
Fragmented Memories

Zeke, a boy in his late teens, has no memory of anything before life in the military that he despises. As he lays dying in some ditch on a battlefield, he is given the chance to live by some girl who says helped her years ago. In this world of magic, one would expect it to be sunshine and rainbows, however, this is not the case. Greedy nobility dominate the militaries of every kingdom, each warring over the most meaningless of things. Zeke must explore his own mind and subdue the questions that cause doubt and hestitation if he has any hope of surviving in this cruel world. Along with his newfound group of acquaintances, he will traverse a difficult journey to truly understand who he is and what he desires to be.

Seignem · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7 - Return

The next couple of days were pretty quiet. I learned more about the different Gods powers and how to deal with a magic user with combat and below spells. Kubo was made to meditate most of the day to slowly build up her endurance, but she was always restless and in total, only did a combined total of an hour of meditation.

Also, I learned about magic weapons, which Kassandra could craft. She was apparently, only one of ten blacksmiths in the world to be able to create them. The reason why they were so hard to create is because a wide variety of rare ingredients were required and due to their extortionate prices, no-one wants to buy them. There is also a ranking system for the ten blacksmiths, of which, Kassandra is the second best.

According to Michelle, if made properly with no time constraint, a magic weapon can be immensely powerful but it can take months to make. If it is rushed then it becomes brittle and shatters easily. The only blacksmith in the world that can create a magic weapon in under a month is rank number one: Markus Kenjuro.

Another couple of days passed and it was much more relaxed, but I could see Mikel was worried about having no contact with Mira and the others since the last time Mira appeared. Kubo was finally starting to meditate a bit more seriously after I promised her food again. This makes me want to learn cooking now, so I can start actually fulfilling my promises rather than offloading them to Mikel.

We all sat at the table to eat lunch.

"Quick question: How come whenever the others are here we just eat bread?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh that. Well it's a long story but I'll tell you since I'm bored. Basically, I played a prank one time. Let me emphasise ONE. Anyway, as you've probably deduced, because I'm essentially a long term devotee of Jikan, I have free reign of time in a large area. The drawback is I can't affect any humans, demigods, not that they exist, and Gods but I can affect everything else, including dead corpses of monsters."

"What do you mean demigods don't exist?"

"Oh right! We haven't covered the holy war yet, have we? I'll tell you tomorrow since I'm explaining the injustice I was dealt at the moment. Carrying on... I was originally the cook until one day I thought it would be hilarious to serve a monster's special parts. I was banned from cooking for them ever again and Kassandra is the only other one that knows how to cook. She can only do bread though."

"Well I mean I'd ban you from cooking as well but I wouldn't say indefinitely. It's actually superb so it's a shame. Say, how would you feel about teaching me how to cook?"

"Sure, I don't see a problem with that. However, are you sure? A chef's life is a hard and arduous one."

"Gods almighty! I'm not trying to become a world renowned chef!"

"We'll see about that." Mikel started grinning a little too widely.

"Master you want to cook? I claim the first bite!" Kubo shouted excitedly.

"You both are really overestimating me." I sighed, "But I'll try my best!"

"I'll try to sort the schedule out soon but I want to wait until the others come back."

Throughout the afternoon, I learned some new sword techniques and how to effectively use a shield if I theoretically lose a sword. It wasn't until late into the evening that the door knocked. Since Michelle was overseeing Kubo's meditation, I decided to see who it was.

"Hey, anyone in there? We forgot the key!"

"No, YOU forgot the key!"

"Guys, let's not fight, you'll tear your stitches."

They sound like they're doing fine. I wonder, should I just pretend no-one's in? No, that's just cruel. Slowly I opened the door, and witnessed the group covered in blood, bandages and dirt.

"Didn't you guys have transport thingies?" I asked.

"We DID but captain forgetful over there misplaced them." Ronan looked like his veins were about to burst.

"It's good to see you all doing well. We've been worried." I said, trying to calm them both down.

"Worried? You shouldn't doubt are stren-ARGH! Why'd you poke me you little brat!?" Mira went to throttle Ronan but Kassandra stood in between them. Out of the three of them, she seemed most wounded but it didn't affect her gentle motherly smile.

All of them instantly headed to their respective rooms to get some well deserved rest. There was a bunch of bags inside a caravan outside, so I decided to start hauling it inside. Mikel came out to help move everything into the storage room. We decided not to look into any of the bags as it wasn't our business and decided to eat.

None of the people, who had returned came for dinner, so after we'd finished, I decided to go offer a plate of food to them. Kubo wanted to show off her new wing to Mira, so she excitedly bounced off to offer her something to eat. I headed towards Kassandra's room but when I knocked there was no answer. Suddenly, there was loud clanging in a part of the house I hadn't been yet. Cautiously, I walked towards the sound.

Blistering heat attacked me from all angles as soon as I stepped into the blacksmithing room. Kassandra was hammering away at a glowing white weapon whilst sprinkling something over it. She seemed unfazed by the wounds covering her body.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked.

"These wounds are nothing compared to ones I've suffered in the past. There's no need to worry. What brings you here?"

"You didn't eat, so I brought you some food, I'll give Ronan's his after."

"How thoughtful, but I'm not feeling hungry at the moment. I appreciate the offer though. Say, how old do you think you are?"

"I'm not sure but I'd say around Mira's age."

"Ok! How about this, on the 30th Jishiki, next week, we make it your birthday? You'll be 19 and the same age as Mira."

"I don't get the importance of celebrating a birthday. It's not that special is it?"

"Of course it's special! It signals a new year and possibly a new you. You're celebrating being honoured with life, there's no greater blessing than life!"

"I'm not really bothered with celebrating a birthday but if it means that much to you, I don't mind."

"Great! Now go give Ronan his food, I'm busy."

"Whatever you say ma'am. Remember to get some rest."

Next I headed towards Ronan's room. Come to think of it, I don't really know anything about anyone. I know some things thanks to Michelle's lessons but that's about it. Plus Ronan doesn't seem to particularly like me. He gives me the cold shoulder often and speaks down to me. Ironically he's much smaller than me. I knocked on his door.

"Come in." Ronan called out coldly.

I entered and was met by his usual scowl. His room was simplistic like every room in the house apart from he had animal and plant encyclopaedias littered everywhere.

"I see you're a fan of nature." I said, trying to break the icy tension.

"What of it? Why are you here?"

So blunt and straight to the point. His aura screamed some sort of merciless assassin, and honestly, I'd believe it with how he interacts with everyone.

"You want some food?"

"I would've gone to the dining room if I was hungry moron."

"Jeez, no need to be rude. I just thoug-"

"Thought what!? That I needed your sympathy. Screw off."

"What makes you hate me so much!?"

"Everything about you weakling. You get so much respect from everyone yet you haven't proven a single thing. From what I've gathered from the lightly wrapped bandage around your arm, your magic imploded suggesting you're useless at that. From your frequent blackout sessions, you keep dragging Mira into your mess. You know it tires her as well. She shares those nightmares with you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a weak willed person with no talent for anything except leeching off of others. At least, Mikel is knowledgeable. You have nothing. What do you have to offer?"

Mira shares my nightmares! He's right, I have been leeching off of others. Even Kubo is superior to me. I'm not special whatsoever. I've been relying on everyone since I've been here. I've offered nothing. Why am I so useless? Why can't I just do something useful?

"I take it you know I'm right." Ronan smirked.

"You're wrong!"


"I'm going to become better. I'm going to be stronger, more useful. Someone people can depend on. First off, starting soon, I'll start being taught how to cook so its not just bread. I'll start honing my battle techniques, so I won't be a burden. I promised Kubo an adventure and I will deliver. Just so you know, I hate being helpless, so don't think for a second I'll settle for being a leech." I slammed his meal on his desk and rushed out of the room.

What was I saying? I've never exploded like that before. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Mikel grinning.

"A rousing speech. Truly inspiring."

"Do you want your teeth knocked out?"

"I'm afraid Mira's influence is rubbing off on you."

"What do you what anyway Mikel?"

"I just thought I'd congratulate you on passing the exam."

"Are you kidding me!? He was only acting."

"Sure was. Cheers for the meal by the way." Ronan shouted down the hall.

"He's taken a liking to you but I asked him to act cold until you stood up for yourself."

"Does that mean Mira-"

"That part is true. She'll explain it to you when you go get Kubo from her room."

"Ok, I'll go visit them now. Just so you know, I still don't trust you fully."

"I don't blame you but in the future there will be a choice that will require you to decide. Best of luck." Mikel winked and sauntered off.

I don't think I'm ever going to get an idea of his true intentions. Most of the time, he's helpful and pleasant to be around however, some instances he comes across as if he's pretending. Shaking the doubts from my head, I headed towards, and knocked on Mira's door.

"I bet its Master, mother!" Kubo shouted.

"I don't know how many times I need to say it but I'm not your mother!" Mira shouted in frustration.

"Stop beings so mean mother." Kubo sounded like she was starting to fake tearing up. She had somehow learned to tear up whenever she wanted to guilt trip someone. It was an amazing but uncanny ability.

"Fine, call me whatever. Just answer my door."

The door swung open.

"Hey, Zeke. I see you've been doing well, except your arm obviously." She laughed.

"Magic implosion. Has Kubo told you about her magic though?" I hinted for Kubo to speak.

Whilst Kubo was explaining her story surprisingly vividly, I set myself on a chair. After Kubo had finished her story and showing off of her wing she decided to head to bed, leaving just me and Mira to talk.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I feel like I got knocked hundreds of metres across a field by a dragon. Enough about that though, you must have questions."

"I'm pretty sure your health is a priority to some answers I could wait to obtain."

"I see your smooth talking as improved. Only slightly though."

"That's wasn't what I was intending."

"You're blushing."

"Fine I'll ask some questions."

"Now you want to ask questions." She grinned.

"Firstly, is it true you share my nightmares?"

"Yes, but only as an observer. I cannot intervene unless you are truly in peril."

"So like that first night you were gone?"


"Does it work in reverse?"

"Yes, the only reason it hasn't happened is because I buried them deeply in my subconscious. I never really dealt with them."

"What really happened that night?"

"I can't answer that one. It would break the conditions of our blood pact."

"I figured you'd say that. That's all I really wanted to ask. Despite my multitude of questions attacking my mind every day, I can never seem to ask them."

"It's fine. I can answer them whenever you ask. It is the least I can do for you. You were the only light I had back then... oops almost slipped up." She smiled, but I could tell it was with a bit of melancholy.

I embraced her. She was shocked originally, but returned the gesture. I don't know how but I feel like she's been trying to act like my memory loss hasn't affected her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for forgetting. I will remember, I promise you."

"You shouldn't say such things. I... I..."

"It's ok. Just talk to me."

"I am so annoyed with you. Why did you have to lose the memories we made? Why? It's not fair!" She started crying.

"I know."

"You're such an idiot. Reckless, indecisive yet impulsive. Just the same as back then. I just want you to remember..."

"I know."

After a while, I left her to get some rest. I'm really a terrible person for forgetting important memories. Even if it was out of my control, I should've done better. I will become stronger. For my memories. For her. For everyone. I will get them back.