
Fragment of Reality

“This world is so pathetic, everyday is consecutively the same, yet we still are anticipating for what is to come. Why is that? Is it because we are so immersed into this pitiful world of ours, or are we just utter fools?” Fragment of Reality is a riveting dark fantasy, adventure, thriller novel that follows the journey of a young man named Kuro, who embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the true meaning of existence. At the beginning of the novel, Kuro is depicted as a generic character, with little depth or complexity. However, as the story progresses, Kuro begins to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around him, which leads him on a journey of self-discovery. As Kuro travels deeper into the unknown, he confronts the ultimate question of existence: What is the purpose of life? Is there a grand design that governs our existence, or are we merely random elements in a chaotic universe? Through his encounters with various characters, Kuro comes to understand that the answer to this question is not straightforward, and that the meaning of existence is a complex and multifaceted concept that can only be approached through experience.——

shougofr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Cabin

I sat down under the tree, and stared at the night sky.

I should be asleep right now.

I was exhausted, and needed rest. But instead, I sit here looking at the stars.

I've never seen such beautiful things in my life. The stars shine brightly, and they give light to the darkness.

They are a symbol of hope, something that gives me strength.

That is the power of the stars.

Something I wish I could have.

I sat there for a while, staring blankly at the sky. I was thinking about everything I had experienced so far. I was trying to piece together every little detail that made up my current situation. I was trying to understand the truth behind my existence.

I remember the man's laugh, and how he called my name.

I've been lost ever since I woke up. I had no idea who I was, and I no longer knew where I belonged.

I don't know how much time has gone by, but I feel the cold of the night air seeping through my clothes.

I decide to go back to the cabin, and try to sleep.

Tomorrow, I'll figure out what it is that I must do.

I make my way back to the clearing, and begin making my way back home. As I walk, my mind continues to wander.

I can't stop thinking about the man, and his words.

I remember his smile, and his eyes...

His eyes were mesmerizing.

I couldn't look away. They were beautiful, like a star in a fairy tale.

But still, I couldn't forget his words.

I feared something terrible was bound to happen.

What does that mean? What is he trying to tell me?

I walk in silence, deep in thought. I start to hear something in the distance.

I stop dead in my tracks, and listen.

I hear the sound of thundering drums beating in the distance. I look to the skies, and see a dark cloud moving quickly overhead.

I stand there, frozen with fear.

Thunderous footsteps begin to echo in the distance. I turn around, and see something coming closer and closer.

I can't move. I stand there, paralyzed with fear.

The shadow moves closer, and I hear the clashing of metal on stone.

Something is coming. Something horrible.

I was still sitting under the tree, listening to the sound of the rain falling.

I look up, and see the sound of someone approaching.

- "Are you okay?" The voice asks.

I'm startled, and quickly get up.

I don't recognize the man's face.

He seems to be around my age, with short black hair. He has a warm brown complexion, and dark brown eyes. He's wearing a grey shirt and black leather pants.

He has a sword strapped to his waist.

He walks up to me, and kneels down. I notice he's holding a cup in his hand.

- "Here, have some wine." He offers me the cup.

I take it, and drink some. The liquid is sweet, and tastes delicious.

- "This is the best wine in the whole world, you'd be crazy not to enjoy it." He jokes.

He stands up, and holds out a hand.

- "My name is Arthur Steiger, what about you?"

- "Call me Kuro."

- "Let me help you back to your cabin." Arthur says.

I hesitate for a moment, but eventually take his hand. We walk back to the cabin in silence.

We arrive at the cabin, and I thank him for helping me.

He smiles, and bows his head.

- "My pleasure." He says.

Arthur then leaves, leaving me alone. I enter the cabin, and lay down on my bed.

I am exhausted. I close my eyes, and try to sleep, but I cannot.

I open my eyes and see the moon shining bright outside my window.

I lie in bed, and stare at the ceiling. I don't know why, but I feel uncomfortable.

I get up and walk over to the window, and look outside.

I see the rain has stopped, and the clouds have disappeared.

I then turn around, and see a shadowy figure standing in front of the cabin.

- "Who is that?" I whisper to myself.

The figure doesn't say a word, he simply stares at me.

I slowly approach the window, and I see the figure is wearing a cloak. His hood is hiding his face.

The figure is tall, and has long black hair.

I slowly pull back the curtains, and look outside.

The figure is gone.

I sigh, and turn back to my room. I close the curtains, and lie down on my bed once more.

I can't sleep anymore, so I get up and walk over to the table. I grab a glass, and pour myself a glass of water.

I take a sip, and look out the window.

The morning sun is shining through the gaps between the clouds.

I finish my glass of water, and then return to bed.

I close my eyes, and try to relax.

I can't stop thinking about the man. Why did he call my name? Who was he?

I feel like I've met him somewhere before, but I can't remember where.

I sit up in bed, and look out the window.

I can hear the sound of birds chirping outside.

Something pulls at my mind, it feels like I've forgotten something important.

I shake my head, trying to clear my mind. But it won't go away.

I take a deep breath, and try to calm myself.

I try to focus on what I'm doing. I need to find a way to remember.

I get up, and walk over to the table. I take a deep breath, and then grab a piece of paper and a pen. I sit down in front of the table, and take a deep breath.

I write the words - "Something terrible is bound to happen."

I continue writing, and write everything I can remember of the mysterious man that called my name.

I write down his face, his clothes, and his hair color.

I write down his voice, and the tone of his laughter.

I write down the words that he spoke to me.

I write down everything I can remember.

I finish writing, and put my pen down.

I take a deep breath, and stare out the window.

A sudden gust of wind blows through the forest, and I hear a loud thud come from outside.

I quickly rush to the window, and look outside.

I see an object lying on the ground outside.

It looks like a book.

I run downstairs, and pick the book up off the floor. I hold it in my arms, and walk back upstairs.

I place the book on the desk next to the bed, and carefully open it.

I see a single page has been ripped out.

I flip through the pages, and find nothing else except for the torn out page.

I sigh, and place the book back on the desk. I turn around, and see Arthur standing in front of me.

- "Good morning, Kuro." He says.

I nod my head, and then sit down at the table.

- "Morning." I reply.

Arthur sits down across from me, and sips his coffee.

- "Do you want some breakfast?" He asks.

I shake my head, and then look out the window.

The sun is rising, and the trees are swaying in the early morning breeze. The birds are chirping happily as they fly in the sky above.

I stand up, and walk over to the window. My heart begins to beat faster.

I look out the window, and see several men dressed in black robes walking towards my cabin. They stop at the door, and look inside.

One of them knocks on the door.

I close my eyes, and take a deep breath.

- "Come in." I whisper to myself.

They open the door, and enter my cabin.

I look at the men, and see they are looking inside. I take a deep breath, and sit down at the table.

One of the men turns around, and looks at me.

- "Hello." He says in a low, ominous voice.

I freeze, and stare at the man.

He has red eyes, and long black hair.

He wears a black robe, and has a dagger strapped to his belt. He has a stern expression on his face, and he looks me straight in the eye.

His gaze is piercing, and sends shivers down my spine.

- "Who are you?" I ask.

The man smiles, and places his hands on his hips.

- "My name is Wilhelm, and I am one of the leaders of this village. As you can see, we have been sent here to investigate the disappearance of our people. I am sorry for the intrusion." He says.

- "I understand. Thank you." I respond.

Wilhelm nods his head, and looks back at the other men.

- "Well, gentlemen, let us get started." He says.

They all leave the cabin, and start searching the area around it.

I sit alone in my cabin, and look out the window. I can hear the creaking of the wooden planks as the wind passes by.

I take another deep breath, and sigh.

I feel that today will be a dreadful day.