
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

"I hate you and i wish you were never my sister. you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life". Ayra screamed furious. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her ,people said things they didn't mean when they were angry she consoled herself. "You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes ." "Whatever" ayra muttered walking away. "That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one ,mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you .The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life". Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her trump trick and said "Christ you are so sick to think that". " Maybe I am ".

Macky_starr · Urban
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90 Chs


Heyyyyyyy kachi watsupp? Ella excitedly greeted on meeting her on the hallway.

Kachi stared back at Ella but instead of stopping she simply hastened her footsteps, but Ella had longer legs and caught up with her in no time .

Ella gently touched her arms, kachi what's wrong didn't you hear me calling?

Kachi faced her squearly I heard you loud and clear Ella but I intentionally ignored you.

Omg Ella was a little taken aback by her brutal honesty but she hid her reaction, that was one of the reasons she respected and liked kachi a lot she was always honest and spoke the exact thing that was in her mind , it was like her mouth had no filter.

Okay kachi what's my offense? Why are you ignoring me? Ella asked with a broken voice.

Tsk I have classes to attend she said turning her back on Ella but she stilled her movement.

We are in the same class let's walk together .

Are you dumb? Am trying to avoid you and-

Why? Kachi!! Why?

Why are you pretending you don't know the issue here?

Ella stared at her with creased forehead in confusion.

Okay I see you are acting dumb I would spell it out for you kachi said raising her voice a notch, we can't continue our friendship.

Ella swallowed hard, this was the second time the person she loved was fighting with her, first it was ayra now kachi gosh she hated high school. Why? Ella questioned folding her hands across her chest.

Because ayra doesn't like me!! and for some reason she thinks I want to steal you away from her.

Ella released a deep breath I'm really sorry on how ayra treated you in her home , she was in a mood but trust me she's over that phrase now.

It's not for you to apologize you didn't do anything wrong to me.

I am apologizing on her behalf kachi and you said it yourself, I didn't do anything wrong so why are you punishing me for someone else sins?

Ella listen to me we can't be like we used to be anymore it's clearly rubbing ayra in a wrong way, and I don't want any trouble kachi added remembering Alice's invite.

I just want to be left alone by you all , study my books in peace and travel back to my country she muttered stomping off in quick strides scared that Ella would stop her again.

Ella stared after her in sadness, this sucks she had made up with her best friend but lost a new friend in the process. Ella dragged at her hair in frustration why can't the three of us be good friends? She asked the thin air tsk, ayra needs to fix it she muttered bringing out her phone to give her a dial but suddenly she saw her emerging through the doors.

Ella waited for ayra to step closer to her before speaking but ayra beat her to it.

Ella what's wrong? You don't look okay ayra asked on seeing the strain and frown on her face.

I'm not fine ayra I saw kachi this morning and she said we can't be friends anymore because of you.

Omg Ella I'm so sorry I never - I didn't wish for this , I can't believe she's staying away from you because of me.

Yeah me too Ella replied with a low register.

Don't worry one bit Ella I would apologize to her immediately am the one to be blamed, she doesn't have to stop being friends with you that's not fair nor right.

Good let's go to class right away Ella started walking forward but noticed ayra wasn't following her, ayra c'mon let's go she muttered.

Uhm don't worry go ahead I would follow right behind you ayra replied acting as though she didn't want someone to see her.

Tsk ayra who the hell are you hidding from and why?

Jack ayra replied hastily I don't know what to say to him now we are dati - dating.

Awwwww you are getting cold feet ,do you know I have forgotten you guys are dating which is amazing but why don't you want him to see you?

Didn't you hear me the first time? I said I don't know how to face him presently.

What do you guys talk about befor you guys started dating?

I don't know random stuff ayra said shrugging her shoulders.

Ayra we really need to get to class and are you gonna hide from him forever? Newsflash honey he is in the same class with you and currently your boyfriend!!.

You are right but I still can't face him today, just go I will meet you in class later I would follow the back door she wishpered.

Oops wrong timing love, jack is coming towards us.

Christ ayra's heart thumped hard in quick succession, "why is he coming towards me! " Ella quick hide me or do something to stop him ayra muttered in panic.

Ella wanted to laugh out loud but she held herself, I can't ayra she replied thoroughly enjoying ayra's dilemma he is here already and it would seem weird if you run or walk away now.

Gosh what should I do? Ayra asked anxiously.

Just calm down it's jack not a stranger, keep a straight face and smile lightly at everything he says.

Ok OK ayra did as she was told, she turned on her smiling face on at the advancing jack. Is it her eyes or did he look extra handsome this morning? She asked herself.

Good morning muffin I have been looking all over for you.

Oh I just came to school few minutes ago she replied struggling to look everywhere else but his eyes.

Hope you don't have a headache I told you to sleep early he said worriedly peering at her face.

Ayra almost closed her face with her hands "did he really have to be so cheesy and act like a caring boyfriend? "

Ella cleared her voice unable to bear the PDA by the two of them, hey jack she greeted gleefully.

Hey Ella I am sorry I didn't see you over there.

Hehe I know ayra obstructed your focus from everyone else.

Yeah kinda off he muttered nodding her head.

At this point ayra turned completely red and wanted to disappear into the thin air.

Muffin I have something for you he said smiling and forgetting Ella's existence again.

Oh what's that?

This, jack said removing his other hand at his back and gave her a beautiful purple hibiscus .

Omg the two girls muttered at the same time awed at his gesture, Ella to be precise was over the moon and was smiling like she was the one that received the flower.

I don't know what say, thank you jack this is a nice but unnecessary act.

Oh shut up ayra Ella said immediately jack the flower is beautiful, ayra if you don't want it you can give it to me.

No I will take it thank you jack.

You are welcome muffin I was thinking about a gift to get you I thought of necklace , giant teddy bear, brand bags but I settled on flower because of the garden at your house plus you are as beautiful as any flower in the world.

Ahhh this mushiness is too much for me to handle, Ella muttered going off to class and leaving the two of them alone.

Thank God you settled on a simple flower and jack you really didn't have to get me any gifts at all.

Tsk I would shower you with as many gifts as I desire he replied taking the flower from her hands, and tucking it at the end of her hair and declared her beautiful.

Ayra tugged at the ends of her school dress and smiled gently affected by his nearness, this was the first time she was in close proximity with the opposite sex.

Ari are you okay? You look a bit sad.

"Gosh how was he able to discern her true emotions so well? I'm fine jack nothing is wrong she replied smiling again.

Muffin you can't deceive me with your fake smiles, I know you now what's the problem? You can share anything with me promise I won't judge you.

Ayra's face paled drastically and her eyes teared up, jack embraced her tightly gently patting her head.

Everything would be fine love he reassured her upset she was so sad.

Jack hugged her and all her miseries and troubles disappeared, how can his arms be so safe and comfortable? She asked herself it was the warmest hug ayra had ever received and she didn't want to part from his arms ever again.

Ari c'mon tell me what's wrong? I hate seeing you like this he spoke into her back.

Jack never mind it's not a big deal but I did something very terrible.

Tell me and we will fix it together he replied looking into her eyes and massaging her neck, Ayra drawn into the heaven cocoon of the ministration of his hands on her neck opened her mouth and spewed the problem to him.

PDA - Public Display of Affection.

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