
A boy named Igor

October 5, 2002. On the road in Swashton, Ireland there was a car carrying in a family of three. There was a man, a woman, and a kid in the back. That kid was me. My name is Igor Maker, I was ten years old and I was born in the U.S. The people in the front are my parents. We were on a business trip with my dad.

The company that my dad worked in sent him to Ireland to conduct some business deals. When he was told that he was going on a trip, he thought that he could bring us with him. When his boss said that it's ok, as long as it dosen't disrupt the reason he was there. When he got home and told us that it's ok, we were excited.

On the road, we were talking about what to do while we were here. Then suddenly, my dad saw something on the road and jerked the car so hard that the car then flipped and crashed on a big tree.

. . .

Half a mile away, there were two joggers running on the street. These people were talking when they saw smoke up ahead. kiey then stated running so they can reach where the smoke is coming from. When they got there, they were stunted, what they saw was a massive car crash.

One of them started calling for help on his phone. While the man was trying to see if anyone survived the crash. When he went to check the front for any survivors. When he got there, he saw that the two in the front didn't survive the impact. He then started thinking that no one survived the crash.

But when he checked the back, that is when he saw me. I was still strapped to my seat, I survived the crash. However, I was unconscious and seriously injured. The man started trying to pull me out of the car.

By the time he took me out, a few police cars and an ambulance just arrived. When the first responders saw me, they inmedanly rushed downed and started trying to stop the bleeding and close my wound. When closed my wounds and stopped the bleeding, they then put me on the stretcher and put me in the ambulance.

When I woke up, I found myself in a hospital bed. There was a guard sleeping next to the door. When I saw him, I reached out with my hand said, "sir.....SIR!..." The guard the woke after hearing me. He looked and saw me awake. The guard then stood up, walked up to me and said, "hey kid, are you ok?" I responded weakly, "where...where..am..I?

A few hours have passed since I woke up. There were three people talking outside of my room. When they stopped talking, one of the three just left. The other two people entered the room, they were both policemen. The two policemen started asking me some questions about happened.

After telling them everything that I knew, I then asked, "what will happen to me now?" One of the policemen spoke up and said, "do you have any other family's or relatives?"

"No, I don't, you see I live in America. Can you take me back home please?"

"Oh, sorry kid, but we can't do that"

"Why not?"

"Without any relatives, or guardian from there, you can't go home, I'm sorry."

I started crying a little, then I said with some tears in my eyes.

"Where am I going to live then?"

"The only option is the orphanage."

I started going pale out of fear, the idea of going to an orphanage scares me. I heard from other kids who came from orphanages say the that they are the worse. They say that it's no different to living in hell. I then asked with a shaky voice.

"B-B-B-B-B-But why, w-w-w-why do IIII have to g-g-g-g-go to an o-o-o-o-o-o-o-orphanage?"

"You have no family, reatives, or guardian, so that means that you are a orphan. As such, the only place for you to live now is the orphanage."

"But I don't want to go to the orphanage."

"Son, you either live in the orphanage or live on the streets, your choice."

I suddenly was quite, thinking about which to choose. After a few minutes of thinking, I made my decision.

"Fine, I'll go to the orphanage then."

"Alright, people from the orphanage will come pick you up when you're all healed, ok?"


After saying that, they stood up and both said, "thank you for your time." And they left the my room. Three days passed since the accident. I was now fully healed, and that means that I will be going to the orphanage. I didn't want to go, but I had no choice. All I could do was just pray that it wasn't a terrible one.