
Freedom Of Sorcery

In the world of Archan, there are people born with mana. these people known as sorcerers have the ability to create and utilize the elements of the world in different ways. Flora a young woman and her two friends Leo and Pyre are all sorcerers who have entered a tournament known as the Max tournament. but on the day of the tournament, their opponents would change the Fate of Flora and the World Forever.

PlayDoc · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Round 1

It's the day of the tournament. Flora and Pyre are Dragged by the arms behind Leo who seems excited. The long hall they run into is fancy and filled with beautiful ornate red Chairs. A long rug goes along the hall leading further in. All of it they pass in a hurry and run straight to a Poster that got the brackets. Leo upon the Brackets closely, trying to find their placement, and finally, he finds it and announces Gleefully. "The frost burn Garden. There we are". Flora and Pyre, out of breath behind him, don't seem to share his excitement.

"Would you calm down already?" Pyre said, annoyed. "But look, we are to fight in the first match." They all look together and see not only themselves but also their opponents, a team called the New Gods, a name Pyre seems to scoff at. "The new gods? What a ridiculous name". "But doesn't this mean they might be pretty strong if they are this cocky?" Flora asks with a worried look on her face that is met with both Pyre and Leo turning down her concerns.

They take a seat to relax before they hear a speaker tell the teams for bracket one to meet in front of the opening to the arena. They got back up and began making their way towards the entrance. Now standing In front of a big steel door they stand and wait until they finally see four people walk towards them. A short white-haired guy in a black jacket. A short, brown spiky haired guy in a white t-shirt. A big burly dude with tanned skin. And a small young woman with very long black hair covering her eyes. Leo seeing them approach wanted to introduce himself with a handshake and the white-haired man shook it back. "So, who will be our opponents?" Leo asked. "Our sister wanted to be our extra," the white-haired guy says. "A family team must be nice" Leo commented.

The spiky-haired guy walks forward. "If you are done I like to go first". Pyre walks forward as well "If it's the pipsqueak how about I take this one," he says with a cocky smirk. the comment struck a nerve but instead of showing it on his face Helios grew a big toothy grin revealing his teeth which almost looked like that of a shark. "The pipsqueak's name is Helios and expect me to take your life." All of the other new gods just let out a big sigh.

The Banter continues and more violent words are used which causes Flora's breath to become heavier before she yelled. "Would you cut it out!". Flora's sudden outburst made things completely quiet until its finally cut off by the speaker telling the first fighters to stand ready in the arena. "All right good luck out there," Leo says with Pyre giving him a thumbs up. Khuno grabs Helios by the shoulder and whispers in his ear "Remember the plan" Helios just shrugs at Khuno's worry "I know, I know".

Helios and Pyre open ups the Metal door and walk into the Arena which is filled with Rocks and foliage to make the arena more neutral looking while also giving the gladiators a way to go for more sneaky strategies if they prefer. Cameras along the wall capture every moment of the fight. The people outside of the arena are watching along on the tv screens in the foyer. "shouldn't they get in a more advantageous position?" Flora asks with Leo shrugging.

Pyre and Helios are standing front and center of the arena planning to fight head on head. The building that was once filled with banter and betting on who they think would win came to an abrupt end and instead, people were sitting in complete silence watching a TV screen showing nothing but static.

The silence is agonizing as people wonder the same things. What happened? Are they ok? But mostly they fear that this is an attack by Rogue sorcerers. Flora looks over at Leo who is stiff as a plank. She got fear and concern as to whether Pyre is ok. She moves her sight to the New Gods, and it seems that Khuno is pinching the bridge of his nose. Instead of concerned he seems annoyed. The larger man and the young woman clinging to him just seem to be chatting and even laughing.

Finally, the door opens up, and smoke seeps from the opening. Out of the smoke the once Snarky Helios with a somber face walks out. Helios walks up to the rest of the New Gods and Khuno hits him on top of the head with a scolding "Our order was to hold back". Helios holding himself by the head answers in a sad tone of voice "I did. Just not enough."

Just not enough. the arena was destroyed, and he was holding back. The feeling of concern had turned to fear. The money isn't worth this. He did all of that. These are the thought going through people's minds as they begin leaving the building.

The halls that were once full of people have become empty. The big man Laughs at the sight "Seem all of them wussed out". All except one who at this moment wasn't feeling fear but rage. Leo who was now stomping towards the NewGods.