
Freedom Of Sorcery

In the world of Archan, there are people born with mana. these people known as sorcerers have the ability to create and utilize the elements of the world in different ways. Flora a young woman and her two friends Leo and Pyre are all sorcerers who have entered a tournament known as the Max tournament. but on the day of the tournament, their opponents would change the Fate of Flora and the World Forever.

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16 Chs

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Flora with Leo on her back walks through the streets of the big city Nexus. Their heads are low, and her steps are heavy. "are you sure this will be ok?" Flora ask Leo who answer "It will be fine. though I wish I had another choice" the final Part he said in a hushed tone. As they walk, they come by a tv store. on one of the tv's the news is running. "The Max tournament has been cancelled after the death of the Maxwell Pound, who Tragically had a heart attack".

"heart attack?!" Flora thought "He was murdered." Leo averts his eyes from the tv. "in other news a threat from the terrorist group NewDawn have brought concerns among the populace. a note showed up at the doorstep of the establishments Main building, and simply said Gods punishment. Wulgrim of the 10 great had this to say." an older looking man of 70 years with gray hair wearing a nice looking suit is now shown on the tv surrounded by men and women with mics. "this is purely a scare tactic. but we will not fall for this. whatever they bring they will never be a match for us."

Leo stops averting his eyes and take a tighter hold on Flora who he felt had begun shaking. Flora calms down and begin walking once again her steps even heavier then before. They walk in complete silence until they make it to a villa. "is this the right place?" Leo nods "Unfortunately." Flora confused over Leo's comment moves towards the front door and knocks.

The person who answered the door is a scruffy looking man in jeans, a tank top and a smoke in his mouth. the man looks up towards Leo before blowing a big puff of smoke. "Leo are you that much of a wimp your girlfriend need to carry your ass?" Leo takes a big sigh. "she isn't my girlfriend Flora is-." Leo is cut off by the man. "she isn't your girlfriend I lost my interest. Come in." he tosses his cig past Flora and it lands at the side of the road. Flora looks over at Leo confused as to what just happened. "Yeah that is in fact my master Crito."

Crito places some cups down on a coffee table, and pours his guests some coffee. Flora Puts down Leo on a chair, and takes the seat next to him. "by the way where is Pyre?" Leo and Flora both get a strained look upon there faces. "I see" Crito takes a sip of his coffee. "Who did it?" Crito's once carefree attitude seem to have become more stern and there is clear anger in his face. "The New Gods" Leo answer. those NewDawn pawns Crito thought. "The man who did it was this man named Helios. A fire conjurer. The one who put an spike trough my back was Khuno. an ice conjurer. The slaughter of the guards were done by this Metal Morpher Vulcan. and Maxwell himself was killed by a woman named Kali who I still don't know."

"Well I did think something about the news sounded off. so they were behind what happened to the max tournament. Flora who have been sitting in silence speaks up. "it was terrible. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything." Flora begin to tear up mid sentence. she almost sounded like she was going to choke on her own words. "its not your fault. if know things right my dumbass students probably got themselves into this mess. though Flora was it. to think my students would pick you as their third member. Your master must be very proud." Crito says it with a warm smile clearly trying to cheer her up. "yes Leo and Pyre had trained me well."

at that moment Leo looses all color in his face. "Just Leo and Pyre?" Crito asks with Flora giving her a nod with a confused face. "we had our reasons" crito says. Crito hits the table so his cup topples over "you idiot! You are lucky no one checked you. though I guess not since that's probably also why those four gods came in."

Flora sitting in confusion decide to ask what is wrong. "what's wrong is the fact you need a license to be a gladiator, and you don't have one. if the establishment find out about this you will be written off as a Rogue." Flora surprised yell out something incomprehensible in shock. "how did she not know this" asks Crito. "she didn't go out a lot before we met" Leo answers.

"fine. Flora listen to me. to get a license you need to have been deemed sane and capable by a master like me. Its necessary that we don't let a maniac into the ring to avoid too many fatalities. After you have been deemed stable 3 years of training will begin to make you as prepared for actual combat as possible. of course since it is combat you should expect fatal matches to happen once in a while. But even there are certain rules. 3 fatal fights and your license is revoked. though I guess that Maxwell cheaped out on actually checking the licenses of the contestants"

Flora is sweating bullets. "will I go to jail. am I a criminal" she thought. thoughts that was put an end to by Crito. "well then the solution is simple. he says while getting a handkerchief from his front pocket to wipe up the coffee. "you simply have to get your license." Leo who had been quite after being yelled at spoke up "you old bastard trying to turn her into a payday!"

cut off one more. This time by Flora " I was completely powerless. All I did was watch, and pray that you made it out ok. I want to grow stronger. I wish to be able to protect them. Let me train under you to become stronger please!"

Crito smiles and lights another cigarette "Good answer" He opens up the window next to him and blow a big puff of smoke. "Training begins now miss protector."