Jason," she said. "I absolutely don't care about the outer shell. I only care about what you are, your personality, your soul. And, I care about this…" Not ending the sentence, Sherry took his face in her hands and kissed his crooked lips. The feeling was unusual, of course, but still it felt fine. She now only awaited Jason's response.

Once more, Jason felt he couldn't have been happier in his all life. She saw his face and accepted him as he is. Now there was nothing to worry about anymore. Jason finally could relax and fully give in to his feelings and emotions. He had never kissed anyone, so he just mimicked the movements of Sherry's lips, getting into the spirit. He wanted to use his tongue, thus exploring the cavern of her mouth, their tongues intertwining in a peculiar dance. For a few minutes they continued kissing, and then Jason's lips moved lower to Sherry's neck, planting kisses on her skin and nipping at her sensitive spots. Her smell nearly drove him crazy, and he was ready to take her right now. But Sherry then suddenly interrupted the kiss.

"Now, lie down on your back," she purred gently, pushing him on her bed. Jason obeyed once again and lay on his back, waiting for her next move. Sherry climbed on the top of him, and he felt her wetness right above his penis. He didn't have to wait long, as in that very second Sherry thrust herself on the full length of his erection. Jason wasn't even ready for such intoxicating pleasure that made him arch his own back and growl loudly this time. Sherry let out a loud moan of pleasure and pain, as Jason's large member stretched all her insides to the limits. She stayed still for a few minutes, adjusting to his size, and then finally began moving up and down his length, starting with slow, careful moves. Jason loved this position, as he could fully see her beautiful form swaying so sensually before him. Sherry, in turn, felt that the border between pain and pleasure slowly began to blur until the pain went away, giving place to the pleasure alone. So she allowed herself moving more rapidly, moaning louder with each movement of her hips. Jason wanted to hear these sounds all night long, it was like music to his ears. And this indescribable euphoria that he felt during his coition with Sherry was worth many things.

While Sherry wriggled and gyrated on him, Jason moved his hands up and down her body now and then, massaging her soft breasts and playing with hardened nipples. This only sharpened her feeling of bliss, and she felt getting closer and closer to the peak until it was impossible to resist anymore, and Sherry finally let out a loud moan of pure, unadulterated euphoria. After a few more minutes, Jason was unable to stand it anymore, feeling her insides clenching around his member and finally enjoying his own release. Sherry collapsed on his chest from exhaustion and fell on the bed beside him. Looking at the clock again, she saw it was way past midnight, and it meant that it was already Friday the 13th. The day Jason Voorhees was born.

"Well, happy birthday, Jason," Sherry said in a sleepy voice. "I hope you liked your birthday gift."

Of course, how could he not like it! This was the best gift Jason could hope for. All his life he spent his birthday hunting and killing bunches of dumb teens, but this particular birthday couldn't be more significant. This was something worth to live for.

Sherry then switched off the light and crawled under the blanket, and so did Jason, first putting his mask back on. He somehow felt more confident this way.

Friday the 13th might have been the unlucky day. But not this time. This Friday the 13th has become that happiest day in Jason's life. He had Sherry who accepted him with all his deformities, not mentioning him being a murderer. This night he finally found out what true happiness meant.

This girl was now his, and his alone.

And he won't let anyone take her away from him.