


On monday, I was in my room already preparing for school just like every other weekdays and as usual the only thought on my mind is going to school and studying hard. I can already hear movements around the house, mum is already in the kitchen preparing breakfast as well as getting ready to go to the office and dad is probably on his second cup of coffee by now. He is very religious about his caffeine fix, He calls it "the morning boosters".

Mags is somewhere in the house lazily preparing for school too, she and mum already had their early morning dance by now. I love my sister she's smart and all but she's also kinda lazy especially in the morning. I finished getting ready for school and head down to the kitchen for my breakfast, I could already hear my mom calling out for mags to drag her lazy ass to the kitchen. Well... not in those exact words but that's the gist.

The aroma of the food being prepared has already filled the house and I can't wait to get a taste of delicious meal my mom is preparing. I love my mom, not just because she's my mother but because she's just so good at everything she does. She is a super cool mom, a brilliant interior decorator/designer, an amazing homemaker and a fantastic cook.

My very own superwoman; just the thought brought a smile to my face as I got to the kitchen and gave my mother a kiss on her cheeks. She smiles at me and signal for me to sit down while she serve the food.

"How is my handsome boy this morning, my mom says smilling" Hope you slept well?

"Of course mom", I replied smilling back at her. That has always been our morning ritual and I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.

What's on the menu this morning, I asked my mom just as my father showed up in the kitchen and kissed my mom smack on the lips and I internally groaned.

It's not that I don't like their show of affection for each other infact I admire what they have but sometimes my father is too much of a show off and my just love indulging him; and that image is just too much sometimes.

"Oh please dad! Cut it out" I said to him; he just laughs and continued kissing his wife untill he was satisfied.

"When you grow up and find yourself, a woman half as beautiful and amazing as my wife, you'll understand how I'm feeling right now buddy" my father tells me and we all laugh at his cheesy cracks. Mags chose that moment to finally drag herself to the kitchen.

Mason has always been grateful for the love that his parents have for each. it made their home peaceful and promotes togetherness within their family. Mason has looked up to his father and adore his mother; they always support his decision and help him grow into a confident young. The values they instill in him and his sister is helping them to grow into a better version of themselves; they are simply wonderful parents.

"Finally, the princess decided to grace us with her presence." I said jokingly and she just flips me off, an action that earned her a reproachful look from our mother and had her looking guilty. She walked to our parents gave them a kiss each and we all settled down to enjoy our breakfast of waffles and eggs with orange juice for us and coffee for our parents.

"Delicious as always, I compliment my mom as I finished eating my breakfast and she smile lovingly at me."

"Thanks baby, she replied back."

He stood up and packed his plates to the sink, then walked out to his car while his sister finishes up her food.

As he sat in his car waiting for his sister, he thought about how contented and balanced his life is, with his family and his studies and vowed to always keep it that way because it is the most blissful feeling in the world.

And that's the reason why he's been really focused on his studies and hasn't entertained the thought of dating any girl. In his opinion, girls can mess up his carefully planned life, and he is not ready to reliquish that power to any girl.

The way he looks sometimes makes it difficult for him to stay low key, because even when his not looking for them, a lot of girls are attracted to him. His determination is the only thing keeping him focussed on his goals. He is definitely going to want a relationship at some point in his life, but his only desire now is to study hard and stay focused on his dreams without any distractions.

But unlike him, his sister a little more open to the idea of having a relationship than him. She is currently dating a guy from her class which he really dislike but can't do anything about. He seems to always be in his best behavior around him and his parents but he's heard all sorts of unflattering stuffs about him; and just wish Mags would see through his facade and dump his fake ass.

Mags's boyfriend Jason, is also one of the popular guys in school. He plays football and have his own band of fans and cheerleaders. My sister is smart and I trust her instincts but I still worry about her getting her heart broken by this guy, and I honestly wish there was something I could do to make her see reason about this guy.

Mason was roused from his mussing a when her sister entered the car and shot the door closed after her. She put on her sit belt and jokingly threw him a fake salute.

"We are all set captain, it's time to set the sail to the wind."

Mason laughs as he drove them to school; their daily routine has always been the highlight of his day and he looks forward to it everyday.

He feels fulfilled and content in the thought that, every day of his life would be full of happiness as long as he has his family.