
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 8 : First-level martial trainee

The family ate the rich meal as usual because of Tian's hunting, which caused Ruru's stomach to swell from her extreme excitement, as she had not eaten this amount of meat to be satisfied in a long time.

The brothers then returned to Tian's room while Wan went to help her aunt

"Tian! I heard that you were bullied by the bastard Long Hai?"

Ruru sat in front of Tian and examined his body after remembering what Wan said earlier, and a dangerous red light flashed in her eyes.

How can strangers bully her family?

"Oh, don't worry! This matter is over and we have been properly compensated!"

Tian waved his hand indifferently and then turned to her

"The most important thing now is..."


"Tian!!, what is this exercise, it hurts so much!"

"Bear it, pay attention to your breathing! Don't lose your focus!"

There was a faint smile on Tian's face, but his eyes were staring at Ruru's postures with intense concentration, fearing that she would make a mistake and hurt herself.


He decided to teach Ruru, Wan, and Jia the poses for the first part of Asura's body

In this world, until he builds his own organization, he only has these three relatives, and he has some good things, so how can he forget them when he alone benefits?

Just as Ruru chose to give him the body strengthening powder instead of using it on herself, he will do the same and even more for them.

Tian taught Ruru the poses he could do at this point

Of the 50 poses, Tian was able to execute and master the second pose  after more than ten days of continuous training.

He was also able to perform 5 other poses, but intermittently, so their effect currently is not as good as the effect of the first and second poses.

The two brothers continued to train hard inside Tian's room until late into the night, and thanks to the meat they had eaten previously, the result of the training was very fruitful, especially for Ruru, who felt that her body was given what it had needed for years.

Early in the morning, Wan went with Tian to the river to inspect his two fish cages

All these days Tian continued to take the fish cage harvest once a day, exactly in the early morning

For her part, Ruru never stopped smiling, after learning about the amazing harvest of Tian's work during these days and realizing that the meat she ate last night would not be a one-time thing, but would continue for days and might even get better.

There are countless fish, large shrimp, and various aquatic creatures at home, and Tian keeps getting more on a daily basis!

Ruru matured early and noticed well Wan and her aunt's regret over their inability to train and improve the family's situation, so she made sure to train hard since last year, especially after she broke through the first level of the martial apprentice world in two months despite the lack of food. Where did she realize her good talent and why? Black Snake City's talent screening did nothing but confirm this for her

Now with all this meat, she can truly unleash her madness and train harder and more intensely without fear of starving herself, exhausting her body, and harming her potential.

She excitedly accompanied Ruru Tian to the edge of the river and picked up one of the fish cages with her small but strong hands, then looked at the vibrant shrimp, crabs and large fish inside with stars in her eyes.

People who have never felt hungry cannot imagine the pleasure of eating a full meal! Not to mention those who desperately need it on a daily basis!

"Ruru! This is a secret, just like the poses I taught you yesterday, we won't tell anyone but Wan and Auntie, do you understand?"

Tian Rourou warned seriously, fearing that she would make a mistake and reveal this place to anyone else

"Don't worry Tian! I know very well their importance to our family!"

Ruru also looked a little serious

Although she seems naive, it is only in front of her family, in fact she is a very cautious, meticulous and intelligent person, otherwise how could she have become a second-level martial cultivator in just one year without resources?

"Okay, we'll be back now."

"Don't let anyone see the fish in the bucket, otherwise they will seek out our secret and we will starve again."

" OK ! "

Ruru nodded and put all the fish and shrimp in the buckets they brought, then covered them and carried them and left for the house.

Although it is still very early and the sky is still dark, there are many villagers awake

Guards, hunting parties, medicinal herb growers, and merchants

When you live in a dangerous area like their village, where they are not more than ten kilometers north of the Great Forest, the activity and motivation of the residents to work is always at its peak throughout the year.

Training, hunting spirit beasts, preparing the village's own trade caravan and even farming

All of these work are necessary for the village to continue and develop properly, especially the fishing teams

Many villagers welcomed the duo after seeing them working hard early in the morning

"You two came out early? You two are good!"

"Long Ruru, I heard **** say that your talent is four stars high, not bad, put your effort into training later to put it to good use, don't waste it!"

Ruru scratched her head, didn't speak and just smiled

"Long Ruru, you are a second-level martial cultivator with good talent. One day teach my stinky son, he has been practicing martial arts for more than three years and has not made any progress and is still stuck at the first level!"

"Oh, you're talking about that lazy fat man!"

"Long Ruru, talents like you are absolutely essential to the village's survival, don't let us down!"

"Huh?, I..."

"Uncle Wu, we need to go back quickly, bye!"

Ruru didn't know what to say, so Tian intervened and quickly pulled her with him and ran home

While the man called Uncle Wu watched in amazement as the duo ran



For the next two weeks, Tian and Ruru spent all their time at home practicing the movements of the first part of the Asura Body.

Thanks to Ruru's knowledge of martial arts and her assistance, Tian was able to execute 5 complete poses, while she was able to actually execute 9 poses.

Thanks to her good foundation, her progress was much faster than Tian's, and then thanks to the nutrition she received and also the new training method, her body shape and strength became much better than before.

It could be said that the strength of the two had doubled during these two weeks

In the third week, Tian decided not to wait and invited Long Wan and Long Jia to train with them and not leave them behind.

He had previously found an opportunity to examine their bodies, and the following messages appeared before him

   [Name]: Long Wan

   [Introduction]: 16 years old, human

   [Status]: Level 2 combat trainee (exhausted, minor internal injuries and fractures)

        [Talent]: 1 average star (can be upgraded)

     [Training Method]: Primal Strengthening Technique

   [Energy Points]: 19

Tian was terrified as soon as he saw his sister's condition and imagined the amount of pain she had dealt with all these years and how she suppressed it and continued training.

   [Name]: Long Jia

   [Introduction]: 48 years old, human

   [Status]: Level 5 martial cultivator (severe internal injuries, torn and distorted energy veins)

        [Talent]: 7 medium stars (can be upgraded)

        [Skills]: Spiritual Alchemist (can be upgraded)

     [Training Method]: Primal Strengthening Technique

   [Energy Points]: 19

After Tian also saw his aunt's condition, he was truly speechless and did not utter a single word for half a day

Wan's condition may be bad, but it is relatively new, while his aunt's condition has lasted for more than twenty years, and hell! She still forced herself to work hard and take care of their family and she never complained once

"No! I need to treat them quickly."

Tian's eyes sparkled and his determination to become stronger increased and he became more ferocious in his training

A month after Ruru's return, while training Tian in his room and completing position 7 of the exercise with difficulty, he suddenly felt a slight heat spreading inside him, and a warm current slowly flowing from his surroundings and entering his body, washing and strengthening it, then concentrating in his muscles, bones, and internal organs.

Tian felt like he was back in his mother's good graces and his entire body was intoxicated and extremely immersed in this wonderful feeling


"This feeling is incredible!"

With this, after about 10 minutes, the warm current stopped flowing inside Tian's body, and his breakthrough was completed and he officially entered the world of martial cultivators and became the first level of this world.

He examined his body for a few minutes and felt that he had become a little larger compared to before, and his strength and vitality had greatly improved

"Hahaha! No wonder everyone in this world is crazy about training and gaining more strength!"