

Hello people, first off I just want you to know that this is my first time writing something. So if you have any complaints or something wrong with my writing or grammar or anything like that just tell me.


If you don't like it or if you think it bad or something, just tell and I will understand.

To me, the comments or pointing out any mistakes I have made is a good thing to me.

It will help me make and correct my novel for you guys.

So anyway, the novel I'm making is still a work in progress. With all the rewriting and making of the story and everything. You understand right? Anyway, as for the updateing? eh for now, one chapter a week.

But soon, the updates will be one chapter a day. But for now, I have to go slow, so I hope your patient enough because the first one I'll be making will take a while.

So, a little rundown, this story usese the Frankenstein story and put it into modern time London. With a some comedy and a bit of reality in there.

You see, some of the thing like the places and the names are made up. But some of them, like the questions and the answers are real. As for comedy well, who dosen't like to laugh once in a while.

As for fantasy, my mind is that imaginative enough for that. If you're thinking about romance, the thing is I don't really like Romance. But if you wanted it thenjust say it and I'll put some in there. Though it will make me sick to my stomach, I won't deny your requests.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my novel and have a great time

Thank You

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You probably heard of this before. About a doctor who wanted to help people by defining death and play god.

To save lives by any means necessary. He wanted to create life from nothing and he did, but as you know already it failed. Miserably too. Then that said doctor, disappeared.

And the hunched back, never heard of again either. But the story I'm going to tell you happened in a more modern time, with a bit more excitment. But this story will not be about the doctor, but the hunched back. And it's this hunched back, along with a few other people, that will change the world. And it all starts with a car on the road and a family in it, and the boy who will change the world as we know it.