
Fractured Etalon: Memories Before Our Years

In HaoTian, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, Wei's life takes a crazy turn. First, her father vanishes without a trace, leaving behind an emptiness she struggles to comprehend. But the strangeness doesn't end there; an enigmatic woman emerges from within her sword, forming doubts in Wei’s head. As she grapples with these inexplicable events, Wei finds herself thrust into a world that tests her resilience at every turn. The unforgiving challenges she faces threaten to overwhelm her, but Wei is determined not to succumb. With each obstacle she encounters, her burning questions about her purpose and identity only intensify. In this gripping tale of self-discovery and determination, Wei's journey becomes a reflection of our own struggles and aspirations. As the knowledge she accumulated till now goes down the drain, she must uncover the truth that holds the key to her imaginary past. Will Wei's resolve be enough to get through life? In a world where living feels optional, who knows?

Npmaster69 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"I guess they did!"

Is that all it takes to become more agile?

"Still you need to be consistent and keep it up every day. Until of course, you can handle more weight and it keeps building up like that."

That makes more sense. If it was easy I doubt I would have outrun that big man from yesterday. But I slowly feel the weight of my normal body coming back. Slowly but surely the swiftness was replaced by soreness and fatigue.

"Whoa, take it easy Wei."

My eyelids fluttered and I felt my sense of balance shift to the right. Why do I feel so dizzy all of a sudden?

"I gotchu!"

My body was held up by two soft, but solid, arms before I reached the floor. 

"You girls okay over there?"

I turned my head looking over at the noise and one of the ladies in the group that Jia was a part of was looking over at us.

"Yes, we are fine. Thanks for your concern!"

They went back to their business and I looked back up to my Mom's radiant eyes.

"Thanks, Mom. I suddenly felt tired for some reason."

"You probably pushed yourself too hard yesterday. Especially in the afternoon when you were working non-stop at that restaurant."

She was watching me the whole time? How could I not have known?

"I told you, didn't I? I'll always be watching you."

"That sounds kind of creepy Mom..."

I couldn't help the growing of my lips forming into a smile.

"Haha, I guess it does."

I felt my consciousness coming back to me so I stood back on my feet. Shaking off my fatigue and moving onto the showers I wanted to cleanse my body of all the gunk I picked up from yesterday.

"Here pull this."

Mom motioned towards a handle suspended by a chain that was attached to this hatch on the ceiling. Grasping the handle I pulled downwards as the mechanism opened the hatch and water started pouring out.


I released my hand and the hatch closed again stopping the water. 

"Now that your hair is wet I'll clean it up with some wisteria soap."

I see my mom rubbing something that began to bubble between her hands. She raised her hands to scrub and comb through my hair. A nice sweet and I could already feel my hair smoothing out and each of the thick dirty clumps separating.

"How does that feel?"

"It feels amazing!"

After finishing I pulled on the handle once again and didn't stop until all the suds of the soap were washed off and my hair felt pristine. My hair was smooth and now I even came down and covered my eyes. Pulling them back with one swift motion of my hand I turned and looked at my Mom.

She was finishing up washing her hair with the same technique. I followed her motions grabbing more soap and scrubbing every surface of my body until I felt clean.

One last rinse and all that filth seemed to be glad that I released them from the fate of being gross.

"Now we are ready to hop into the hot springs!"

My Mom began to tie her hair up into a left and right bun. Similar to the ladies from before, this style looked way cuter. I don't know if I was staring or not but...

"Sadly your hair isn't long enough for a bun right now, but soon!"

We picked up more clean towels and moved towards the first hot spring. Wiping the excess water from my face I could see that there was a natural spout with the steamy water refilling the spring. The bottom of the string was filled with smooth gray slabs of stone each one with no imperfections like moss or cracks that I could see.

Dipping my right foot in I felt a warm tingle shoot up from my legs and a shiver from my spine. Reaching deeper and deeper into the spring with my leg I felt the heat that the water gave off. It was how but not unbearable.

"No need to be afraid Wei, just hop in!"

She literally hopped into the springs splashing a bit of the water out of the edge. Oh well, let me just go in already and relax! Stepping down further and further the water level came up only to my waist.

I looked around and saw that everyone else was either sitting down or crouching up against the side of the springs. I placed my towel on an empty space by the edge of the spring and slowly began to descend feeling the nice and hot water enter each of my exhausted pores. As if the water had a healing effect I felt that my muscle fatigue was draining out of my body and getting released into the air as steam. Now I'm crouched down to where the water level is at my chin.

"Hooahh, isn't this just bliss Wei?"

"It sure feels like it, Mom!"

In the next moment the group that Jia was with joined us in the hot springs. I guess they are done with their whole routine because their hair looks super shiny and even Jia's hair is in a bun now.

"Hey Wei!"

"Hi, Jia!"

We waved at each other and smiled as we both enjoyed the water.

"Seems like you made a friend here Wei. Why don't you girls talk with each other while I talk with the adults."

"Oki Mom"

I stood up out of the water as the droplets cascaded down I walked towards my new friend.

"Wei, what's up?"

"My Mom asked me to talk with you as the adults talked."

I looked over as my Mom went over and conversed with the other ladies.

"Thank god, because I couldn't stand their old folk talk anymore."

"What were they talking about?"

"Nothing interesting, what do you like to do for fun?"

Hm fun? I never really thought about spending time by myself and doing something fun.

"I don't know, but those rice cakes I had yesterday were fun!"

"Hehe, that's a weird way to have fun. I like to sing and dance when I get the chance to."

Sing and dance? I don't think I've seen people do those things yet. I've heard of it, but only seen birds sing and dance.

"Can you show me?"

"Hehe nwo, It's too embarrassing to do it in front of this many people."

Her face became even more flushed than it was already.

We started to talk about how cute my Mom's double bun was and other things we found cute.

After soaking my skin for a while my fingers and toes started to feel really wrinkly and weird. All my exhaustion has dissipated now and I feel super relaxed I felt any longer in this state my skin would fall off due to how loose it was.

"Alright, Wei I think it's a good time to go."

My stomach rumbled and reminded me of how hungry I was.

"You are so right Mom. Where are we eating?"

"I'll show you don't worry about that."

I turned to Jia and waved.

"See you, Jia!"

"See you, Wei! Hope we see each other again!"

I followed my mom out of the spring covering myself with the towel and drying off as we walked towards the door back to the other room. The wet steps of our feet on the stone pavement echoed throughout the room.

Opening the door to the first room a rush of cool air made me shiver as it glided past my torso. Holding my towel closer to my body I shook as my body began to get used to the difference in temperature from the outside.

"Alright come get your stuff."


I'm so excited to go eat some actual food! If they are anything like the rice cakes I just really want to taste something sweet and savory. Maybe even fill my belly with it.

Picking up my things one by one I noticed that something was missing...

"My katana... It's gone?"


My Mom heard me and took a good look inside the cabinet. She scrunched up her face and looked around the area.

"It really is gone. Someone must have taken it. Here let's put on our clothes first and then we can ask the front desk."

Now I'm worried. The one thing that my Dad left behind for me and clearly it is a precious sword if that person from yesterday wanted it so badly. Could it be...

We got changed real quick and picked up the rest of our belongings. I rushed to the front desk feeling relieved that the lady was still there.

"Excuse me someone was in our cabinet and took something from us."

"Oh sorry for the inconvenience, what can I do to help?"

My Mom pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"Did you see any shady people come inside after us?"

"Not that I can think of..."

"Did you see Mr.Gu?"

Both of them turned and looked at me. The lady's expression turned from shock to a hint of fear.

"Yes, he did come by and have one of his female friends enter."

So my hunch was right.

"Did she come outside with anything?"

"Yes, a sword of some kind. Why?"

"That is what was missing. He must have stolen it. Where does he live we need it back."

The woman's expression now showed true fear.

"No no no, you cannot go to his house! He'll do horrible things to you if you go against him! People even said that he works with demons to get what he wants."

Holy poops! He sounds really dangerous! I was super lucky yesterday to have survived his chase. But in the end, he still got what he wanted. 

"Fine, then we'll just go eat for now. Let's go Wei."

"Wait we are just going to let him go for stealing my katana?"

She walked some ways away from the front desk and pulled me towards her.

"We are going after Mr.Gu, but after we have eaten and feel energized."

"Why are you whispering?"

"Mr.Gu probably has his people everywhere. Can't trust anyone."

"She didn't seem like a bad person though."

"But her fear is high. She will betray any friendship we have as long as she benefits from it."

Looking over at the lady she was looking down and I could see the cold sweat dripping down her cheek. Just the name of Mr.Gu and she is that scared?

"Let's go and worry about our own health and go after him later."

"Alright, Mom."

We walked down the street and passed by different buildings with different colors and designs. Some were stores and others were entertainment houses. Things like theaters and performances were going on all around this side of town. People were really enjoying themselves here.

"We're here!"

We arrived at a building with loads of people sitting down with genuine expressions of happiness on their faces while eating the food. The aroma wafting through the air and making my stomach rumble even more. I really want to try everything they have here!

"Let's get a seat on the second floor."

"There's a second floor?!"

Withholding my excitement we walked in watching as the waiters brought heaps of food and dishes all over the place. With even more people sitting inside than outside the lanterns and designs on the walls really make this place super lively.

"Welcome to 'Golden Tongue' How many in your party today?"

A male waiter appeared out of nowhere and was waiting for our response. 

"Hello, just the two of us. "

My Mom pointed at me and held up two fingers.

"Are there any open seats on the second floor?"

"Yes, if you two young ladies would follow me."

We followed the man and went up the stairs. There were windows on the other side of the room looking above the street below. Surprisingly the waiter brought us to a window seat and I looked at the wonderful view outside. I was able to see further than I could standing on the street and looking over everything that we had passed.

The sense of wonder completely covered my anxiety of getting my katana back.

"Here's the menus, I'll be back shortly for your orders."

The waiter excused himself in a hurry and went around to other tables picking up orders and rushing downstairs. 

"This place is awesome Mom!"

"I know right?!"