
Free: A Mutiversal Adventure

After being crushed by his family's expectations, Jordan died of exhaustion. Follow him as he embarks on a journey of freedom. (Cover art does not belong to me the author, all credits go to the original artist)

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Jordan looked around him past the trees and greenery to them, the people whose lives he had taken now appeared to be horrible abominations of flesh and blood their forms were only vaguely outlined by the seemingly endless amount of blood that seemed to consume their human form. The two hobbled after Jordan slowly, he ran as fast as he could to escape them but could never seem to lose the two. Eventually, the two caught up to Jordan and pulled him like a sack of potatoes dragging him kicking and screaming into a pool filled with crimson liquid. He tried to fight back, but it seemed as though the two had become monstrously strong in death. Ultimately, he succumbed to his fate as the two dragged him into the pool.

He opened his eyes underwater as he desperately tried to swim to the surface, with every ounce of strength left in his body he pushed and swam as hard as he could to the surface. He could almost feel the fresh air entering his lungs and rejuvenating him.

Before Jordan could reach the surface he was once again grabbed by Hina her crimson form blending into the vermillion waters. She yanked him back into the murky depths and squeezed him so tight that all hopes of escape vanished, all daydreams came to an end and all the light left his eyes. His lids began to feel heavy until they closed for the final time.




With deep heavy breaths, Jordan woke up from his nightmare desperately reaching out into the empty sky. he sat up still shaken by the events of the previous day and was utterly unable to forget the experiences that his very first day in this new world had brought forth. He tried to catch his breath but it was as though the air alluded him. He wanted to draw just one breath so that he could calm down and yet it seemed the more he fought to catch his breath the more unlikely it was that he was going to.

After struggling for five minutes he managed to catch his breath finally finding some semblance of peace. Once he caught his breath Jordan stood up still shaken by the event that had just transpired. He spun on his heel as he began to walk away from the cliff edge seemingly forgetting the events that transpired the night before.

Reality would smack him in the face as he was met with the corpse of Hina. She had a tortured look frozen on her face and her skin was pale far more pale than humanly possible. He beauty was extinguished as the true extent of her burns could be seen in the daylight the scarring was horrid as it extended from where her eyebrow once was to her chin where all the skin was melted and charred the flesh had cooled in the night changing from bright red in color in the night to more of a dark crimson in the daylight. She truly suffered in her last moments a fact that did not go over Jordan's head.

He saw the extent of her injuries and let out an uncontrollable sob. He fell to the ground sick as he thought about what he had done, he had taken the lives of two people and had broken the Hippocratic oath he swore to uphold when he became a doctor. He was supposed to save lives and yet he had taken the lives of two people.

Despite the circumstances, despite the threat to his life Jordan continued to sob for the two of them uncontrollably. He fell to his knees as he once again felt that all the breath in his lungs was leaving him. He was panicking his heart racing and his vision falling to a pin. After struggling for a minute he passed out...

[Threat Detected to Host Emergency procedure is activated]




Jordan once again sprang to life as he desperately took in big breaths of air trying his hardest to fill his lungs to the brim with all the oxygen he could get.

"What the hell was that?"

[Host had an extreme panic attack and Sky took the necessary steps to ensure your safety Jordan]


"Thank you sky I appreciate that, but how did you stop my panic attack?"

Currently, Jordan was a little on guard at the system because the system had stopped the worst panic attack of his life he was very concerned that the system may be able to exert other influences on his mind and thought processes.

[No need to fear Host Sky just used system points to buy a very necessary skill for you Jordan it was the only way to save your life] (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

"How many points was the skill?"

[All of your system points were used to buy this incredibly crucial skill]

Jordan was a little angered at the waste of perfectly good points but decided it best to pull up his screen and see what the new skill was all about


Bloodline ~ None

Str {18}

Ag {25}

Dur {21}

Int {55}

Cha {15}

Stat Point ~ 20

Sp: 0


Talent~ Knife throwing (Intermediate)

Passive ~ King's Mind (NEW!)

Active ~ Dual processing (B), Track star (D), Focus (F), Minimap (D),

Seeing his new skill he was still rather confused about what exactly it did to stop his panic attack.

"Sky show me details for {King's Mind}

{King's Mind}

[A king is smart, tactical, and strong, and to be the greatest king a king must have the mindset to chase his dreams with complete conviction that cannot be shattered in the face of adversity or failure.]

Smiling at the skill's description he couldn't help but feel proud as he now had one of the first things needed to completely dominate this world while taking everything that he wanted. He clenched his fists as he steeled his resolve.

He turned towards the corpse of Hina and despite the lack of panic he still felt a little sad that he was forced to take her life.

To honor her and Hirata he decided to bury the two together.

"I hope that you two may find peace and happiness in a better world"

With that prayer, he embarked on his journey to the empire.