
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

they both look at her

and they were talking to each other in their minds

John said to Nick let's disturb it a little here

Nick: Okay, so what to do to make it bother her?

John said to Nick: lie mouth fight

nick said to John, okay

John said to Nick angrily in front of Ariana

there is no need for you to stay here

Nick said to John, why can't I stay here

John said to Nick, you can't stop here, listen to my order and get off here

nick: no I will not leave Ariana , and I won't even listen to your orders

John said angrily to Nick, and you have forgotten who I am

Nick: I know young master but remember I'm also a vampire

John went to Nick in the blink of an eye

he dramatically beat Nick in front of Ariana

Ariana is looking at both of them

John grabs Nick by the collar angrily

Ariana was scared a little bit when John grabbed nicks collar

she shouted both of them

John and Nick stopped, what are you doing?

don't fight

John doesn't pay much attention to Ariana

and John proceeded to beat up Nick

Ariana screams loudly


and she starts crying

nick says to John in his head stop it, it's too much

and then stopped, and looked at her

they both start laughing in front of Ariana

she did not understand anything and started looking at them

and she gets confused, what's going on here

they both went to Ariana and sat beside Ariana

nick pet his hand on Ariana's head, and John sat in front of Ariana on his knees and John wiping away Ariana's tears with his cold hands

John said to Ariana, hey we are just kidding with you

Nick looked at Ariana and said, I think we are kidding with the too much

she got angry with them and said don't talk to me

they both look at Ariana and John says to Ariana,

Ariana this is wrong

Ariana said angrily to John, what is wrong, and you did both of you?

I am really scared

if it is real, what I'm doing if it is real,

she looked at John and angrily said, don't touch and beat Nick, remember he is my brother

John said to Ariana, b_, but he was also involved in this joke

Ariana looked at them and said, this is not a joke

she said this and sat silently, she sat but didn't pay attention to either of them

they were trying to persuade her

but she wasn't listening to a single word

15 minutes later, they sat beside her and talked to each other to persuade her

John called Nic, Nick


John said to Nick, what shall we do now, someone is not talking to us and ignoring us

what are we doing now?

nick said to John, don't know

John said to Nick, he said him to teasing way, so find out, Ariana is your sister

Nick said to John, umm that's a good idea but don't know if it will work or not

nick said to this John and called Ariana,


she was listening but didn't pay attention to them

nick called her again


Ariana, look I'm sorry, we don't want to make fun of you, we are sorry for that

and I promise, we will not make fun of you

and she looked at him and said,_, it's okay, never mind, I forgive you both

but I don't want to talk to you two, level me alone

I need some space, level me alone

nick said to Ariana, Ariana we are sorry, that we did not know that you were so serious, Ariana looked at Nick and said

Nick, I just want some little space that's it's

so I will become normal again, Don't worry, now I am okay

Nick looked at John and John nodded to Nick gesturing for him to leave

he nodded to John stood up looked at Ariana and said ok then I will come in the evening, take your time, Ariana

Ariana said to Nick thank you, Nick, okay bye

see you soon

nick said to bye Ariana and went away from there

John sat her near and looked at him and Ariana said to him, why didn't you go, and when are you going?

he went closer to her and said no I am not leaving you alone

tell me one thing why did I leave you alone?

and listen, Ariana, I will stay with you, and I will sit near you like this, just will not disturb you, let me know when your space is over, when he said she was speechless, and sat silently

she was talking herself, how does he silence me so easily, and why is it he so clear?

ahh! I can't be angry at him

why does this happen to me?

John knew what Ariana was talking to herself

he slightly smiles

he called Ariana


she looks at him

he looked at her and said you made me feel jealous again, I know Nick is like your brother, I mean Nick is your brother but still I'm jealous, yet I can't hear you, he's your brother yet I can't hear you with anyone

she just kept looking at him and talking to herself, ahh ! he made me return speechless, I have no words to say to him, why are you so candid John?

she said this then John replied her answered

because I like you when he said this she was a little bit shocked and said to John

Han, what did you say John?

I said I'm candid because I like you, Ariana

she was just shockingly looking at him

he went to her closer and said, yes I like you

that's why I'm possessive of you, and that's why I can't hear you

she just sat silently, and she hadn't said a one-word

John said to Ariana, take your time Ariana I am going to cook lunch for you

he went to the kitchen to cook

Ariana was sitting comfortably on the couch she was talking to herself

I should stop talking to myself because John also knows telepathy

she said to herself, don't think too much Ariana, don't think too much, relax

she sat quietly, she got bored sitting

she takes the remote and turns on the TV or finds a channel to watch a good movie

she was sitting watching TV when she saw something in the yard

someone was standing outside and looking at Ariana

his skin color was snowy white, his eyes deep were red, his hair black and he was a long black coat

Ariana was looking at him, he smiles looking at Ariana

Ariana gets scared after seeing his smile

Ariana gets scared after looking at him and seeing his fang teeth and his devilish smile

Ariana gets scared and calls out to John

jo_, John, John

she starts shivering

John comes to Ariana

he looks at Ariana, and Ariana starts trembling because of fear

he went closer to Ariana and asked her what happened Ariana

Ariana, what happened to you? , and why are you scared? ,

what happened to you, will you say something Ariana's entire attention was towards that man in the yard

John was looking at Ariana, she was just paying attention outside the yard, John was about to look out into the yard when the man walked away

he looks at Ariana and says what happened Ariana look at me

what happened why are you shivering? ,

who was that? , what did you see?

he called Ariana,


look at me Ariana, he puts his hand on Ariana's Cheek and Caresse Ariana's Cheek

look at me, and tell me what happened to you, what are you scared of? , or what happened to you, what did you see outside

Ariana said to John,_, I saw a vampire standing outside, h_, he was very scary, his eyes were red, and he was looking at me with sharp fang teeth and a devilish smile

John was talking to himself after listening to her

but why would a vampire come here?

and as Ariana said, his eyes were red, as far as I know, not a single vampire has red eyes

is taking vultures?

did the vultures know about Ariana?

my suspicious are correct, there was a Volturi here

he looked at Ariana she was very scared

I should calm down Ariana first

John sat close to Ariana and said

Ariana clam down