
Freedom Of Sorcery

In the world of Archan, there are people born with mana. these people known as sorcerers have the ability to create and utilize the elements of the world in different ways. Flora a young woman and her two friends Leo and Pyre are all sorcerers who have entered a tournament known as the Max tournament. but on the day of the tournament, their opponents would change the Fate of Flora and the World Forever.

PlayDoc · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Flora ,is sitting on her knees in the middle of a garden filled with flowers. Crito walks out of a shed with a training dummy and plunges it into the ground.

"now first of all, Flora. let me test your knowledge." Crito sits down in front of her. "well a sorcerer is based on the Type and element they got." Crito gives a small nod " and what are the types?"

"Conjurer's release their mana from the body, where it takes on the form of their element. Morphers can turn their body into Mana itself. And enchanters need special tools to utilize their mana."

"well good to know they at least taught you the basics. So what are you, Flora?" Crito asks "I'm a nature conjurer" Flora answers. Crito nods and gets back up and points at the dummy. "show me what you can do" Crito says. Flora gets back up and Clenches her hand. It glows in a green light and after a few seconds she opens her hand showing three seeds. She tosses the seeds and they make a small bang on impact with the dummy.

Crito standing at the sideline shrugs. "Its a start. Very basic though." Crito says with a smirk. "I'm sorry" she responded. Crito walks over and slaps her back. "Don't worry you were just trained by, idiots. But you don't truly use the three rules of sorcery."

Flora gets a face of confusion, it seems she had never even heard of what Crito was talking about. "well I guess they didn't teach you as much as I thought" Crito says slightly annoyed.

"well one at a time. Lets start with Connection." Crito places his palm upwards, and it begin to glow in a bright white light. the light goes towards the middle of the palm and became a perfectly round sphere. He drops it upon the ground, it bounces and then stays completely still.

"This ball of mana despite the fact I'm not touching it. Its still a part of me. when you threw those seeds they dispelled upon contact, and that's because you weren't Keeping the connection. Mana constantly disappear from the ball but it keeps shape because I keep feeding it. but even if I still give it mana." Crito takes a pause and stomps on his ball of light. "they can still be destroyed with enough pressure."

Flora makes a seed in her hand once again. she stares upon it and notice something she never noticed before. Yes she felt it in her hand. But it was also like she felt it's location mentally. Like she was feeling her hand through the seed. does she feel it because, she was focusing on it, or was this something she just never noticed. She did not have an answer. but a curiosity had sparked.

"May I try something?" flora asked. Crito takes a step back and gestures at the doll. "Be my guest" he said. Flora Tosses the seed she had been holding towards the Dummy, but this time it lands in front of it. Did she miss? this was the thought of Crito till he saw the seed she threw begin to glow. He took a look at, Flora and saw her focusing with her hand extended. From the seed a flower began to grow until it was a beautiful tulip, of a scarlet red. the petal began glowing once more and out from the flower, a blast of green light shoots out and hits the dummy.

Crito gets a big smile watching this. "your a natural" he says. Flora's really happy, and can't help but grin ear to ear "Thank you so much." the celebration is cut short, as she became light headed and collapses. "already? seem you need to do some stamina training too."

Flora Feels nauseas and her vision seem blurry, but she still manage to get a sentence out despite feeling like she has to throw up. "Yes sir."

The night comes for the world. and in an alley covered with blood and bodies we see Khuno talking in a walky-talky. His jacket is soaked in blood yet his body itself looks unscathed. the bodies all have slash wounds around the necks. "target number two have been neutralized" said Khuno. The person on the other side has a light male voice. "good just four more" says the man clearly taking pleasure from the work Khuno did.

"any news from my siblings, Martin?" an audible sigh can be heard from the other side "Vulcan and Kali seem to have just finished up their first target. Helios however refuse to take my calls" he said in an annoyed voice. "he is doing his job. He just doesn't want to deal with you."

Its completely quite until Martin finally says something after a full minute. "after you have finished the job return to base." He said in a tired voice, before hanging up.

Khuno turns around to take his leave, only to find that one of the people he was trying to kill was slowly crawling away. He places his foot on top of the dying mans back holding him in place. "still alive?" he says before staring into space for a few minutes. the man Try to call for help but as he does Khuno put more weight unto him. "If Helios knew I failed in putting you down quickly he would be angry. Vulcan would make fun of me, and I guess Kali would just sit in silence." Khuno says while staring into empty face.

Ice begin to grow from Khuno's foot and unto the mans body. the ice grows, and grows until the man might as well be an ice sculpture. "so many feelings I don't want to see." He says before lifting his foot. the ice snaps off him but the person stays frozen. Khuno brings down his foot with enough force to shatter the frozen man. Some icy chunks that had begun to thaw was all that was left of the man. "Now they wont know" Said Khuno.