
Fragmented Memories

Zeke, a boy in his late teens, has no memory of anything before life in the military that he despises. As he lays dying in some ditch on a battlefield, he is given the chance to live by some girl who says helped her years ago. In this world of magic, one would expect it to be sunshine and rainbows, however, this is not the case. Greedy nobility dominate the militaries of every kingdom, each warring over the most meaningless of things. Zeke must explore his own mind and subdue the questions that cause doubt and hestitation if he has any hope of surviving in this cruel world. Along with his newfound group of acquaintances, he will traverse a difficult journey to truly understand who he is and what he desires to be.

Seignem · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 - Preparation

My sleep was restless as usual but something was different. I wasn't the focus of it. In fact, I couldn't do anything. It was dark, silent, then a piercing scream. Dim light exploded, and I was stood next to a window of a mansion. Kubo? No! Mira was in ragged clothes dusting off a table. Why does she look so young? Is this a memory of hers?

A pudgy, bald man in expensive looking clothes spat on her. I couldn't tell what he was saying but I could tell it was malicious with the disgust he had on his face. Anger started swelling up inside me but I couldn't move. Please! Let me stop this! The man slowly went to get closer. No! I can't let this happen! Why am I so powerless!? Just let me move.

"Help!" A voice echoed. "Somebody, anybody. Zandaka, please!"

Is that my name? This isn't the time for thinking! Let me move! Let me stop that pig! Why can't I move? This shouldn't be happening! I want to help! Screams of help were resonating in my head. Let me move!

"No." The scene shifted, and I was facing myself, but he looked much younger.

"Let me got to her!" I shouted in fury.


"Why not!?"

"Who do you think you are demanding in your position? You can't even go a week without a mental breakdown! You don't even know who you are!"

"Tell me then!"

"No. You won't get anything from me until you gain those memories back. Determination alone gets you nowhere."

"Why don't you help her then? If you're truly my past self then surely you'd help her!?"

"Who said I'm the past you? I only hold your memories."

"What do I need to do to get them back?"

"Why would I tell you? My lady despises your guts, that's the only thing you need to know, mistake."

Before I could argue any further, I was sent into a dark chasm and just fell. Seconds, minutes, hours passed. I hit the ground and woke up in a cold sweat.

"M-master are you alright?" Kubo rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"What time is it?"

"Midday. Classes with Miss Michelle start soon."

I rushed out my room and charged down the corridor. However, this was a dumb idea as I sped straight into someone, both of us collapsing to the floor clutching our heads.

"I swear to the Gods Ronan, stop running down the hallway!" Mira shouted.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to knock you. Ronan's innocent this time." I said awkwardly, extending a hand to her to help her up.

"I was just coming to wake you up Zeke. You're going to be late for your final class."

"Forget that. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine really. My forehead's a bit sore but that's about it." She smiled.

"That's not what I meant. I mean during your nightmare, I wasn't able to d-"

"What nightmare? I had no such thing. Actually, I had a peaceful sleep since you didn't have a nightmare."

Wait! Does she not remember her own dreams? I shouldn't press the matter any further but maybe it's for the best that she doesn't remember. What about that name, Zandaka? I should just dismiss this for now. I don't think this is the time.

"I might have just been overtired. Yet again, I apologise."

"You really do look like you've worked hard whilst I was away. Did you want to impress me perhaps?" She jokingly flirted with me.

"Wha- Cut it out Mira! Shouldn't you still be in bed with those injuries?"

"You can't exactly talk. I heard all about your training."

"I guess you got me there. Anyway, I'll let you enjoy your day whilst Mikel tries to kill me again."

"You do that to yourself!" Mikel shouted down the hallway.

"Have you been listening this whole time?" I shouted.

"I love watching a young cou-"

I have no idea what happened, but Mikel was dragged away by an invisible force, and when I met him in the dining room, he was covered in bruises. Ronan was smiling evilly, so I already had my suspicions. Kassandra came in and handed me some bread before I was dragged off to my final lesson.

"The final lesson for you is educating you about the Holy War." Michelle said.

"Sounds like a free-for-all." I mumbled, then got slapped with the ruler.

"Hmmmmmmmm..." Kubo started to hum whilst meditating, so she also got slapped with the ruler.

"Not much is known about the Holy War except it caused mass extinction to most monsters and almost ended the world 500 years ago. The war was fought by the 'Light' Gods against the 'Dark' Gods whilst many decided to be neutral.

There were many Light Gods but only five Dark Gods. Their identities are unknown as the Gods tried covering up the war but in the end the Dark Gods were sealed away into the Yami plain for eternity.

There have been many theories as to why the war started but many reached the conclusion that it was started over the breaking of a sacred rule. Gods must never engage in sexual encounters with anyone. Not each other nor humans or monsters. Some sources state two children were born. One God and one demigod causing a rift. However, the children disappear after a certain point in time and are presumed dead."

"Why is it forbidden?"

"Due to their powerful abilities, they would be a threat to the balance of the world, or that's how the Gods want it portrayed. Personally, I think they're scared that someone with their blood would become stronger than them."

"I see. That's what you meant the other day about there being no such thing as a demigod."

"That's all there is to it since there's not much information about it."

"Why'd the monsters almost go extinct if it was Gods battling?"

"No-one knows but my theory is they used them as lackeys and scouts."

"Anything else?"

"Nope. You've officially survived my class!"

"I want to go on a job by myself now."

"Not a chance!"

"Why not?"

"You wouldn't be able to do anything by yourself. Instead, you'll be taking Ronan and Kubo with you."

"Really!?" Kubo and I shouted excitedly together.

"I've taken care of the preparations, you just need to say your goodbyes and listen to the mission required, then you're good to go. One last thing: You'll have to return exactly in six days at midday. No earlier, no later."

"What weapons am I going to be using? I don't have anything durable."

"Visit Kassandra. She's bound to have a few lying around. Also grab some armour."

Kubo and I rushed over to Kassandra's workshop.

"Aunt Kassie! Me and Master are going on an adventure!" Kubo energetically bounced around.

"That's amazing Kubo! You need to be a good girl and listen to Zeke, ok?"

"Of course! He's my Master after all!"

"I was wondering if you have any spare equipment lying around that I could borrow please."

"'Course I do. I don't see me manning a shop. What's mine is yours." She grinned.

"Thank you so much." I started searching through some weapons in a box whilst Kubo pranced around.

Eventually, I picked out a couple of good swords, a medium sized shield and medium plated armour. For Kubo, I grabbed a couple of daggers as precautions and gave her some light armour. I thanked Kassandra again, then me and Kubo went to say are goodbyes to Mira.

"Please be careful." Mira said.

"I'm so gracious for your advice but knowing how much we get into trouble, I don't think it will be heeded." I replied sarcastically.

"If I see a single scratch on my darling little girl, I will not hesitate to hit you." She glared daggers at me.

"I thought you hated being called mother by her."

"It grows on you. Zeke, please be careful." She smiled.

"Will do. Come on Kubo!"

"Don't start trying to act cool. You've never been good at it." She giggled.

"I can dream can't I?" I laughed.

"Bye! See ya later mother!" Kubo yelled, charging down the corridor.

Ronan was waiting within the living room with Mikel.

"For a first task, this is actually a hard one. You three are hunting a pair of spirits terrorising a small village in the Tenshouko Forest. Contrary to popular belief, spirits can be damaged by a physical weapon so you needn't worry about that.

They are a bit more aggressive compared to most spirits. Don't be fooled by their words either as they were originally compulsive liars. It is imperative you finish the spirits and not leave them be since they cause major trouble to the plains between life and death. Don't feel bad about executing them, it'll allow them to sever their tie to life and travel fully over to death.

Finally, Zeke take this notebook I prepared and attempt as many dishes as you want, since Ronan's an expert tamer. Although, don't push him too much since he still hasn't fully recovered from the fight with the dragon."

"Ok!" All of us nodded and simultaneously walked outside with so much confidence, you could physically see it eminating from us.

The weather was perfect. Not too hot; not too cold. Not too bright; not too dark. For the first time, I was leaving my new residency and was buzzing with excitement. It'd been so long since I'd had so much fresh air, that I'd missed it. We set our stuff inside the cart, which was being pulled by two fierce, slightly intimidating horses, and started our first adventure.