
Found out Im in an AU of Remnant just to be isekaid in Minecraft

Remant a place where creatures called grimm rome around and people with powers called hunters eliminate them and also every single weapon is also a gun. Well that's not my remant since mine is an alterate universe where everything is almost normal until I got isekaid that is. Hey we ran out of wheat can't make pancakes anymore~ We need more paper for books here! Help me mine some diamonds in the caves! Let's hunt some monsters for exp! Yup this is my life now living in minecraft with them well best just to enjoy it

Bill_Ribles · Games
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Almost Normal Morning

Author's Note:

RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth

Minecraft is owned by Mojang

I do not owned the following above except by story

P.S I hope that you guys won't mind my bad grammar.


*Rose Cabin*





The alarm clock rang forcing the person sleeping in it to wake up, they set up showing that there a young boy with black hair that has red tips.

The boy opens his eyes showing his silver pupils, with a yawn the boy turn offs the alarm clock, This boy is Ruby Rose 15 years old.

"Ruby wake up breakfast is ready~" A mature womans voice calls out from downstairs.

"Coming mom!" Ruby replied to the voice

Ruby walks downstairs going towards the dinning room.

"Morning lil bro" A tall fair-skinned young woman with lilac eyes and long,thick,wavy bright golden hair that fades to pale gold at the tips with a cowlick sticking out at the top.

This woman is Yang Xiao Long older half sister of Ruby Rose.

"Morning Yang" Ruby replied to his sister.

"Take a seat dear breakfast is here" said A mature pale skin woman with silver eyes and shoulder length black hair that fade red at the tips,This woman is Summer Rose mother of Yang and Ruby.

Ruby sets down at the dinning table eating breakfast with family.


(Ruby's POV)

After I ate breakfast I went back to my room to prepare for school today.

"So excited for another session with the doctor today?" someone behind me asked.

"Yeah I am, its always nice to learn from Dr.Salem" I replied and faced the person I'm talking to.

This person is Penny Polendina she has green eyes with long curly orange hair and wearing a black bow of the back of her head she's also wearing an olive green german styled dress with a black hem that was striped with emerald green, the abdominal region is black with four golden buttons with matching buckles on her shoulder straps and long black welling boots that has a single green stripe.

"Thats good, so still having nightmares?" Penny ask as shes floats towards me.

"No there are no nightmares for the time being" I replied to her.

Most people might be confused on why shes floating but to me this is normal cause Penny is not a normal person she's a ghost.

I first meet her when I was studying some engineering from her dad tell I saw her floating about the lab.

Apparently she died from a car crash but she never went into the after life when we found out that I was the only one who can see or hear her we started hanging out and in no time we became bestfriends.


(Ruby's POV)

I finish preparing for school, I'm wearing a black long sleeve jacket that has a red hood with gray shirt under it, below I'm wearing a grey cargo pants held by a red belt that has the Rose family symbol as a buckle and finally red and grey running shoes.


I hear knocking on my room door.

"Come in" I said as Yang enters my room closing the door behind her.

Looking at her I see the she's wearing a deep-collared cream vest worn over a low cut black shirt; both are covered by a dark gray shrug with a raised collar, three-quarter sleeves adorned with a single black stripe down the outside of each sleeve, and gold cuffs. A black mini skirt is worn under the cream vest.

Below she is wearing pair of crooked black belts with gold accents are slung around her hip, with a purple piece of fabric attached to the left-rear section of the lower belt. She wears thigh high stockings attached to her miniskirt by garter-belts on the front and back of each thigh, decorated with four golden studs above her knee and her emblem on the outside of each thigh in gold. She also wears black ankle boots with multiple buckles and white ribbons on the back tied in a bow. Around her neck is a purple pendant set in silver.

"You look great sis" I complement Yang.

"Ahh~ thanks lil bro"Yang said feeling happy for the complement I gave her.

"By the way Raven is gonna take us to school today"Yang said to me.

"Aunt Raven is coming? wasn't she on a business trip?"I ask Yang confused since my aunt is back early.

"Yeah she was" Yang replied

"So got any plans after school today?" Yang asked me.

"Yup I'm hanging out with Pyrrha after class ends"I said to her.

"Oh~ so having a little date with your girlfriend then~"Yang said teasingly to me.

"Mou~ for the last time she's not my girlfriend Yang!" I pouted towards her while swinging my arm up and down.

"But your not denying having a date, Ah my brother doesn't love me anymore"Yang said dramatically while putting an arm over her head.

"That's not true I still love you!" I said worriedly to her.

"Really?" Yang ask as she leans towards me putting her face towards mine.

"Really!" I determinedly said to her.

"Prove it" she said wanting to know if what I said is true.

"How do I prove it?" I ask her wanting to prove my love for her.

"You know what you need to do" Yang said to me smirking knowingly.

"Fine" I sign as I put my lips on hers, I was planning on just giving a small peck but Yang has other plans it seems.

She pulls me closer, wrestling each others tongue, behind her I can see Penny looking at us with noticeable small blush on her face.

How can ghost even blush I wondered since ghost don't have blood for them to technically do that.

Others might be wondering on why I have this kind of relationship with my sister since this is not normal.

It started two years ago when I noticed Yang keeps giving me strange looks every now and again.

I confronted her about it but she keeps avoiding the topic or keeps changing the subject.

I used the memories of my counterparts to try and find the answer but there where to many possibilities for an accurate answer.

So when she wasn't looking I sneaked into her room, searching around the magazines and looking through her computer's history I found out that she has romantic feeling for me.

I was so distracted that I didn't realize she entered her room, knowing that her secret was found out she apologize and said that she'll stop.

Knowing that leaving our relationship like this will make things akward and ruin us in the long run.

So I told her that its fine and that I accept her feelings for me, she was so overjoyed that she huged me and told me that I won't regret it.

And so that when my romantic love life with Yang started it first begun with cuddles and small kisses then dates and some touching here and there.

And that why I have this kind of relationship with Yang and for people that might be wondering we didn't do the deed yet.

So back to the present, finishing our make out session she pulls back as our saliva connects with each other.

Yang pants as she looks at me with hunger, I fell her hot breath on my face she is about for round two but were interrupted by mom calling us downstairs telling us that Raven is here.

We took a minute fix our selfs then went to downstairs, outside we see a large black suv with black tinted windows.

We said goodbye to mom and went inside the back of the car.

I see Raven Branwen my aunt setting inside the back of the suv, Raven looks very similar to Yang sharing the same facial shape, though her hair is more ravenous and black with red highlights, her eyebrows are a little bit higher, her complexion is significantly lighter and red eyes.

Her hair is loosely done up in a ponytail, tied by a red shawl, with ends resembling curved black feathers, a cowlick can be seen protruding from the top of her head, similar to that of her daughter's.

She's wearing a red vest with a white tie, under it she's wearing a grey long sleeve polo shirt with the sleeves folded up to her elbows and finally black leather gloves.

Bellow she's wearing black slacks pants held up by a white leather belt, the belt buckle is in a shape by of ravens head and finally black and white pump boots.

"How my favorite nephew?" Raven ask me as I sit next to her.

"I'm your only nephew aunt Raven" I replied to her as she puts her over my shoulder.

"That's true, so how are daughter?" Raven ask Yang as she pulls me closer.

"Great mom, so how was your business trip?" Yang ask Raven as she sit next to me putting me between a solf and another solf place.

"Well there was this people that gave us problems but I personaly took care of it" Raven told Yang.

Penny and I look at each other knowing what she really meant.

(She killed them) both me and Penny thought the same thing.

What most people don't know is that Raven a leader of a gang called the Red Flock, a gang that she made with her family, the Red Flock is both feared and respected all over remnant.

The gang is very well hidden that people in very high places or people they allow to know have knowledge they exist like mom and me, while Yang thinks that she is just a rich ceo.

Her gang has very deep connections that there is nothing that she will not know in remnant, her gang's only rival is the White Fang.

Me and Yang catch up with aunt Raven during the car ride talking how things are, after some time we arrive to our destination.

Beacon Academy


This is the end of the 1st chapter I hope you like it for those who are confused with the characters personality not being the same as cannon please remember that this is a RWBY AU so some characters will not have the same personality.