
Freedom Blades

Freedom is something that i never achieved in my whole life, i fled father for freedom. But one cannot flee society... Oh well it doesn't matter anymore since i'm dead. I just hope that sis' will find her happiness, i should've confessed to her. See ? I wasn't free : i couldn't do that. Anyway outsmarting the reincarnation system seems like a fine things to do. In my next life i'll make my rules. ===================================== If you have any commentaries on the tags or genre please mp me and i'll fix it. And since english isn't my main language please signal me any issues with my writing. This novel is also Published on Scribblehub. Warning : there will be sex scene and some light bdsm. I'll signal them in the chapters if you wanna skip them.

Valoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Uwaaaah... those 3 years passed in a flash. I learned a lot of things, starting by the language: i was a year old and a half at that time and everyone around was astonished at my learning speed. Sis' took only two more months before catching up to me. And as we are both way more mature than newborns, i suspect that she too conserved her past life's meories or something like that, but i have no proofs. Anyway today is our 4th birthday and in the demons society it's one of the most determining event, because it is the day where your lineage is determined and as such the day where you become able to train, use magic, etc...

And this morning we are supposed to prepare for the ceremony. Ah Laila came to woke us up, kinda useless since we were both up a long time before the sun.

"The lady is waiting for you both in the dining room young misses"

"Thank's Lai we'll be there soon" i said while dashing out of the room dragging sis' along with me.

I know full well that as the demon king's daughter i'm expected to observe some manners and act as a proper lady. But it's way more fun to act like that and put all my tutors to shame with perfect manners ! Muahahahahaha. We soon enough reached my personal torture room the dining room ! I'm filled with dread each time i see the food here... NOT EVEN ONE FUCKING GRAM OF MEAT, FISH OR EVEN MILK ONLY FUCKING VEGGIES ! I'm not a veggie hater but i'm a meat lover and living 4 years without any meat.... Let's just say that i'm nearing my limits : even if the food is delicious i miss my meat. And this morning isn't an exeption, it's even worse, since it's the first real celebration meal there's a lot more than habitually. And it's even more difficult to act like it doesn't impact me. My face must be really pale for sis' to suddenly hug me like that. Mother look preoccuped too.

"Krell ? What's happening are you nervous about today, it's nothing i'm sure that the one who will not inherit your father's demon king lineage will recieve an awesome lineage."

That's not what i'm worried about mom but still thanks. I already asked before why wasn't there any meat in our meals and apparently as the demon king's familly we should set an example for all demons and since demon are supposed to be an evolved form of magical beasts we shouldn't eat them and cattle is a resource that's jealously guarded by humans. And due to all of that meat is a big no. I just need to endure... A lot...

Breakfast soon came to an end and we were both guided to a room where an apparently young elf, was waiting for us. As soon as we entered a sinister and familliar gleam shone briefly in her eyes. Fufufu i know full well this look of the creator who found a perfect canvas, let's make this dressing session worthwhile then.

"greetings lady Altanea for which one am i here today"she asked mother.

"both of us" i answered quickly searching for something to draw with. And soon enough i sketched the base of a black and pink ghotic lolita dress for my sister.

"may i have a look please young miss" said the elf, who was taking my sister's measurement until now, with a fanatical look. And without waiting she snatched my drawing and started making strange noises.

Please calm down this isn't a doujin.

I directly started to work on the design of my dress wich was a black wuxia style dress slit on one side with a yellow lining.

"well you're quite the artist Krell but shouldn't your outfit be a bit more androgyneous since we still don't know your gender"

"i know but i like this one mom"

As to why mom said that, it's just that i have both a penis an a vagina, it's unheard of but there has been case of childrens who didn't have any gender or who changed genders with the awakening of their lineage. My parents seems to think that my case is similar. Well i hope that i stay a futa but i don't have anything against both genders. Exept the fact that it will be a hassle to take care of my apparence if i'm a woman, the same can be said if i'm a futa but shhhhh.... and dressing up balance it fairly well, i mean i can create and customize my outfits as i wish, i just hope that my looks will be on par with mother's or else it wouldn't be as satisfying.

The elf finally released my sister and this dress really suit her she's damn cute ! Huh she caught a glimpse of my design, seems that it's my turn. And in half an hour she made and adjusted my dress, well if i hadn't helped her it would have lasted way longer.

"unfair ! Why where you released that early ! I was there for two frikin hours"

AWWWWW that pouting face is so cute. Let me give you a hug sis'.

"of course it's because i'm your amazing big sis"

"i was the first one y'know"

"maybe but i'm your big sis"

"well i think that your lineages can decide that no ?"-mom

"fine the most powerful lineage shall be the big sis'."

Hey why're you two deciding it like that it's obvious that i'm more mature than her ! Oh well i wonder what lineage i will get and how the skills that i chose as a reincarnator will influence it.

Mother guided us to the reception room which was filled with guest and there was a monstruous variety of race present here. Some classic japaneses beastkins, some dragonewts, a bipedal elephant who towered above the crowd. A lot of short people some with long beards, and some that looked like childrens with greenish skin. Dwarves and halfings i suppose or at least this world's equivalent. And there were two elves: the tailor which made sis and mine robes. And another one alone in the corner he had a deep black skin with blue glowing eyes. And here's dad on surrelevated stage in one end of the room. He discretly motioned us to come and join him on the stage wich we did. We followed mom trough the crowd and as we climbed the stairs to the stage he said in a loud voice :


An absolute silence fell on the room which was filled with voices till now. And dad suddenly pushed us forward while taking a step back effectively leaving us alone in front of a really really big crowd and a dead silent one at that. I took a quick glance at my sister and saw her fidgeting with a terrified look. AHA watch your big sis now ! I grabbed her hand and took a step forward.


And then we offered our best curtsies to the crowd. Those flabbergasted face are quite the treat y'know. I mean who wouldn't be surprised at two 4 years childrends delivering such a speech and perfectly curtseying.

Then a hooded figure entered the stage with a gigantic rectangular flat thing all wrapped in a luxurious black cloth. He placed it in the back of the stage and motioned us to come forward.

"Now can the firstborn come closer it's time to awaken your lineage. "

According to what i know a lineage in the demon society is how you inherit biological traits. You don't inherit your skills and special powers from your parents but from your lineage. it will also influe your appearance but your parent's still have an impact here. And it can also influe on your personality but in a much more limited manner. The reason being that the awakening of the bloodline is held at the 4th birthday of the child when he as already started to form his personality and choosen his persons of confiance as such the influence of the lineage on the mind is extremely reduced. The lineages are mainly random, some need to fullfill certain conditions but there is only one that is hereditary the demon king's. So Lana is standing before the enshrouded shape and with one move from the hooded figure the wrappings fell on the floor revealing a giant mirror with a golden frame.

A mirror hey now that i see one... There wasn't any anywhere in the mansion. So that's why, a mirror can awaken the lineage of a child.

Back to lana we could clearly see her reflection in the mirror but only her reflection everybody around simply dissapeared. And from behind her formed the shape of a gigantic black shadowy armor with a complex golden crown on the helm. As soon as the crown appeared the hall exploded in loud cheers but retutned to a surprised silence immediately after.

On the neck of the armor a red leather choker wit a heart engraved on it and a red chain originating from said heart

"she changed her own lineage and it's the demon king's one at that !" said the hooded man, i'm pretty sure that he nearly fell on his ass like half of the crowd did. The only one that didn't look surprised, was Lana. Her face was the typical 'of course' one. And suddenly some change started to happen, some cute tiny horns sprouted from her forehead. And a crown like crest appeared on the back of each of her hands.

After the crowd setteled a bit it was my turn. Time to see how the skills i choose influed on my bloodline. I stood before the mirror waiting for something to happen. And suddenly i felt a stinging pain in my eyes, when i reopened them i looked at my reflection only to see a magic circle engraved around my pupils. After that my black hairs that reached the middle of my back shotened to my jawline and took a fiery red color. And finally two little horns, very much like my sister's, sprouted from my forehead. The strange thing was that while my sister changed a bit after her reflection changed it wasn't the case for me : my reflection changed a bit after my real self. When everyone though that it was finished and me too. My sister appeared on the mirror too, with the chocker, and the chain grew and entered my chest at the place where my heart should be. But before i could investigate the matter anymore i felt something move on my back, from between my shoulders a blood red centipede tatoo started to slither around my body. Here it comes my blood centipede, if i remember correctly the effects should be something like this:

[Blood Centipede] :

A strange creature that can only survive by forming a symbiotic relation whith his host. And for that to happen the [symbiosis] skill is needed, hence the rarity of this creature. It can sore blood in his body and can strengthen it's host using the blood it has stored, however it will passively consume blood since it need food. If he ever empty his blood storage then it will consume his owner. If it is fed accordingly it can even reach a point where it can manifest outside the host body, but still need to be connected to it, and act as another limb.

It was something like this, since i obviously have [symbiosis] i should be able to grow it nicely. And now i have an excuse to eat meat ! Since it need blood or else it will kill me, it would be a shame to waste those beasts that it ate, so i'll eat them ! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... Why is everyone so silent, i didn't laugh out loud so why ?

"It's a new lineage, ufufufufu! I'll need to investigate it to know how it works ufufufufu ! "

The hooded man, let's call him hoodie, hooded man is too long. So hoodie let out a creepy fanatical laugh. Those chills are the biggest i ever felt, this man is definitely dangerous.

"You don't have to worry i know full well how it works, and we can just use the status magic that the humans introduced. "

"That should work... Young miss"

It seems that dad's glare calmed him down.

"Huh? Dad, what are those two big etheral horns ?"

"Oh you can see them !? Well the demon king's lineage strengthen one's original tendencies as well as gifting a high intelligence. As such the horns of the demon king evolves to fit him. And as an archwizard mine are made of pure condensed mana and act as mana batteries. And as they are made of mana they are supposed to be invisible i guess that your new lineage as something like [magic eyes] wich allow you to see mana and... " i decided to ignore him while he's drifting in complex theories and explanations.

The reception continued for a long while and i met a whole lot of important personalities. Not like i care about what they do or are anyway. And a monstrous, quite litteraly, bunch of young demons approached me coated in arrogance and releasing the most auful 'dad is powerful' aura. I guess that i look more accesible than my demon queen sister. And it seems that the main interpretation of the chain thingy of our lineages is that i can make her obey my commands. Oh well i just whispered something like : "my lineage include a cock" in the ears of the persistent ones there weren't any that kept bothering me after that.


After the reception ended father took me and lana to teach us the status spell.

"Here's a spell stone. Crush it and it will launch the spell once for you, you need to remeber that sensation to be able to recast it anytime"

I did as i was told and i felt a stange gathering of energy in the right part of my chest, it separed in two and flowed trough my eyes where it flowed through the magic circles of my eyes and disapeared as i heard an etheral voice say "status". And before my eyes appeared a transparent black screen with white lining and writings


Name: Krell

Race: demon (symbiosis lineage)

Age : 4 (25)

Hp: 4.5/4.5

Mp: 0/1.1


Str: 3

Con: 3

Dex: 5

Int: 1 (30)

Wis: 1 (20)


[symbiosis 1/1(blood centipede) ]

[energetical spell eyes]

*spells: 1/3 (status)

*energies: mana

[soul link (memories, ego)]




[born by the side of her beloved]

[the one who pursue freedom]


As i concentrated on each part on the screen new ones popped with more detailed informations:

[symbiosis] : allows you to host a parasitical creature and to form a symbiotic relationship with it. Actual: Blood Centipede

[energetical spell eyes] : magical eyes that can store up to three spells and allows you to use them anytime without channeling your magic and with a mana cost reduced by 4. It also allows you to see the flows of mystical energies around you. Registered energies: mana. Registered spells: status.

[soul link (memories & ego)] : your meories and ego are linked to your soul, as such you will keep them trough your succesive reincarnations, to preserve the user's mind the memories stored can go up to two lifetimes counting the one you're actually living, important memories will be kept through every reincarnations.

[keeper] : title awarded to one who kept something from his previous life.(soul linked)

[siscon] : title awarded to one who loves their sister. (soul linked)

[born by the side of her beloved] : title awarded to one who is born the same day and in the same room as their fated lover.

Wait what ?! I'm devoted to Lana, i'll never betray her. Not this Lana, the other one.... Wait...

[the one who pursue freedom] : title awarded to one who live for freedom mainly, there are very few things that can bind your mind or influence it in this world or another. (soul linked)

Humm interesting, and my feelings were spot on ! Oh my dear RNG you're my best friend this gender is just the best ! well let's write it down for dad to see. I wrote down the blood centipede part too and ommited the ego part of the soul link and changed it to partial soul link. Since i really consider them as true parents i want to spend a bit more time with them before telling them the full truth since i don't know how they will react.

Let's take a look at what Lana wrote then :


Name: Lana

Race: demon (demon king's lineage)

Gender: female

Age: 4 (21)

Hp: 3/3

Mp: 4.3


Str: 2

Con: 2

Dex: 3

Int: 4 (25. 3)

Wis: 3 (16)


[king's aura]

[growth enhancement]

[master tactician]

[immunity of the dark lord]

[king's horns (lover)]

[Soul link (memories & ego]



[born by the side of her beloved]


[demon crown princess]


And the explanations:

[king's aura] : all of the demons will recognize you as their ruler and bow to you. However they are not controlled as such if your actions aren't fitted they will react an can even revolt if pushed too far.

[growth enhancement] : your stats will grow twice as fast (according to the base growth rate of the person)

[master tactician] : you are seen as a calamity by other rulers. And you can use the war knowledge of your predecessors. (according to your true int stat) increase your true int by 10%.

[immunity of the dark lord] : you are immune to most of the mentals attacks and status effect.

[king's horns (lover) ] : your horns adapt to you as such they will reflect your fighting style. (lover : a special kind of horns even among the demon kings. Your horns replicates the ones of the one you love)

[brocon] : title awarded to one who loves their brother (soul linked)

[demon crown princess] : title awarded to the heir of the Demon King.

Huh ? She didn't even try to hide her status as a reincarnator, and apparently we're really soulmates ?! I hastily changed back the part of my status that i tweaked. And when she saw my status well...

"Brother !?" she said in a happy and hopeful tone and suddenly jumped to hug me.

"I missed you so much"-me

She then looked me in the eyes and said

"I-I love you ! A-and even if i wasn't attracted to you before i still loved you ! and now i love you even more "

I heard it right she said she love me ! I'm not dreaming ! And she loved me before ! Wait so my whole life holding back was a huge nonsense....

..... That's terribly wrong but what use is there in lying here : ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NONE !

"I-i love you too Lana.... Since before"


"Hem... Please can i ask what the hell is happening here ?" said dad interrupting our lovely reunion. He shrieked a bit at our furious glare.

""Well it's flashback time.""

I'm on a creative fever and i realized that i have like 4 chapters alreday written and a clear plan for 10 more chapter.

Soooooooo this week is daily

I'm hyped!!!!

There's also a poll availiable on scribblehub in this chapter about the importance and role of Lana in the story.

Cya !

Valoocreators' thoughts