
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Demon vs Angel

A big shockwave came from the clash of our swords, I still don't understand the reason for his attack, I was a spectator more than anything else, the only time I acted was when I received those attacks before Zen came to see us. 

However... here I am 

-I didn't expect them to hire an outside ally. 

The blond-haired angel spoke, but I couldn't understand the undertone of his words. 

-Ally? What do you mean?

I increased the grip strength on my sword as an icy wave overflowed from the Blade. 

The angel's eyes widened as he felt the cold emanating from the blade of my sword and immediately jumped backwards away from me.

-Interesting, much more than I expected, I thought it would be a boring conquest. 

-Conquest? What are you talking about? 

-That's right, keep feigning ignorance.

The angel raised his guard and a dazzling light enveloped the blade of his silver sword pointed at me. 

This was all supposed to be something like tourism, how did I end up involved like this? 


I readied my sword ready to receive any attack 

The one who moved first was the angel, kicking the ground he shot towards me with the tip of his sword pointing towards my throat. 

Although he's fast, it wasn't a speed I couldn't deal with, even if he's weakened it was pretty easy.

Receiving his attack and deflecting the blade to the side, using the momentum of his attack I turned my body and launched a kick directly towards his body, but it was blocked by a small barrier of light, although he recoiled from the impact, the damage done was minimal.

He managed to keep his feet on the ground and when I looked back at him, his gaze was strange, he seemed smiling but irritated at the same time, as if both emotions were in conflict. 

I don't know much about angels, somehow I only know the basics that Luna taught me.

They are the natural enemies of demons, their Light attribute is lethal to our species, however the more powerful the demon the less effective it is. 

Although they seem to be entities close to God, they are calculating and cold, they only seek their own benefit, even if that means eradicating everything that crosses their path.

That's why I didn't try to speak, I knew it would be useless and his expression now only confirmed my thoughts. 

-Demon, who are you? 

-You lost the right to know 


The angel began to laugh out loud.

-Well, very well, I am Testaglia, the angel who will cut off your head -Demon foul fiend.


The wings on her back disappeared and her body was covered by a kind of white aura that made me feel nothing but repulsion at the sight of her. 


Testaglia disappeared and a shiver ran through my body and I instinctively dodged down, a silver blade covered by a white aura passed inches from my head, I rolled forward and turned around. 

-Joo, this is getting better 

A Wings of light appeared on its back and opened wide to the side with the tips pointing towards me. 

The energy all around began to be drawn to the tips of her wings like a cannon loading before firing. 

I could see Lilith in the distance, she was staring straight at me, her expression was calm but stern as our gazes met, I could feel the trust she had in me and I didn't want to let her down 

I turned my gaze back to Testaglia. 

Her amethyst eyes met mine, but I could feel it, how she felt superior to me, with each passing second her arrogance was only increasing and a victorious smile filled her face 

-Who are you serving under?

I asked sounding tired 

-Hum? Now you want to talk?  Too bad, now you'll just be a dead demon and one more victim to my tally.

-Will it be as you say?

I don't have much experience in outside fights, I've barely been in this new world for two days, but there's one thing I'm sure of, excessive arrogance is never a good thing.

-Well, since you're going to die, I'll delight you with my beautiful voice, I'm here under a contract of alliance with a peculiar Elf that participates in this occasion.

Pretending to cough and putting a knee on the floor I look into Testaglia's eyes. 

-Why... do you do it?

-In this world, strength is everything, the strong dominate over the weak, that is a natural law, but if there is something that moves the powerful, it is pleasure and a woman is enough to make my lord move.


-Anastasia Lombardi


It would be too much of a coincidence, wouldn't it? 

A white-haired Elf with golden eyes.

Testaglia's eyes widened with surprise while a smile formed on my face, I couldn't stand it, I needed to laugh, this absurd situation. 

-Where is that woman?!

-Who knows? I have a good friend down here who can give you the answer.


Testaglia shouted and from his wings, two beams of light shot towards me. 

-Let's stop playing

A sturdy wall of Ice was generated from the palm of my hand, the ice began to melt from the intense heat of Testaglia's attack, but as more ice melted even more ice was created to withstand the impact. 

After a few seconds the rays of light disappeared, leaving Testaglia standing with his gaze fixed on me. 

-Where is that woman?

he asked again 

-I wonder where she is? 


Testaglia clicks his tongue in irritation. 

Even though she's a powerful Angel she should be at the Count Rank at most, I only defended myself and didn't make an attack as such, I was just using my natural physical traits, Lilith probably noticed that....

I don't know what to do, the battle of the Elves stalled from the moment Testaglia showed up and I can only assume he's allied with one of the factions in this succession war, but he's only helping so he can get Anastasia 

Still, what kind of deal did they have to make to send an angel to this place?

There's no choice. 

I didn't want to have to use it, but given the situation, I have no choice. 

I circulate my energy that until now I was only using it to be able to heal my body quickly.

-Boy, the games are over

I reinforce my body with energy and quickly move towards Testaglia, he started to move his sword towards me, but I was already hitting his chest with a kick. 


He flew off towards the army of elves wearing blue armor. 

He quickly got up, his head was bleeding and he had several cuts on his face, without giving him time to react, I kicked the ground and flew towards Testaglia, he tried to swing his sword but it was useless, he was very stunned and could not react.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, my knee hit his abdomen and he flew towards a collapsed building.

The blue-armored elves around me had expressions of absolute terror as if the God of Death himself was in front of them. 

-Damn it!

Testaglia screams in frustration as he emerges from the rubble, the wings of light on his back flare open again, preparing for another bombardment.

-Why is your boss looking for Anastasia?

Although he knew it was unlikely to get any information out of her, he still had to try. 

-Even in death you won't get information out of me!

After shouting several beams shot from his wings, he had no particular target, he had been carried away by anger and was shooting in all directions, he was easily dodging the beams coming in my direction, but it wasn't the same story with the elves in the surroundings. 

Several elves were hit and were falling one by one.

They were trying to dodge them but it was absolutely impossible, screams of agony and despair flooded the place as the elves were falling more and more. 

I was tempted to kill him but in doing so I would make an enemy of someone, but... I don't know who or how powerful he is, I have no backup, nor anyone stronger than me who can use him as a cover. 

Hell being the only possible place I can turn to, is a death trap for me at the moment, it's barely been a few hours since we escaped from hell with Lilith and Aisha.

Making more enemies is simply not an option and I can't even get back to earth, and for that I need a teleportation circle. 

Probably in this realm I can get it, but... it must be absurdly difficult to achieve it, I don't know how the rules of this realm are, I have no idea.


I walked towards Testaglia dodging the rays that were coming in my direction. 

-You're lucky

I moved quickly and put my back to Testaglia and filling my fist with energy I hit his head.

I felt something break and Testaglia fell to the ground unconscious.

She probably won't die if she gets attention, though I don't know how angels work, but I know she's strong enough not to die from something like this 

-I seem to have gotten into something annoying definitely.

I looked up and could see the elves who had survived Testaglia's indiscriminate attack. 

They were looking at me frightened, some of them were trembling, while others had a blank expression 

Probably the brown armored elves will win this confrontation, the scales were destabilized because of Testaglia. 

While I was thinking about what to do Lilith came to my side. 

-Everything went just as I expected 

-You look very proud

-Of course, my beloved won a battle with ease, I feel very proud and especially because of the faces of those elves.

Lilith said with a smile while pointing at the elves around us. 

-He is their ally, at least I think so.

As she said that Lilith jumped towards me and wrapped her legs around my body, instinctively my hands moved towards Lilith's butt 

-Ooh, we have an exhibitionist

Lilith had a lustful expression adorning her beautiful face. 

-It doesn't seem like a bad idea

-Hum, I'll settle for now, take me.

-At your service my Queen

I started to walk with Lilith on my back, but before we could get far enough away a voice resounded in the place. 

-You made an enemy of the wrong one! You will regret it! All your acquaintances will die! 

Testaglia the male angel had woken up, I was honestly surprised at how quickly he regained consciousness, even if I hadn't hit him that hard, he was still amazing.

-Your family, your wife! -EVERYONE!

I turned around to see Testaglia, who was slowly getting to his feet. 

Lilith was also watching him although she didn't seem interested in the angel's words. 


No matter what he chooses, he will be my enemy, but killing him will be more troublesome, so it's better to let him live. 

I extended my hand in the air with my index finger pointing towards Testaglia. 


His sanity seems to be affected and I honestly didn't want to deal with that. 

A 10 cm diameter ice sphere was generated on the tip of my finger.

-Go to sleep now

The ice sphere shot out and hit Testaglia's forehead, leaving him unconscious and his body fell back to the floor. 

I resumed my walk towards the place where we were until a few minutes ago.

-It will only be a matter of time until we can get out. 

I said to Lilith who had her head resting on my shoulder. 

-We have to meet up with Aisha and Anastasia

Said Lilith although she didn't seem very happy with that. 

-Don't you like them?

-No, I hope they die

Lilith had a smile on her face as she said that. 

-However they both helped you, so despite being bitches hungry for my man, I tolerate them.

-But I'm yours, so you don't have to worry about that.

-I know ♥

Lilith gave me a kiss on my lips while smiling sweetly towards me.

What happened here? updating two days in a row

yes amazing

well, one more chapter of my novel, thanks for reading and if you like it I'd appreciate if you add it to your library, thank you

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