
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Birth of Stories (4)

[You are now a God. Feel free to do whatever you want.]

A voice in my head said.

I wondered where it came from.

If it was true, then could I finally write the stories that I so ever longed for?

I wonder if a God took pity on my life and decided to do so. But knowing how common tragedies such as mine were, that'd be impossible.

No God would meddle in a mortals life.

As I floated into an endless black space. I was reminded of the first book I read that my mother gave me.

'Journey to the Stars'

It was a book about a protagonist and his friends fighting outer gods and defending their solar system.

That book taught me something.

That the stars in the sky are nothing more but decorations to cover up the fact that it was filled with endless lonely darkness.

And I, whom faced loneliness my whole life, stood in that very same darkness.

In the ending of that book, the protagonist and his friends created a star which would remind them of their arduous journey.

I thought about that star.

'It shined brightly with a light blue color. It looked calm and happy, yet if you looked and got closer, you'd be able to feel a fire hotter and denser than any star.'

I imagined that star.

And eventually, it started forming in front of me.

In this endless darkness filled with nothing, a bright light finally shined in the middle. A calm looking star.

I was a bit shook when that happened. I eventually calmed down and continued to stare.

"I'll name you.. The first Celestial. Castor."

I spoke in the endless darkness.

I knew no one would be able to hear me, I knew that no one would remember this very moment.

However, I was God now. I shall make this very moment, a story itself.

I stared at the abyssal like darkness.

"And you... I shall name you, The Testament of Stories."

A crumbling could be heard in the depths of the darkness. I vaguely imagined in my head as to how I could store stories and make them be remembered.

[The Testament of Stories is opening its non visible eyes]

[The Testament of Stories has recorded the story "The birth of the first Celestial"]

[The Testament of Stories has recorded the story "The Birth of Stories.]

[The Testament of Stories greets its creator.]