
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The First Tragedy (4)

Jealousy is one factor of greed. And greed is a chaos inducing factor that often brings tragedies.

I thought I knew what jealousy was, after all I was always jealous that my older sibling Testament of Stories had the word "stories" in their modifier.

Perhaps I did know what jealousy was. But what I didn't know, was how far it would go.


After the Testament of Stories updated the system for the scenario participants, I and the humans found out that we could upgrade our stats such as strength using coins.

I, being a celestial did not really need it, I was already a hundred times stronger than a human could ever be. And upgrading my stats with just measly 20 coins would not make a difference.

It was different for the humans, it was beneficial for them. Espescially for Kieve who received 500 coins for being the representative.

He could jump higher and run a little bit faster, his strength seemed to have also improved a little bit.

I smiled and wondered if these humans could grow even stronger and be like me, a star in the endless sky. Perhaps by then, I wouldn't feel so lonely anymore.


I noticed that there were some humans that were showing jealousy to Kieve. From above, I could hear them talk about how they could've been a better representative.

At first I was confused, is it not a good thing that their representative is stronger now?

I really was naive. I didn't know that individuals will crave for power that they do not have.

Perhaps it was not my fault that I didn't understand their jealousy. After all, I was born stronger and better than any of them.

However, since I was so strong and better, how come I couldn't help any of them during the first tragedy?


[Main Scenario is continuing.]

[Main Scenario #2

Task : A representative has been chosen. For thirty days, the representative must survive. If the representative is killed by one of its fellow scenario participator, then that participator will be dubbed as the new representative and be rewarded with 200 coins.

Time Limit : 30 days

Reward : 20 coins for each Participant.

Failure : ??? ]