
Fragment of Reality

“This world is so pathetic, everyday is consecutively the same, yet we still are anticipating for what is to come. Why is that? Is it because we are so immersed into this pitiful world of ours, or are we just utter fools?” Fragment of Reality is a riveting dark fantasy, adventure, thriller novel that follows the journey of a young man named Kuro, who embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the true meaning of existence. At the beginning of the novel, Kuro is depicted as a generic character, with little depth or complexity. However, as the story progresses, Kuro begins to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around him, which leads him on a journey of self-discovery. As Kuro travels deeper into the unknown, he confronts the ultimate question of existence: What is the purpose of life? Is there a grand design that governs our existence, or are we merely random elements in a chaotic universe? Through his encounters with various characters, Kuro comes to understand that the answer to this question is not straightforward, and that the meaning of existence is a complex and multifaceted concept that can only be approached through experience.——

shougofr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Prologue: The Message

I close my eyes, and I feel as if I'm connecting to another's consciousness. As I focus on this strange sensation of mental connection, I suddenly find myself transported into a different realm. The world around me fades away, but all I can sense is the voice of another man speaking.

"I look out at this pathetic world and all I see is decay and rot." the man says. "Society is nothing but a cesspool of weakness and conformity, filled with sheep blindly following the herd."

"These sheep say we must follow orders to be vindicated by society, yet we all still commit those actions. We are all just hypocrites giving ourselves excuses for our own weaknesses. We have become so weak that if one person breaks free from the herd they are persecuted and shamed into submission."

"The shallow people, the meaningless jobs, the mindless entertainment, I despise them." "They all contribute to the numbing of our minds, keeping us from truly experiencing life in its raw form."

"But I refuse to be part of that system. I will not succumb to their lies and false promises."

"I will carve my own path through this world, one that is free from the constraints of society's rules."

"They call me insane. But what do they know? They are just blind followers, unable to see the truth that lies before them. If I were absurd, then why would I have become so successful? Why am I living such an incredible life?"

"Because I'm sane. And I've seen beyond the veil of deception they've placed upon this world. I can see reality for what it truly is.""The true nature of things. The essence of existence."

"The answer is simple really. The answers are always easy if you're willing to see past the lies. The truth is right in front of your eyes, hidden by the veil of deceit, yet obvious once you remove the mask."

"A world like theirs is impossible. It was never possible. It is a lie, born out of the very fabric of the universe itself. A mere illusion created by those who wish to control others. That is why I chose to see reality for what it is. I don't follow the flock. I forge my own path, one that is free from the shackles of society."

"The truth is absolute. There is no other way to live. Society may think otherwise, but I know better. I see the truth, and thus I cannot deny it."

"That's why I am free."

My mind fading away and my thoughts slowly clouding up, soon I will have forgotten this occurrence forever.