
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Some things are not to be provoked

We had arrived at a kind of cafeteria inside the biochemistry faculty, it was not very big but there was a variety of dishes that can be served.

The place was half empty, it's 11 am, so most of the students must be in their respective classes.

Marcus walked towards a camping table in the center of the cafeteria, we followed him along with Lilith and Valery who were at my sides, but for some reason both of them are having a staring battle since we met and there is tension in the air, although I feel that Lilith is holding back a lot really, but on the other hand, every time Valery gets too close to me, Lilith hugs me as if telling her "Stay away bitch" the annoyed expression on her face is funny, it is enjoyable, even so, Valery does not give in and still comes closer to me.

Even if Valery approaches like that it's weird... Something happened?

While I was swimming in my thoughts we sat down, Lilith sat next to me and Valery sat next to Marcus across from us, although Valery looked visibly irritated.

Without wasting time Valery and Lilith spoke at the same time.

-Anything is fine.

-I will ask for the same as your "Dear"♥-.

I was surprised, although I cannot deny that I expected something like this, Lilith would not be hostile to her without some reason, I do not know her well, that is obvious, but at least I can intuit her behavior.

-I understand-

Marcus didn't speak, he just remained silent and looked at me as if he wanted answers from me.

I got up from the table with Marcus and we went to the reception desk.

-Lucas... Who is she?

Marcus has an accusing look on his face

-My life partner?

I still don't know how to describe my relationship with Lilith, although we made a kind of pact, I don't know what it really means, but I feel like I have tied my existence with her, so "life partner" is not a bad term, at least for the moment.

-Even so, man, where did it come from? In all the time I've known you, you've never shown any signs of being with anyone.

Although that is certainly correct, in all this time I never had a relationship, or rather, I never met a woman that caught my attention, although I am not a virgin and I have dated a few women but never went further, I didn't want to, but for some reason when I saw Lilith, I gave in easily, I am rational enough to think that making a pact with a woman I just met, is wrong, but when I saw Lilith my instincts were telling me "do it" so somehow I let myself get carried away.

-Well... things just happened...

-Even so... Doesn't that girl have any friends?

I don't think Lilith has "Normal" friends in the worst case, Marcus will know this other part of the world or he might die, Lilith is a demon and I am becoming one myself.

-Unless you want a demon in your life, I don't think you want to meet them.

I said as a joke, but Marcus reacted, he looked nervous, I could easily notice it, since I somehow invoked the "Daughters of Leviathan" I feel that my senses are increasing, my vision has improved and I feel stronger, also I have a strange feeling in my body, it is as if something is spinning in my chest, it is not uncomfortable, but it is strange.

-Is that so?

-Considering the way she is, her friends should be somewhat similar, she seems to like to have a lot of attention.

I could tell, it's as if Lilith is still holding back, in this short time I could see that she is a bit fearful and holding back.

-Rest in peace, my friend.

Marcus touched my shoulder and looks at me as if he is lamenting


When we arrived at the reception, we ordered 4 combos, a sandwich and an orange juice, and for dessert a small glass of ice cream.

Were these meals always like this?

When we paid, we had to wait 5 minutes for our order to arrive, in that time I was able to talk more with Marcus, there are things I don't remember and the best way to get an answer should be the

I knew that the day before we had been in class almost all day with Valery, I can remember that without much trouble, we were together almost until nightfall, it is information that I already knew, so I did not get real information, after we parted I went home, I was resting for a while and after that I went out, but while I was immersed in my thoughts, Marcus spoke

-I forgot, but last night at about 10 o'clock you called me, what did you want? I tried to call you back but you didn't answer.

Did I call you yesterday?

-I don't remember, it must have been something random.

I don't remember calling him... it must have been after that incident that Lilith says, apparently I was attacked... I must find out more about that.

When we received the orders, we each took two bags and brought them to the table.

But as if the world wanted to play, a cliché situation was playing itself out in front of me.

Valery and Lilith had 4 guys standing next to them trying to flirt with them, they seemed to be part of the sports department.

But even though I was far away, I could hear their conversation clearly.

-Do you want to go out with us, girls?

Said the Random A type, while looking towards Valery.

The Random B guy standing next to Lilith had a lustful look on his face.

-Hum... - I said in a low voice


-It bothers me... I want to... Rip their heads off?...-

Marcus doesn't seem to have noticed yet.

As we approached, they kept asking silly questions, but they were ignored by Lilith and Valery, but when Random A guy tried to touch Lilith, somehow, everything started to look in slow motion, I walked quickly and appeared next to her, taking Random A guy's hand before he could even touch her.

-What do you think you are doing?

It was the first thing that came out of my mouth, I don't know what kind of expression he was making, but the guy looked surprised.

-Back off boy, these are not your girls.

He looked angry, tried to break free from my grip but couldn't, but before he could even respond.

Lilith and Valery responded in unison.

----We are -----

Everyone was surprised, including me, I can understand that about Lilith but Valery? Suddenly something popped into my head and a big smile formed on my face.

-What's the matter?

I looked towards the source of that voice

Marcus had just arrived, he looked agitated I can guess he ran here, he had four bags in his hands, it seems I dropped them when I moved here, I don't know how I'm going to explain what happened, but that's not important now.

When I looked back at the Random A guy, he flinched at the sight of my smile.

-Little Floricienta What do you think you are doing?

When I said that, his expression changed, his arrogant look disappeared and he had a worried look on his face, as if he saw his natural enemy in front of him.


When I let go of his hand, Random B guy wanted to pounce on me, but Random A guy stopped him.

-We are leaving.

-But what?

-We're leaving!

He shouted and started walking away from us, the other 3 guys looked at me for a few seconds before leaving, when I looked back at Valery and Lilith they seemed to be curious about what happened, but they were silent and just looked at me intrigued, Marcus on the other hand, asked exalted.

-What was that?!

I looked at him for a few seconds before I turned my eyes and answered

-Let's eat first.

I sat down next to Lilith, she saw me for a second and came close to my ear.

-I should reward you....

He whispered close to my ear, making me shudder for a moment.

I know she could have taken care of it herself, but a reward... not bad....

Valery looked at me with a complicated expression on his face, she seemed to want to say something.

Marcus sat down next to Valery and handed us each a bag.

We ate without major problems, it seems that demons can eat any type of food without complications.

When we finished eating, Marcus saw me and seemed to want to talk to me, but I didn't want to have to explain myself, so I gave the simplest excuse to get out of the place for a moment.

-I'm going to the bathroom for a moment.

I said and got up from the table and walked towards the bathroom, I could find it easily even though I didn't remember where it is, everything is very well marked.

When I got to the hallway to enter the bathroom there were 5 men at the entrance, Random B guy was among them, when he saw me a big smile formed on his face.

-So you came, you little bastard...

Is this another one of these cliché situations? He brought more friends I sighed wearily as I walked to the bathroom door.

When I passed by them I ignored them, but the Random B guy pushed my shoulder and slammed me into the wall, although it didn't really hurt, it felt like a little breeze.

When I looked back at the other 3 guys, they looked ordinary, like your typical athletic department player, Sports clothes next to the varsity jacket, nothing really noticeable, but one guy tall and muscular, looked to be shaved so he wore a cap on his head, his green eyes, they had a dangerous air about them

He is different, I thought to myself

-You must learn.

Random B guy, he tries to move me but he can't, so I let go of my body so he can move and let him drag me, he seemed to want to go to the emergency door and the other 4 guys were following us closely, as the corridors of the university are empty, it is very difficult to be seen in this situation.

When we finally exited through the emergency door, we arrived at the back of the university, an empty lot that only had garbage containers, with metal gates covering the entire area, which seemed to be two meters high.

Suddenly the Random B guy let go of me and tried to throw me to the floor, but I didn't let him do it, I let go easily and took a couple of steps backwards.

-I can't believe this is a Cliché chapter.

I said laughing out loud, without giving them time to react I incapacitated the four guys in front of me, except for the guy with the cap, it was very simple, I am not a saint, nor someone pathetic who cannot defend himself.

I looked back at the guy in the cap.

-Who are you?

I asked, staring at the guy

-No need to know, but you can call yourself "Zekken"-I looked at Zekken for a moment, before answering.

-What do you want?

-You will pay for having stolen one of the jewels of Avernus. Jewels of Avernus? What do you say?

Before I could even respond, Zekken had a dagger in his hand, he kicked the ground and shot towards me, he was fast, or at least I should perceive him as fast but he was very slow, I could see his every move in slow motion.

Again something clicked in my head


I raised my hand to cover myself and a small barrier of water formed on my hand.

Zekken was surprised to see a mass of water being generated from my hand and jumped back, quickly backing away.

-What the fuck? I shouldn't be able to use that power. Zekken looked at me as if he was seeing his worst enemy.

-There are things that should not be provoked.

I said as a big smile formed on my face, I felt good, I felt satisfied. Was I always like this? No? Maybe? Does it matter?


That doesn't matter It never mattered

If you like my story please add it to your library thanks for reading :D

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