
Fortress Transporter

"There are always people who want to be evil!" "The end of the world is coming soon; I must survive!" Shen Cong, a patient of paranoia, saw other people's opinions on the Internet about the end of the world in 2022 and immediately believed them. After that, he didn't leave his home, stayed in, and built his own doomsday vehicle, honing his survival skills. Until one day, Doomsday actually came.

DaoistPQnHok · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

The wind howled vigorously as the storm approached, causing the Vajra to tremble. This storm appeared to be more powerful than the initial apocalyptic storm, with rolling stones pelting the car body and creating a cracking sound.

Although the rain hadn't started yet, the storm's force had already caused King Kong to sway and lose stability. Shen Cong observed that every time the external armor was struck by rubble, a small amount of activity was consumed. Without the active resistance, even gravel propelled at high speeds could easily penetrate the 16mm steel armor of King Kong.

Thankfully, the storm also brought a significant amount of free activity. Shen Cong concentrated his willpower within the Vajra, channeling it to sense and absorb the available activity. He noticed that the activity was being swallowed and utilized by the Vajra to supplement the armor's consumption.

Absorption guided by will.

Consumption compensated for by supplements.

Shen Cong's willpower traveled back and forth within the Vajra, quickly realizing that his spirit was gradually consolidating as he guided the activity. While the activity did not have any direct chemical interaction with the spirit, its impact on physical fitness indirectly strengthened Shen Cong's willpower, leading to a more stable mental state.

However, it was not possible for Shen Cong to continuously maintain his willpower for guiding King Kong. After approximately three hours, he needed to take a break from the intense mental focus.

Despite his willpower withdrawing, King Kong was still able to slowly absorb and supplement activity on its own. However, the absorption process was significantly slower without Shen Cong's active guidance.

Taking a moment to rest, Shen Cong was startled by the sudden darkness outside. He reached for his flashlight and quickly took out a Geiger counter to measure radiation levels, which had spiked to the equivalent of those seen during the doomsday storm.

"It appears there may be a connection between activity and radiation. When radiation levels are high, so is the activity..."

This was yet another unknown conjecture.

Seeing that the storm had subsided, Shen Cong left the cab and headed to the cabin in King Kong to retrieve some wolf meat for consumption. He cooked the steaks according to their shelf life, prioritizing those with shorter expiration dates. The tooth wolf and giant rat meats had not been treated with salt and had limited storage time. Shen Cong quickly ate his meal, knowing that the consumption of these meats would significantly increase the activity within his body.

As he powered on the induction cooker, the dark sky finally reached a critical point, resulting in a downpour. The rainwater poured down like a dam bursting, hitting the ground with immense force, creating a crackling sound.

Shen Cong opened the side window of King Kong and projected his flashlight outside. In the pitch-black world, the only illumination came from the nearby rain curtain glaring under the flashlight's beam.

Amidst the heavy rain, Shen Cong mused, feeling amazed at how his previous perception of the world lacked water. Now, his previous notion had been completely overturned by the flood before him.

"However, I can't guarantee that this water is drinkable. The radiation levels are too high; it's likely contaminated," Shen Cong mused, shaking his head as the Geiger counter readings reached dangerously high levels.

Having cooked seven well-done wolf steaks, a bottle of nearing expiration oranges, and half a bottle of hot sauce, Shen Cong leaned against the cabin and ate in silence. The taste of the fanged tooth wolf meat reminded him of dog meat, slightly gamey. As someone who had been cooking for six or seven years, Shen Cong was skilled in the kitchen, resulting in a delicious meal.

"If only I had a dog," he thought, reflecting on how the wolf could potentially be a mutated descendant of native dogs. The thought reminded him of the movie "I Am Legend," which he had rewatched the night before. The film depicted the survival of Will Smith and his German Shepherd in the apocalyptic world, face to face with loneliness and mutation. Shen Cong noticed similarities between his own situation and the movie, except that he had no dog companion—only King Kong.

Suddenly, a loud alarm clock jolted Shen Cong awake, ripping him from his dream. It was a reminder that he was living in the last days—the apocalypse. Rubbing his gleaming scalp, he remarked, "I feel a bit dizzy... as if spinning..."

"No!" Shen Cong suddenly realized it wasn't dizziness; King Kong was shaking. "What's wrong?"

He quickly got out of bed, stepping on water as he searched for his shoes. In King Kong, he stood, feeling the water rise up around him. Astonished, he exclaimed, "How is it leaking?"

Shen Cong rushed to inspect the compartments, noticing that water was streaming in through the side vents. Opening the side window, he realized that the rainwater had overflowed, submerging the window position. Judging from the water level, King Kong's roof was barely above the water@line.

Crackling sounds filled the air as the rain poured down relentlessly, drenching Shen Cong as he climbed onto the roof of King Kong. The heavy rain beat against his head and face, turning him into a waterlogged figure. The flashlight, now barely visible in the darkness, revealed a landscape submerged in a sea of water. It seemed as though the entire world had been swallowed by the rain, enveloped in an inky blackness. Even though it was six or seven in the morning, the sky remained shrouded in darkness, making it indistinguishable from night.

As Shen Cong struggled against the turbulent rain, he pushed against King Kong, knowing that the truck, despite weighing over 25 tons, felt like a mere toy being threatened to be washed away by the powerful current.

"How could this happen?" Shen Cong muttered, feeling helpless in the face of the leaking King Kong. It was clear that King Kong was not built to function as a submarine, and there was no immediate solution to halt the leaks.

Suddenly, in the distance, a deep, ominous roar reverberated through the air, emanating an eerie and chilling presence. Shen Cong remained motionless, frozen by the haunting sound.