
Fractured Tale

How did it come to this? There’s this game, Fractured Fairytales, they’re all dark stories, as you can tell from the name. They all start out somewhat mellow, then turn into absolute nightmares. It was a game that checked off every box in my heart, a game that was dear to me. I know every line of dialogue by heart, since I’ve played it so many times, I know every route for every ending, but I didn’t expect that there would be just one more character. [Congratulations! You have completed every single objective that was set, and so far, the only person to do so!] It feels really nice hearing that. [So, we’ve decided to give you one last challenge, it’ll be the most difficult route, with characters that will hopefully enchant you as much as the other routes.] More content?! And it’s free! I love this game so damn much! The screen faded to black, and a white silhouette appeared inside a silver frame, artwork slowly filled it in, a boy with purple eyes and black hair, handsome with a perfect jaw, high nose, and piercing eyes. Below the portrait were the words ‘Duri Noctum.’ Is this what they meant by drawn to perfection? “I can’t wait.” Those were the last words I spoke, and when I woke up, I had my first thoughts; How did it come to this?

Venerated · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Amelia came to visit today.

It's been a whole year since she last came.

It's summer again.


No, that just sounds like random gibberish, I need to try something with one vowel, something easier.


She turned around, holding a look on her face that I hadn't expected. Instead of joy, it was like a deep pity.

Maybe sadness.

She picked me up from the cradle as she slowly started to smile.

"Did you just call me mom?"

She poked my nose.

"Can you say it one more time?"


Dammit it's embarrassing.

"You're smart, Duri. It's almost as if you know what I'm saying."

She looks at me with knowing eyes.

"I hope this lasts."

Her eyes are peaceful, almost accepting of something. I was never this perceptive before, but I can feel her raw emotion piercing through me.

I saw a strand of purple light float around the room and disappear.

Was that also mana?

"Duri, live for me, live the best life you can."

She held me close.

"Because mama loves you."

Mom, I miss you. I've missed you for a long time.

It feels like you've come back to me.

[Synchronization Rate: 7%]

When…did it get so high? Does it rise when I'm sleeping? Or is it certain things that happen? It was 3% last time, so why did it go up to 7? It only rose in 1% increments before so why…?

Whatever it is, I need to figure it out soon.

If it reaches 100, I might die.

"What's with the blank look, Duri?"

She placed me back in the cradle. I flipped over and started to crawl, and got up to my feet. I couldn't exactly walk just yet.

It felt like I was squatting 315 getting up, staying up was easier, but it still took a toll.

"I'll tell Fiona to come play with you later, be good Duri."


The door closed.


"…ally, how…riously!"

I felt something pinch my cheek.

"Wake up!"

I open my eyes to get a good look at my assailant.

"Mama told me to come play with you, so why are you asleep?"

When did I fall asleep? No, my nephew fell asleep a lot when he was younger too. It must be a baby thing.


I saw her expression soften.

"Well, at least you're smart."

She leaned on the cradle, pouting.

"Do you know how surprised I was when you started talking two months ago?"

I had said my first words to Fiona a while ago, 'sorry.' was my first word, and that might be why she brought it up.

"Still, you don't ever cry like other babies."

She pinched my cheeks harder.


"I want to see you cry, Duri."


"Because I've never seen it before."

Ah…so annoying, I want to speak in full sentences, but I can't. When I try to, instead of words, it's like a fumble of spit coats my throat and a noise comes out.


She let go of my cheek.

"I guess, it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would."

She stopped leaning and straightened her back.

"I don't like seeing you cry."

She made two little lights on her fingertips, dragging them around in the air.

"But I like seeing your magic, show me again."

I pushed a strand of mana through the veins in my wrists and created a light, then I thought about the refractions of light, and made them many colors.


The lights came from my hands and burst like flames.


She reached out to touch the light. It would only feel warm, not like a real fire, just like a blanket of warmth.

"It's pretty, Duri, what is that?"

The lights slowly settled into the darkness.


"Fire? Oh, you made the light burst with fire, but what about the lights?"


"Tell me when you can speak in sentences, I'll wait until then."


[Synchronization Rate: 8%]


"Duri, you need to sleep soo-…eh?"

She touched my hair, caressing it.

"Your hair is…a little different."

She touches it more, and looks closer.

"Duri, it feels like a…uhhh…"



She slumps down to the floor.

The room is silent, I can feel my heart beating. My mind feels a wash of adrenaline.
