
Fractured Memories

Neo Bastion, who only knows his name, wanted to piece together his fractured memories, as he journey through the continent of Paizen, Neo will meet many person for different countries, he was also going to meet again some certain persons too.

Wally_Labrador · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Battle Of Redo Part 2

November, 30, 1420

10.37 kilometers away from Redo city

One of the invaders' spotters noticed dragons moving toward Redo City, so he made an effort to alert the commander tasked with capturing Redo.

"Look south, commander; dragons are approaching!" The spotter said

The Commander looked at his binoculars and turned his head to the south; he saw a squadron of dragonriders approaching. He then used a radio to call the HQ about this.

"Major! Do we have dragonriders incoming?" The commander inquired while still looking at the dragons with his binoculars.

"No, our dragonriders aren't coming to Redo," was the response.

"What" the commander yells. He then takes another look through the binoculars to see if the dragons have any markings of their nation's flag.

The commander notifies the HQ and his men inside Redo City that dragonriders are approaching because the dragonriders are from the Vongord, the nation from which Redo City hails.

The Major commanded the commander over the radio, "Commander, keep the siege on Redo; I will send our own dragonriders there."

But the major didn't hear any response; he only heard screams of people burning. The dragonriders found out where the commander of the invaders was hiding, so they finished him quickly.

The major in charge of the army invading Redo City is in the airship, 20.72 kilometers to the north of Redo City. Knowing that the Vongord nation's dragonriders are powerful and can quickly annihilate his army, he made the decision to move the airship close to Redo City to provide air support, and he also deployed their own Dragonriders.

Back in the vault, Aria approaches Neo, who is putting back the rifle he used to shoot the man who tried to stab her when she fell to the ground.

Aria knew that he was the one who saved her life so she asked for his name.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked

Neo look at her and replied to her question "Neo Bastion"

"Thank you for saving me earlier from that man," Aria said.

Neo stood up and said, "Oh, that's no problem; I only do what's necessary to do."

While Aria and Neo are talking on the vault, the Vongord dragonriders have arrived in the city, and they have begun to bring hell to the invaders.

Neo and Aria sprinted to the window on the top floor of city hall to watch the dragonriders destroy the invaders while the soldiers on the ground took position to charge the enemy.

The mayor saw Aria and calls her to give her a mission.

The mayor remarked, "Ms. Aria, please take the initiative to confront the adversaries sheltering in that church there north of us."

She looked to Neo after accepting the task and enquired as to whether he would accompany them. Aria insisted despite Neo's protests that he wouldn't because his aim was so good even if he was only a volunteer and not a soldier.

Neo hesitated for a moment, contemplating Aria's words. He finally agreed, realizing that his exceptional marksmanship could be a valuable asset to the mission. With a newfound sense of purpose, Neo joined Aria and prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Aria, Neo, and the other soldiers were approaching the church when the soldiers inside started firing at them. Fortunately, no one was hit, and they immediately took cover on the boxes strewn about the church's front.

A fireball is produced from the sword's tip by Aria using the power of her weapon. The church door flames when she discharges it after aiming it in that way.

When the church door has finally burned down, Aria uses the force of her sword once more to create a flaming shield around them. This allows them to charge inside.

Even though Aria's flaming shield was only melting the soldiers' bullets, the soldiers inside the church continued to fire at them.

The soldiers retreated at the far end of the church, Aria finally removed her flaming shield to allow her allies to shoot the trapped soldiers.

But the trapped soldiers have a trump card; they are hiding a cannon on the very top of the church. Aria notices it and creates a flaming shield above her head.

After announcing that there's a cannon above them, she orders the men to seek shelter. Despite the burning shield, which is basically melting all the shells the cannon is firing, the cannon discharged it all. Fortunately for them, Aria is losing mana to maintain the shield as a result of their mindless blasting.

When Neo realized that Aria had low stamina, he attempted to shoot them, but the cannon was surrounded by sandbags, making it impossible for him to do so. As a result, he grabbed the nearest sword.

Neo rushed to the top of the church after sprinting up the wall next to him and scaling it. He avoided every shot that the trapped troops attempted to fire at him. He climbed to the top of the church despite being unable to use any magic.

Nevertheless, the cannon operators were caught off guard. The guard around the cannon opened fire on Neo, but Neo just deflected all of it. As he found an opening, he cut them all at once and leapt on the cannon operators to finish them.

In order to replenish the mana she had lost, Aria at last took down the flaming shield above her head. The encircled soldiers panicked since they had lost the cannon, but they resisted turning themselves in, so the troops Aria was in charge of continued to fire at them.

Neo quickly turns the cannon to where the trapped soldiers are holding and starts firing shells at them; after that, the soldiers finally turned themselves.

The Aria and the soldiers approached the trapped soldiers cautiously and arrested them all. Neo got back on the ground to meet with his comrades.

Aria looked at Neo and said, "Thanks, you saved me again."

Neo smiles and says, "Like I said, i only do what's necessary."