
Frankenstein Rituals : Grimm's Rise Again Series Part 1

Logan White-Black is the main character of this story and he intends to fulfil that role by doing whatever he wants to do, even at the cost of others. Logan wakes up in a child's body, in a time that was slowly being forgotten, in a world different from his own, it's a good thing then that he already knows exactly what to do to, to become a powerful wizard after reading so many fanfic's based around the exact situation he was in. House Elf's for the win!!! ... A semi self insert of me into the world of Harry Potter, what I would do if I was reborn in that world with my memories intact. It will be a semi self insert as the MC is getting reborn into another body, not transferring over his own. This story doesn't have any lemon scene's since I'm terrible at writing them but there are mentions of such act's and actions like them, hence the R-18 tag. This also won't be a harem, even when in the beginning the main character is in a 'complicated' relationship. My end goal is a normal relationship and I have already decided as to who I would like for him to settle down with. My writing has improved since the very beginning, but that doesn't mean it is good so please have some patience when you see for yourself just how bad it really is. Hope you enjoy reading my work regardless, and I try to aim for 1 chapter a week, give or take a couple days. If you want to read ahead of the public chapters go check out my Pat reon (Up to Cha 140). I've moved this complete over to Pat reon as per what was said in the last chapter. ... World's so far : Harry Potter, Hitman : Agent 47, How I Met Your Mother, Jeepers Creepers, Jumper, The Addams Family (AU), Attack on Titan, Wanted. ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Movies
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66 Chs

Ch 26 : Adding to My Collection Part 2/2

"Ah, you won't be needing this anymore." Logan said after he pulled Dumbledore's wand from his forearm holster and put it in to his own forearm holster, he then also took the wand that Dumbledore had hid on a chain behind his beard, "Not this one either I'm afraid." Logan said as he snapped that wand into piece's, a hair of some kind was shown to be in the centre of the wand.

Dumbledore showed a very pained look when Logan found and then snapped his original wand, "Mr. White you don't understand the danger of the wand you took from me, you are not compatible and it will just attack you if you try to use it." Dumbledore tried to convince Logan, he couldn't bare to lose the Elder Wand right now, not when Tom was right in the castle as well.

"Don't play dumb, we both know that this is no ordinary wand, and it now belongs to me, after all I did beat and then take it from you, making it recognise me as it's new master." Logan explained, enjoying the look on Dumbledore's face when he realised that Logan was right and that he knew about the Deathly Hallows, it didn't help that he also now had the invisibility cloak as well.

"Here, we'll make a trade." Logan said as he dropped his old wand on the table in front of the paralysed old man, ever the curious one he spread out his magic and tried to sense Logan's wand to only find out that it was a piece of wood, nothing more.

"This is just a stick... " Dumbledore mumbled confused but Logan heard him loud and clear.

"Yeah, well I tried all of Ollivander's wands and none fit me so I decide to just take a blank he had just carved and use that one to keep up with appearances, when all this time I was actually just using wandless magic. This will do me nicely though, it amplifiers your magic if I'm not wrong?" He asked Dumbledore rhetorical, lifting his right arm and gesturing to the Elder Wand strapped to his forearm.

"Why are you doing this Mr. White?" Dumbledore begged for an answer to why all his perfectly laid out plans were being destroyed one after the other by a teenager.

"Honestly because I got bored of waiting around for things to happen and even when thing did start, like with that little game you are playing with Harry and Voldemort but even that was boring so I decided to flip the board, starting all over again in a new place where action and adventure is abound!" Logan spoke with passion that also showed throughout his entire body, and his gestures.

"How do you plan to do that?" Dumbledore ask tiredly, starting to lose consciousness but he was still trying to hang onto the waking world even with the claws of sleep climbing their way up his body.

"By completing the Deathly Hallows of course." Logan said like it was clear to everyone what he was going to do, and with those that's words Dumbledore lost his battle and was sent to dream land as punishment.


When Dumbledore woke up he was in an empty room, looking around he could barely recognise it without everything that it used to hold but looking behind him he saw the same view that he would see every other day, this was his office.

Logan had taken everything, even the things that were nailed down to the floor, and it looked like he also took those nails with him when he left. He didn't trust the Goblins so he also kept his money in his office, that was gone. All his valuable books, gone. The sorting hat, gone. Even Fawkes was gone, he didn't know how Logan had managed to do that one, he would've had to break the ritual that he used to keep Fawkes with him against his will.

All he had left in the whole world now was the chair he was sitting on and a bowl of lemon drops that Logan had left right in front of him on the ground, as if to taunt him with what happened.

Suddenly the chair he was sitting on disappeared from underneath him, dropping him suddenly to the cold floor, and with a loud and painful crack something was broken. Dumbledore moaned in pain as he tried to crawl to the hiding place he kept the stash of Phoenix tears he had saved up ever since he had managed to enslave Fawkes, hoping desperately that they were still where he hid them.

Finally reaching the stone that he used to hide the tears, he pushed down on one of it's sides and lifted it up from where it protruded from the floor, reaching in he felt a small bottle with what sounded like it had liquid inside, and without any hesitation he popped the cap and downed the whole thing, just so that the pain would go away.

He waited for the healing to started and seconds passed and then minutes with nothing happening, he grew more and more worried as the time passed, looking down at the bottle he saw that it had a label on it's side that wasn't there before, it read, 'You just drank poison, son!'.

"Oh, shit... "


"What do you hope to accomplish by killing Albus?" The sorting hat complained as he sat on the top of Logan's head, his thinking cap turned into a head band so that he wouldn't have to take it off and lose it's benefits, especially when he was wearing the sorting hat, created for the soul purpose of reading people's mind's, identifying their qualities was just an side effect of that.

"I free Harry from his clutches and the plans he had for him, greater good my shapely ass, if you want someone dead don't play around it and just do it. I hate people that manipulate everything and everyone they com in contact with, especially those people that do it on instinct and just so happen to be good at it." Logan ranted to the hat as they- well he walked through a dark forest.

"And I also get one more player off the board, this might surprise you but I actually do want to also get rid of Voldemort as well but to do that, I needed Dumbledore out of the way and let's face it he would have never lived for much longer, maybe another 5 more years." Logan said as they came upon a house that was more like a shack with how run down and decrypted it was after years of neglect.

"Get ready, it's going to be just like I said, you'll be facing strong compulsions, expect mental attacks and 'very' dark magic, don't mess this up, you're my last line of defence, understood?" Logan said to the sorting hat like he was giving a mission briefing as they stood at the door, "Don't worry, I'll do my job, I don't want to be stuck on your rotting corpse in this dingy shack after all." The sorting hat explained with pride in it's own abilities, the very same one's that the Hogwart's four founders had made into it when they built the sorting hat.

"Let's get to it then." Logan said as he push the door open.

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