
Freedom Blades

Freedom is something that i never achieved in my whole life, i fled father for freedom. But one cannot flee society... Oh well it doesn't matter anymore since i'm dead. I just hope that sis' will find her happiness, i should've confessed to her. See ? I wasn't free : i couldn't do that. Anyway outsmarting the reincarnation system seems like a fine things to do. In my next life i'll make my rules. ===================================== If you have any commentaries on the tags or genre please mp me and i'll fix it. And since english isn't my main language please signal me any issues with my writing. This novel is also Published on Scribblehub. Warning : there will be sex scene and some light bdsm. I'll signal them in the chapters if you wanna skip them.

Valoo · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Reincarnation, genderbend and new familly

I'm currently in a white space laughing myself silly at a flabbergasted entity wondering how her reincarnation system could be that messed up.

"so with this how high is my next life's difficulty ?"-me

"it should be a mid level world with zero luck stat... But i don't have any mid level world where the setting you chose is possible"-entity

"you know you promised that i would be able to choose anything, you scamming god"-me

"I already told you i'm not a god since i created them, anyway since my system is at fault here i'll set your next life on a mid-high level world with 100 luck stat and let you conserve your ego and memories. Fine with you ?"

"i'm already supposed to keep my memories no ?"

"yeh but not your ego. You would have became another person and then unlocked your memories as time goes by. Wich would have resulted in a totally different person."

"make sense... Well fine. I accept those terms."

The silhouette before me snapped his fingers and a door appeared in the white space. That's really disturbing cause i cant see any shadows and the door seems to be floating in mid-air. Anyway lets'go !

And i opened the door.


Suddenly a bright light blinded me while a burning storm invaded my lungs and fuck that hurts.

"elles ne pleurent pas, elle sont mortes??"

<they aren't crying are they dead>

said a blurry shape in a worried tone"

Dunno what's that thing saying lets just take a look around for the time being.

Huh ? That's strange everything is blurry i can vaguely discern 3 of those shapes still talking(?) with worried tone. Well if they are human then that's a worried tone. And another one much smaller lying just beside me. Anyway i'm gonna sleep.

It was a day like any others wich means that i was fractically drawing while my deadline was way too close for me to feel safe.

"heya ! Bro !" said a lively voice coming from the entrance of my apartment.

And soon enough a young girl around 17 with her black hairs tied in a high ponytail entered my office. Well i'm just in the living room but i call it however the fuck i want !. With that aside she's still as beatiful as ever that fair skin, those eyes, as black as the abyss, those boobs... Wait no she's your sister you degenerate ! Even if you love her you still should have some respect and anyway she's lez so stop having weird ideas !

"why so flustered bro ? You have to draw bl scenes ?"

"please do not talk about that anymore it still haunt my nights. Anyway it's 3am so why are you here ?"

"well..." huh her hands are trembling ? Wait she lokked cheerful? A facade !? I've been deceived ! I should calm down since something important is coming. I shut down my pc and sat on the sofa.

"first come here and then we'll talk since that look important"

She gave me a relieved look and sat on my lap while hugging me. Ugh i need to keep calm. And then she start crying on my shoulders.

"do you want to talk ?" i said while patting her head

She continue crying on my shoulder while explainig me that she got dumped about half an hour ago in a bar. Seems that her girlfriend was an ass, i'm much better than tha.... STOP with those thoughts ! I hugged her for a long time till she fell asleep and then put her in my bed. I left soon after to go back to work. Of course i didn't assault her, even if i love her very much i still have some self control.and i continued to draw till i passed out on my graphic tablet.


Huh ? Already morning dammit i still need to finish my character ! Wait that's not my room ! And the memories of what happened flooded my mind like a conceptual tidal wave.

"oh la premiere s'est réveillée. "

<Oh the first one woke up>

huh that's one of yesterday's voices and apparently it belong to a young redheaded maid with two oryx's horn pointing backwards. Huh wait a maid ! With a frilly black&white outfit ! So cuuuuute ! Still there's a problem why is she so big ? That's the moment which the tidal wave in my mind choose to end allowing me to get a better grasp on my situation : i died and reincarnated. Guess that she's my mother or something like that...

Hey ! Wait you're supposed to be my mother so why are you rushing out of the room like that ! I'm supposed to be your son ! How am i supposed to survive if you abandon me like that !

Haaaaaaaaa... For now let's take a look at my situation. I'm in a really big room and a fancy one at that there's litterally gold everywhere. If i'm not wrong it's a victorian style room, well i drew quite a lot of them so i'm pretty sure it match. I'm currently resting in a really big bed without guard-rail ? Is that really secure since i'm a toddler ? Well it allow me to see more so i won't complain. And then there's the baby right beside me. It should be my twin or the child of another maid.

As i was still pondering about my situation the door slammed open and the beatifulest woman i've ever seen entered the room she had gold hairs and five horns disposed like a crown, i nearly mistook them for one. The woman rushed to the bed and took me and the other baby in her arms craddling us against her ample bosom.

"ahhh mes deux filles sont si mignonnes !"

<Ahhhh wy two daughters are so cuute>

"en effet madame bien que les deux soient très silencieuses elle sont en parfaite santé"

<effectively my lady. Even if they are quiet they are ik perfect health>

said the oryx maid.

From how they behaved i guessed that the golden. Haired one is my mother and the oryx horned one is a maid charged to watch over me and the other one. Well that was exhausting let's go back to sleep.


That's nearly a year since i was reborn and i didn't paid it much attention before but eveyone has dragon like eyes wich coupled with the horns. make me think that i'm not a human this time around, maybe a dragon ! That would be great. And since i set all of my appearnce settings to random during my reincarnation it's possible but i still don't know, that sucks. But well i hope that my bad luck for gachas didn't influe here or i'm screwed.

Ah the door opened. Oh that's Leila she's the oryx horned maid i picked up her name a month ago. While i still can't understand the language around here. i know that it looks a lot like french but the names don't, mother is called Altanea for example. And my sibling is Lana while i'm Krell. Fate sure is an ass since that's my name and my sister's name from my previous life. AHHHHHHHH I MISS HER SO MUCH !!! living without her is really hard but i need to move on since i won't be able to see her anymore, i sincerely hope that she found a good girl who will take care of her and who can face father. Wile i'm indulging in my heartrending nostalgia leila took out two dresses. Wait two ?! No, please no, please spare me my dear RNG !

And the merciless Laila forced the baby dress upon me allowing me to catch a glimpse of my body and at the same time confirm my genderbend. I had figured that it was strange since i couldn't feel anything between my legs but i had never been in the body of a newborn for as long as i can remember. so of course i wasn't able to tell if the fact that i couldn't feel anything was significant. And i still can't lift my head alone so i couldn't confirm. Yeah i hoped till the very last moment that it was just me being paranoid.... Wait i'm pretty sure that babies don't have visible clitorises so why could i see mine ? A-anyway i looked at my sister, now i'm sure of that, with her dress on and she look cute. the few hints of black hair reminded me of my previous life's sister. Guuuuu.... Why does she need to remind me of her so much.

Mom entered the room efficiently distracting me from those depressing thoughts. She picked lana an me and after a short walk trough the house we entered a large room with still the same victorian style, and three huge sofas. Like really really huge. They should be around 10 meters in length if i'm not mistaken. And on one of those sofas was a skeleton ? Wait no he's just a really thin man and tall with that, like well above the two meters. It's the first time i saw someone without horns but with this body there's no way that he's human. He looked tired but at the second where he saw mom and his face brigthened and he rushed to hug us. Juging by the deep kiss with mom and the affectuous look he should be our dad. He looked really exited about Lana and me. I heard our names a lot of times. And each time we reacted he screamed in happiness, in the end nor i nor sis' bothered to react anymore. And i dozed off once more.

Heya ! This story is mainly published on scribblehub and the polls will be availiable there. I'll said it here too if there is one don't worry.


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