
Found out Im in an AU of Remnant just to be isekaid in Minecraft

Remant a place where creatures called grimm rome around and people with powers called hunters eliminate them and also every single weapon is also a gun. Well that's not my remant since mine is an alterate universe where everything is almost normal until I got isekaid that is. Hey we ran out of wheat can't make pancakes anymore~ We need more paper for books here! Help me mine some diamonds in the caves! Let's hunt some monsters for exp! Yup this is my life now living in minecraft with them well best just to enjoy it

Bill_Ribles · Games
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 2:A Little Difference

Author's note:

RWBY is owned by Roosterteeth

Minecraft is owned by Mojang

I do not owned the following above except my story.


Remnant a place that can be best describe as a fantasy world, creatures called grimm roam wild, magical crystals called dust are mined daily, and every single weapon can transform into a gun.

But that is the original remnant and my remnant is different from what most people know.

First difference is that there is no grimm in my remnant, secondly dust never even existed here and no one ever made a mechashilft weapon a reality.

The other difference is that there is no faunus in my remnant only humans.

There are some similarities thought like Huntsmen are a thing here but they are treated differently.

See since there are no grimm, hunters in my world are mostly feared by people cause at least 80% of crimes are committed by rogue hunters or huntresses.

Because of that a law was made, they made it illegal to awaken a person's aura until they are registered into the system by there trainers or in rare cases they are given special permission, like mine and Schnee family.

And so the one's who finish there training either work in the miltary where they are treated as some special assault squad or be someone's personal bodyguard.

Like the original remnant there are huntsmen academies but here it is much stricter because of how dangerous huntsmen are to the public.

Beacon academy is one of these schools, beacon is the best huntsmen academy there is rivaled only to atlas academy.

Beacon is well know for it's reputation for producing kind and charismatic huntsmen.

While atlas academy became its rival because of how much donations they receive and so the huntsmen that graduate here either directly work into the military or hired by some rich person to be there muscle.

Haven academy make there huntsmen differently compared to the other academies since there graduate usually become teachers or directly work as staff in hunter guilds.

And lastly the infamous shade academy where they produce huntsmen that become deadly assassins that are feared by alot of people, but they mostly stay in vacuo because of the high crime rates the kingdom has.


(Ruby's POV)

Arriving in beacon me and Yang get out of the car and wave Raven farewell.

Going inside the campus Yang part ways from me saying that she has a thing to do first.

So me and Penny walk towards the student council office, in Penny's case floating there.

As I walk in the hallway a pair of hands cover my eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice said behind me.

Feeling there hands and recognizing there voice I can already tell who it is.

"Your Weiss Schnee" I said turning to face the person behind me.

"Your correct" Weiss giggles as she smile towards me.

This person is Weiss Schnee 2nd daughter of Willow Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Tech company and finally my ex-fiance.

Weiss is a pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes and long white hair that is pulled back into an off-center ponytail on the right side and pinned with a silver icicle-shaped tiara.

She is wearing a silver corset dress with a laced trimmed, square neckline , a detached collar that has a large blue ribbon tied around it, and her sleeves are bell-shaped with a blue bow at each elbow, a faint snowflake design, and ruffled tiers, the final tier having a light-blue trim.

She also wears white ankle lenght boots with blue laces, also white fingerless gloves with light-blue linings, and finally she has wears sky-blue stockings decorated with deep-blue snowflake design.

I first met Weiss because of my mom, you see her mom and mine are close friends and her mom called my mom for a plan to take down her husband.

You see Willow's husband like in the original remnant is a horrible person, and Willow wanted to stop him but she can't do it alone.

Willow's first problem is that she to prioritize Weiss's safely first so that her husband will not use her daughter for his own gain.

To do that both our mothers agree to have us engage to one another to protect Weiss from becoming a trade option for her husband

Me and Weiss were shock of the sudden engagement we tryed to tell them there must be another way but we weren't given much of a choice.

Our relationship very rocky from the beginning since Weiss hasn't even knowed me yet.

As time pass we manage to get along quite well and Weiss found great joy of being a normal girl for once.

Not having to follow the rules that was force upon her by her dad, she open up to me and so we became great friends.

After some time has past with Summer's help Willow succeeded in her plan in taking down her now ex-husband.

Willow manage to gather enough hard evidence of all the illegal things her ex-husband did and because of this she can divorce him without any consequences.

In the original remnant he might have got away from this but here he didn't and because of one reason.

Faunus do not exist in my universe and because of that he has no excuse for the illegal slave mines he owns.

Without faunus he couldn't use racism as a weapon for his goal.

After he got arrested our engagement was terminated but we hanged out with each other even to this day.

"Morning Weiss" I said while giving her a hug.

"Morning to you to" Weiss said returing the hug.

We break from the hug but before that I swear I that she took a sniff at me before she did.

"So where are going to?" Weiss ask me curious of where I'm going.

"I'm going to the student council office" I answer as I point my tumb back to the general direction of the office.

"I'm going there to" she said happily "Let's go there together" Weiss said pulling arm and putting it between hers.

And so me,Weiss and Penny walk or in Penny's case float.

Towards the student council office.


And that's the end of chapter 2 I hope you guys liked it and I want to thank those people who left me comments on how to improve my story I wish you a wonderful time.

see you guys later.