
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Pov *Unknown girl*

Pov *Unknown girl*.

It's been a long time since I was able to have a quiet day, without having worries, I hunted enough to not have to worry about food for a few days, it's very peaceful and relaxing

I was lying in my bed in the depths of the forest in the Greenwood Kingdom.

-This is peace...

It's been 4 years since I came to this place and it's probably the best decision I've ever made in my life, it was almost noon.

-I should take a bath.

I got out of bed, looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

It's a small cabin big enough for me to live alone without any problem, it has a bed, an armchair, a small table and a kitchen and some small shelves where I usually keep some things I need.

I took the cloak on the couch and left the cabin.

What appeared in front of me was a large lush forest and to one side of my hut a small shed which is where I keep the food and resources I need to survive.

I close the door behind me and walk towards a small path I made at the back of the hut, it's not that big, maybe 50 centimeters wide, it goes directly to a river and at least once a day I have to go there to wash my body, I can't stand being dirty for a long time, luckily I don't usually find animals roaming around because for some reason they don't come near the hut.

After walking for 2 minutes I could already see the river a few meters in front of me, but before I could get there I felt a great amount of energy in the sky, I looked towards the origin of the energy.

-What is that?

There was a big black cloud spinning on itself as if it was a whirlpool in the sky.

*rumble* *rumble*

Two bolts of lightning fell towards the ground, and a great white flare erupted from the cloud, however something was falling.

A large sphere of ice was being rapidly melted by that flare, but as quickly as it came it disappeared, the black cloud in the sky vanished, but the large sphere of ice was still crashing to the ground.

*Crash *

A great sound of Ice cracking resounded before the ground shook from the impact and a large cloud of dust rose up.

It may be troublesome... but... this is something that hasn't happened before...

-Let's see...

I turned around and ran towards the impact zone.


By the time I arrived several trees had been destroyed and several pieces of ice were scattered around, when I approached, inside a small crater there were three entities, instinctively I knew what it was


I was surprised, it is very rare to meet demons in these places, but in spite of that I walked slowly towards them.

There were two women, one with long black hair and another woman with pink hair, they were standing over a man with black hair who apparently was protecting them since he had his arms around the body of both women, however, he didn't seem to be in any condition.

-That's too much blood.

A large pool of blood was forming on the ground behind the man's back, his clothes were in tatters and soaked.

-What happened to them?

If I leave them in this place they will probably end up dying, at least that man, since he seems to be seriously wounded and the nearest town is far away... they will hardly get there with those wounds.


I sighed resignedly

<< Terram Bracchiorum >>

Three tentacles of earth were generated on my back and slowly moved towards the three entities on the ground wrapping around their body.

When I thought they were securely fastened, I slowly raised the earthen tentacles, however something happened that I did not expect

The man slipped off the earth tentacle and fell to the ground.


I didn't know how to react, after a few seconds with the earth tentacle I wrapped it around the man's body again, but this time with more security than before.


I looked satisfied before going back to the cabin.

The moment I arrived at my cabin I laid the three demons on the floor and began to check them.

The women didn't seem to be badly hurt, a few burns on their bodies and not much more than that.

However that man was so badly injured that I am surprised he is still alive, several parts of his body are burned, he has some cut wounds all over his body, but what worries me the most is the big burn on his back, I can see some bones rising up under the skin

The other two women don't need urgent treatment so I can keep them waiting

<< Terram Bracchiorum >>

A tentacle of earth sprouted from my back and wrapped around the man's body, I left the bodies of the two women outside the hut and went inside.

I laid the man on the wooden floor of the hut, moved his body so I could see his back easily and placed my hand on his back.

-First, I should disinfect...

I remove the tattered clothes covering his back.

<< Aqua Tepida >>

Slightly warm water gushes from the palm of my hand as a light trickle and falls on the man's back.

The man's face distorts, but he still doesn't wake up.

-He must be in pain.

After a few seconds I stop pouring water on his back.

Now that he is clean I should cover it with something since I can't cure him with magic I should still have medicinal herbs around here somewhere.

I got up and on the kitchen counter I saw that there was a small covered jar.

-This is...

I grabbed the jar and turned to the man, uncorked it before taking and placing the medicinal herbs in my hands.

I began to crush them between my hands before placing them on his back, I repeated the process until I ran out of medicinal herbs.

After a few minutes he was partially covered, the herbs should help mitigate the pain as well as heal him.

I bandaged his back with some strips of cloth I had on hand and after a few more minutes he was ready.

-This should be enough.

After that, I cleaned the other wounds and gave them a basic treatment before bandaging them.

-Now it's done

I felt satisfied, but before I could stand up.

A great shiver ran through my body, as if a knife was threatening to slit my throat.

The moment I looked up at the door, a woman with black hair and red eyes was staring at me.

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thanks for reading :D

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