
Forty Thieves

I was running away from them. My baby was crying in my arms as I tried to shush him. The biting cold was harsh my already thin frame. My baby’s lips started turning white. I glanced at how my baby boy stopped crying. I continued running until the town was far behind us and all I could see in front of us were just a field of thick snow. My baby’s lips turned blue. “Oh Lord, please don’t let anything happen to him,” I prayed to God and caught sight of an old church up the hill to the left of the snow-covered path. “Hang on there, baby, we are almost there,” I whispered to him. The falling snow was heavier as the minutes ticked by. Soon we were caught in a blizzard. With much difficulty we managed to reach the old church. My heart sank as I saw that it was a dilapidated and abandoned church. It only meant one thing, no warm fire to save my baby. I went inside anyway as that was the only shelter available for miles on end. There was no fire wood by the fire place. No blankets, no rugs or anything that I could use to warm us up. All my baby had was me. I cuddled him closer. I was losing my baby. “No, God! Lord if you can hear my prayer I am at your House right now please let my baby live! You can take my live, please let my baby live!!! Please Lord I beg you,” I kept repeating my prayer believing if I prayer hard enough God will really grant my wish and let me trade my life for my baby’s life. I did not know how long I prayed. When I finally checked on my son he was cold and dead. God did not help us. My prayers went unanswered. I wished the Earth would just open up and swallow me up as I lost the will to live on. I had lost my son, what else was there for me to live for? My last thoughts before I lost consciousness was, “God failed me.” ******************************** This incarnation: Theeya is the direct descendant of one of the original Forty Thieves. When everyone thought it was just a bedtime story that was popularized in the 1001 Arabian Nights. Their entire life changed course, taking on a totally different direction the moment Ali Baba killed all forty thieves. Theeya’s ancestors were guarding their family heirloom zealously. The only clue her late father guarded zealously was the parchment containing clues to where the secret cave was. Every man of each generation tried and failed to unravel the well hidden secret. Years later, it became her father’s obsession. Unfortunately he died without fulfilling his wish, that was to claim his birth right. As her late father had no son, only daughters, Theeya took it upon herself to continue her father’s legacy, to reclaim their family’s inheritance. She consulted the help of a dashing Professor, specialising in Egyptology, to unravel the mysteries of the parchments passed down from her forefathers. She found herself falling in love with Prof Jeff Everett, a man whom she thought to be gay. Only two years before that Theeya turned down the marriage proposal from her ex who cheated on her and had a baby with another woman when they were stil together. Theeya promised herself that she had no time for romance. She must not get married. She must not let her father down. It was up to her to get to the secret cave and find that Holy Grail of Immortality even if that means going to the end of the world looking for it, not that she mind to travel with the devilishly handsome Professor Everett. Her legs would go jelly and she would swoon each time she was in the Professor’s presence. Can she really survive her adventure with Professor Everett? As they traced the footsteps of men who lived for the secrets of the cave and the Holy Grail, they found the other descendants of the original Forty Thieves. One thing in common bound them, one thing that none could ever ignore, the bloody red eyes that would haunt their sleep. Would these nightmares end once they unravel the ancient secrets of the Forty Thieves cave?

Ariya_Maya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


"Call me Aurelia," said the fairy as her translucent wings flapped over her transparent greenish dress that covered her vital parts.

"You look just like your mother, Your Majesty, so beautiful," said Aurelia as her big brown eyes settled on Theeya's face.

She then flew on, following Sereni towards the ballroom for tonight's challenge, leaving behind a trail of fairy dust as her yellow and blue curls bounced along.

As she watched them go, Theeya felt nostalgic. It was her bedtime story, the story of her late mother's Coming of Age Ball. She knew every single detail and knew that when she came of age it would be exactly like her mother described.

Unfortunately for her mother there was a death in the Top 5. Competition was tough and extremely close. The top 2 were eliminated as one was killed by the other hence the Kingdom of Magnio and Pernah were both out of the running to win the Queen's hand. In the end, her late father who was the third won her mother's hand.

19 years on, their descendants made it to Top 5 again. Theeya heaved a sigh of relief as the worst was already over, or so she thought.

That evening is a challenge of etiquettes and charm. Each contender would have the opportunity to each dance with the Queen for at least a song. If the Queen so decree, they can have another dance and another and another to the Queen's heart content.

By then it would be obvious to see which contender was the Queen's favourite.

Theeya was determined to be fair to all five contestants. Each would have at least two dances with her and then she would sit back and enjoy the show prepared by the fairies involving the men.

The afternoon whooshed by quickly and night fall came. Only the invited guests were allowed into the ballroom. The public had to vacate the venue after this morning's egg throwing and podium smashing fiasco.

All the contenders were dressed in their finest regalia. Each looking smashingly handsome as they patiently waited for the arrival of the Queen.

Theeya was dressed in a resplendent sleeveless navy blue gown with a long train that Sereni held a she entered the ballroom.

She exuded simple elegance and grace as she took her seat on the throne. The dance would take place before dinner was served.

Just then Aurelia the fairy flew by and settled on the right of the throne, looking up at Theeya in awe.

"Your Majesty, you are indeed as beautiful as your mother. You glow like the star in a dark evening sky. It is my honor to serve you like my mother did with your mother the Queen," Aurelia made a deep bow as everyone in the ballroom's curiosity was piqued by the six-inch-fairy.

"Thank you Aurelia. Now are we all prepared?" Theeya asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Aurelia deepened her bow and retreated from the throne, her wings fluttering as she flew a few feet away from the Queen.

As if on cue, both Aurelia's hands were raised and the ballroom's lighting dimmed. Before anyone could back a sound, they gasped as fairy dust descended on them, appearing out of thin air. As they got the fairy dust, the gravity defying effect caused everyone in the room to levitate.

The contenders would have to dance with Theeya in the mid-air!!!

Aurelia looked smug as she out-did herself this time. Seeing the shocked and then excited looks on everyone's faces, she gave a cheeky grin as she announced, "The floor and air are all yours to dance!"

The music played as the guests started to partner up to dance in mid-air.

"Now is the time to attempt that dance move we had not attempted for 20 years, Hilda. Not since you had Sereni," Minister Albus was saying to his wife Hilda.

"Which move?" Sereni's mother asked.

"This move!" said Minister Albus as he effortlessly turned his wife 360 degrees in a backflip and swung her around in midair as the gravity defying effect was still active.

Before long the entire ballroom was abuzz with dancing and laughing but none of the five contenders approached the Queen for a dance. They were busy balancing themselves in midair!

"This is harder than it looks!" exclaimed Prince Geoffrey.

It seemed like the men were still struggling to move in midair to the throne. Theeya managed to stay seated on the throne as the throne flew up midair.

She gave a little giggle as she saw the antics of the five men struggling to move towards her by pushing and pulling each other back. No one seemed to be making progress as all of them were so busy and intent to keep everyone back. At the rate that they were going no one would reach the Queen that night and definitely not before supper.