
Fractured Tale

How did it come to this? There’s this game, Fractured Fairytales, they’re all dark stories, as you can tell from the name. They all start out somewhat mellow, then turn into absolute nightmares. It was a game that checked off every box in my heart, a game that was dear to me. I know every line of dialogue by heart, since I’ve played it so many times, I know every route for every ending, but I didn’t expect that there would be just one more character. [Congratulations! You have completed every single objective that was set, and so far, the only person to do so!] It feels really nice hearing that. [So, we’ve decided to give you one last challenge, it’ll be the most difficult route, with characters that will hopefully enchant you as much as the other routes.] More content?! And it’s free! I love this game so damn much! The screen faded to black, and a white silhouette appeared inside a silver frame, artwork slowly filled it in, a boy with purple eyes and black hair, handsome with a perfect jaw, high nose, and piercing eyes. Below the portrait were the words ‘Duri Noctum.’ Is this what they meant by drawn to perfection? “I can’t wait.” Those were the last words I spoke, and when I woke up, I had my first thoughts; How did it come to this?

Venerated · Fantasy
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4 Chs

What was stolen from me


She just collapsed for no reason.

Wait, no.

I shouldn't have just dismissed it.

That purple strand wasn't mana, it was a curse.

That curse was from a while ago, since no one here collapsed until just now, the target of the curse wasn't on a person. It was directed at this room, or an item in this room.


The cradle.

I touched the cradle once before as well, so why only Fiona? The target couldn't have just been her, it was either me…

Or my mother.


How do you dispel a curse?!

Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland both had curses.

Option one: kill the caster.

Option two: destroy the medium.

Compress the wind, and fire it at a dot.

Pang, pang, pang, pang!

I felt the cradle tip forward, the nails had been blasted off so it'll collapse quickly.


I landed on my arm, behind me, the cradle had technically been broken, not destroyed but it fell apart. That's enough to count as destruction for a curse since it no longer matches the original object it was cast on.


I crawl over to her and nudge her, she doesn't awaken, but her complexion definitely looks better.

What kind of curse was that?

It seemed to be one that either got the target sick or a curse of slow death through organ failure.

Mom didn't touch the cradle itself when she picked me up so she should be fine.


I'll find them.

[Synchronization Rate in jeopardy.]

[Synchronization Rate: 6%]

[2% drop, reinitiating.]


Fiona starts screaming and convulsing, blood flows from her lips onto the floor, soaking the carpet as she grabs onto it.

What the hell? Why?

[Synchronization Rate proceeds.]

[Synchronization Rate: 11%]

Why? Why?

It's the organs, they've started to decay, but why? I destroyed the medium, so it's not possible!


Her screams start to weaken.

I hear footsteps quickening down the hall.

The doors open with a slam, and two maids and a knight come in.

"Fiona! What happened?!"

The two maids went to her side.

"Phillip! Call for a doctor, or an alchemist, anyone!"

The maids hold her tight as her breathing stifles.

"It's going to be okay, Fiona, it's going to be okay."

I can see her eyes slowly dim, her glazed eyes make contact with me before she smiles.

"Don't…look this way…go back to sleep…"

"Fiona? Fiona! Stay with us!"


Her hazelnut eyes that used to have shine have gone dark, the luster of her hair makes her look like a doll, the blood that comes from her body is red, so red. She's still looking at me.

The sound from my surroundings fades as I stare into them.

I only remembered the days I spent with you, because you came here the most. You treated me like family, you were bright.

I don't understand.


Why am I left now with just the memory of your infinitely dark eyes?

[Synchronization Rate: 25%]